Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 993: Order in chaos

The plane landed and an agreed logistics company came to pick up the epidemic prevention materials.

Ren Haitao looked at the cold picture in front of him and the still orderly order, and felt that the situation was not as bad as he imagined.

After handing over the materials to the logistics company, Ren Haitao took the documents and carefully collected them. Only then did he contact the hospital to pick him up and walked out of the airport.

There are few people, this is the first feeling Tianhe City gives Ren Haitao and Chen Lu.

It is hard to imagine that the top ten major cities in the country will be so cold as the past nine provincial thoroughfares.

"Teachers, you have worked hard." The person who came to pick up the airport was a staff member of the hospital, and he said politely.

Especially after seeing Professor Barak, the clerk was a little surprised.

The United States began to evacuate overseas Chinese, which means that the situation has become more serious, and everyone is worried whether China will be isolated by the world.

In addition to the changes in the epidemic situation in Tianhe, the topic of the past two days is whether China will be judged as an epidemic country.

If that is the case, China's economy is expected to suffer an unprecedented major blow.

But there are foreigners who come to help Tianhe City. Is this the legendary Bethune?

"My God! It turned out to be like this!! It really is like this!!!" Professor Barak looked around and said in disbelief, "Is this the end of the world!"

"This..." As soon as the junior staff member said two words, another Professor Barack interrupted him.

"It's not the end of the world, it's very clean and tidy, it's just that there are no people. It seems that the parallel universe has taken most of the people away overnight."

"What about people?"

"Maybe they are all at home."

"Impossible! How can so many people stay at home honestly. Don't they need to socialize? Don't they need to party? Boredom can drive people crazy."

The clerk was ignorant, he didn't understand the situation at all. The foreigners who came to "support" kept talking messy things, which was a bit scary.

"Sorry, this is Professor Barack from the General Surgery Department of Massachusetts General Hospital." Ren Haitao and the staff member explained in a low voice, "He has a problem here."

With that said, Ren Haitao pointed to his brain.

Can you be a doctor if you have a brain problem? The clerk looked at Professor Barak in a daze, but he understood the position of Massachusetts General Hospital in the world medical community.

"Your name?"

"Dismiss your surname."

"You are Ren Haitao as the teacher. Teacher Wu said that he will come to pick up three people." The staff member said, "I will help you get things."

Followed the clerk out of the airport and got on a bus.

There is no warm welcome, everything is simple. After going out, the winter rain fell and the bones were slightly chilled.

"Everyone, Mr. Wu said to take everyone to the hotel to check in." The staff member said, "The problem now is that the hotel is a bit far from the hospital and motor vehicles are restricted."

"That means you have to walk to and from get off work?" Ren Haitao asked.

"Oh." The clerk said while helping. "At the beginning, there was a team of volunteers to take medical staff to and from get off work. But it is said that a driver of the motorcade contracted pneumonia yesterday and started fever. Everyone was scared. "

"..." Ren Haitao was speechless.

It's not because everyone is afraid of being speechless.

Faced with the pervasive virus, the drivers of the volunteer fleet risked their lives to pick up and drop off medical staff.

He was a little scared when he heard this Xiaoxi, because the medical staff after get off work turned out to be a way of transmission.

Think of the news that nearly a few hundred doctors and nurses have been diagnosed recently in the hospital...

Is this the perfect virus? It was really terrifying, Ren Haitao thought in his heart.

"But the hospital is studying the plan." The staff member said, "The city is mobilizing buses to take our hospital staff to and from get off work. But we are a small hospital with few people and we have to wait in line."

"It's okay, no matter where we live, we obey the command." Ren Haitao said cautiously.

He didn't want to continue thinking about any situation here, because it didn't make any sense to think about it. Not to mention a large city, even if the Second Hospital of Medical University suddenly encounters such a situation, it is an impossible task to ensure a relatively normal order.

The conditions are tough, just stick to it, Mr. Wu can do whatever he says. This is quite clear when he takes up the post of Haitao.

"What is Teacher Wu doing?" Ren Haitao asked.

"Out of the emergency room during the day, I went to the operating room for surgery after get off work yesterday." The clerk said.

"How many outpatients and surgical patients are now?"

"Many." The staff member said: "The large tertiary hospitals have become designated hospitals for pneumonia, focusing on treating patients with pneumonia. Other emergency patients don't dare to go, so as soon as we heard that we can still see a doctor and perform an operation here, They are all coming."

"How many operations did Mr. Wu do yesterday?"

"16 units of appendicitis, 8 units of cholecystitis." The clerk seems to be unable to believe this data until now. "Our hospital has general surgeons supported by Xiehe. They said they have never seen such a fast operation speed."

"Done all night?!" Ren Haitao asked in surprise.

Going out to the emergency room during the day, and night surgery at night, is Teacher Wu doing this for death?

"It seems that I went back after 12 o' Wu performed the operation quickly, and appendicitis takes an average of 10 minutes."


"Surgery. Now the consumables of the endoscope can't keep up, all the capacity must ensure the basic life of the residents."

Ren Haitao learned about the current situation in Tianhe City.

Only emergency surgery is performed, and slow diagnosis is not involved for the time being, which is also within a reasonable range.

Even for cancer patients, waiting for a week is not a big problem, and even for patients with acute appendicitis, there will be a considerable part of perforation and secondary peritonitis after waiting for a week. This is terrible!

The clerk's cell phone rang, and he quickly connected.

After a brief exchange, the junior staff looked happy.

"Teacher Ren, the owner of a small hotel next to the hospital said we can live there."


"It is said that I heard that the medical staff had no place to live, so the boss dismissed all the employees and left the keys so that the medical staff who came to support could live in casually."

Live anywhere...

No service staff...

This is the first time Ren Haitao has encountered such a situation.

"Let's take a look first." Ren Haitao said.

Contacted Mr. Wu and estimated that at this point he should be wearing protective clothing and is out of the emergency room, and it is impossible to answer the phone.

Let's grab a bed first! Ren Haitao had a plan in mind.

The bus stopped in front of a small hotel in the business district next to the Third People's Hospital of Donghu District, less than 500 meters away from the hospital.

"I'll go to the boss to ask about the situation." The small section member said cheerfully.

Ren Haitao followed him in.

A woman in her thirties wearing a blue surgical mask was sitting at the front desk, swiping her ID card and checking in.

"Hello, I am from our third hospital." The clerk stepped forward to say hello.

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