Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 997: Remember what you said

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

The appendix arteries and ligaments are ligated, the appendix is ​​cut off, the purse string is sutured after disinfection, flushed, and the operation is over.

Wu Mian did not step down. He stayed on the operating table "rarely", sutured layer by layer with Professor Barak, and ended the operation within 15 minutes.

The next patient has been sent in, and he is obviously a little confused and scared.

But the severe abdominal pain made him intolerable, so he could only choose to undergo surgery at this time.

Ordinary people are very unfamiliar with the operating room itself, and the medical staff in it are fully equipped, and the patients are even more frightened.

Wu Mian went to the semi-contaminated area, took off the outer surgical gown, changed the mask and gloves, returned to the contaminated area, put on a new mask, brushed his hands, put on surgical gowns, and gloves, and started a new operation.

"Doctor, we won't be infected with pneumonia, right?" the patient asked nervously.

"In theory, it is possible." Wu Mian said, "If it is not contagious, we don't need to wear protective clothing for surgery."

"..." The patient didn't expect the doctor's answer to be so direct, without saying anything good.

"But you don't need to worry." Wu Mian said, "The chance of being infected in the operating room is extremely small. Now the hospital is safer than your home."


"Patients are hospitalized for nucleic acid testing." Wu Mian said, "Positive patients are sent to Xiehe and Tongji for treatment, and all negative patients are left. Although emergency patients can't wait long, a few hours are fine."

"But I heard that the nucleic acid test is very unreliable, and some are positive and can't be done. It takes two or three times."

"When a brand-new and perfect virus appeared, a large-scale nucleic acid test could be done in less than a month. This is beyond my expectation! Normally, nucleic acid test reagents can only appear on the market in 3-5 years. Come on." Professor Barak changed his clothes and stood in the position of his assistant, speaking in fluent Mandarin.

Wearing heavy protective clothing, under layers of protection, the patient can't see Professor Barak's face clearly. He felt that the tone of his speech was a bit strange, unlike a doctor in Tianhe City.

Maybe it's the doctors who support from other places, they just communicate like this locally?

"Can you have a better attitude?" The patient said unhappily, "I just want to consult, how can you..."

"There are monitoring equipment in the operating room, and every word you say will be recorded." Professor Barack said indifferently. "Be prepared to communicate with your lawyer and see if any young lawyers will..."

"Bellak, this is China." Wu Mian interrupted Professor Barak, "I'm sorry, this is Professor Barak from Massachusetts, USA. He is not familiar with our medical rules here."

"..." The patient was taken aback while lying on the operating table.

"Oss, am I wrong?" Professor Barack said, "China is really strong now. In the face of a perfect virus, it is beyond my imagination to be able to persist for such a long time."

"Shut up, disinfect." Wu Mian said.

Professor Barack felt that he was really numb. The symptoms of respiratory alkalosis that oss just mentioned were getting worse and slower.

I should have been bewitched by him, these evil psychiatrists!

Professor Barack worked hard to cheer up, the more you do this, the more serious you must be. Otherwise, the oss will scold someone and you will not be able to hold it.

"This is a doctor from the United States?" the patient asked doubtfully.

"Yeah." Wu Mian, as a senior doctor, stood aside and watched Professor Barak disinfection.

"Didn't it mean that the U.S. has withdrawn its overseas Chinese?"

"You talk a lot." Professor Barack said "shamelessly", "Do you know Bethune? I have heard from oss. To commemorate this Canadian surgeon, one of your universities is named after Bethune. Oss, you say Will a university be named after me?"

"You? What did you do?" Wu Mian asked.

"I will provide you with a console, and don't forget to save the dying and heal the wounded when you are most dangerous. That's what you said."

"Impossible, stop dreaming." Wu Mian said, "You are just an ordinary member of the medical team, and the speed of disinfection for each operation is not constant. Do you think you are qualified? Use your name to name a university ? I didn't even think that the Massachusetts Medical School would name it after me."

"Oss, you said that Doctor Bethune braved artillery to perform surgery, and I am the same now. This **** virus is simply a purgatory test for developing countries."

"Oh? You mean that the United States can prevent the epidemic perfectly?" Wu Mian asked, lowering his head.

"Of course, in the Great Apes War, Europe and the United States have been seen by the virus, and a single ape flu almost wiped out human civilization. But in reality, similar bird flu and swine flu are often circulating in the United States, but they have never evolved to the point where the city needs to be closed down. ."

"The Ebola virus invaded France in 2014. This virus is powerful enough, but it has also been contained in a timely manner.

Because the information flow in European and American countries is very free and early warning system is also very advanced. Once an epidemic breaks out, the whole society will immediately know about it and enter a state of alert to kill the virus in its infancy. "

"Bellak, I hope you remember what you said today." Wu Mian has completed the incision, bluntly separated, and began to do peritoneal protection.

Professor Barack was taken aback, and he immediately said, "No! Oss, listen to me to explain! I didn't mean that."

"No need to explain." Wu Mian said lightly, "No need to tell me that after the outbreak of swine flu in 2009, your Great America used guns to force other countries not to block routes, and whoever blocks them will be sanctioned.

You don’t have to tell me about the e-cigarette pneumonia in Wisconsin, Barack, you just need to remember what you said today. "

Barak forgot to hook up, forget to do what his assistant should do, and felt Wu Mian's suppressed anger in a daze.

Oss's attitude was simply terrible. Instead of scolding himself, he continued the operation. The tone of the speech is also very flat, and most Belak knows that the oss seems to have been ignited by himself.

"Barack, as a life scientist, you should have the most basic common sense!" Another Barack almost roared, "In 2009, when h1n1 was popular in Great America and Mexico, 12,000 people died in the United States. The government has accumulated While spending 4.3 billion on antiviral drugs, it spent $8.5 billion on media promotion."


"Idiot, no, let the virus spread. This is a traditional practice. There are many people who will be infected by the virus and cannot get medical resources. Just manage the media well. Those guys who can't even count, they don't fart. knowledge……"

"Ready to rinse." Wu Mian said lightly, and the middle curve of the appendix clamped by the forceps fell into the pathological basin with a crisp sound.

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