Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 998: Walk faster

"Oss?" Professor Barak looked at Wu Mian cautiously, but couldn't see Wu Mian's expression through the transparent mask, goggles, and mask, and couldn't tell whether oss was angry or not.

"You speak less, otherwise the respiratory alkalosis will get worse and worse, and you will be pushed out for rescue in the end." Wu Mian asked for warm salt water and began to rinse.

"I didn't mean it." Professor Barak quickly cooperated with Wu Mian to do the flushing, looking for bleeding points, "In fact, I felt very strange when I got off the plane."

"Oh." Wu Mian replied indifferently.

"In my imagination, it is impossible to conduct a large-scale quarantine, or a large city with a scale of ten million or more, without the army and the National Guard."

"You mean the hurricane? The losses reached trillions, there was chaos everywhere plus zero-dollar purchases, didn't you?"

"Yes, I have accepted one..."

"Close the abdomen." Wu Mian said, "What you said is meaningless, do the operation properly. If you talk less, even if there is only a little, we will already have to go back to the hotel to sleep at this time."

"Oss, the people in this country and here are really good, everyone is honestly at home..."

"I'm not angry, you don't need to say this." Wu Mian began to suture the peritoneum, and the thread scissors, middle bend, and needle holder switched back and forth in his hand.

The movements were clean and neat, the two layers of gloves did not cause Wu Mian a little bit of trouble, and his techniques were still horrifying.

"What I am curious about is that e-cigarette pneumonia has erupted many times, why..." Wu Mian said half a sentence and stopped.

"Then what?" Professor Barack asked.

"No then, next one."

No matter what Professor Barack asked, even if he was about to split a third personality, Wu Mian didn't say a word.

I don't know how long it has been before today's surgery is over.

Chu Zhixi, Zheng Kaixuan and two nurses were still helping in the emergency room. Wu Mian asked them to change their clothes and prepare to go back to rest.

Taking off the goggles, the deep mark was shocking.

"Oss! You look embarrassed!" Professor Barack exclaimed happily, "You know, now I'll take a picture of you. The bitters in Cleveland and Mayo will definitely be willing to pay a big price for them. I just want to see you in a panic, but you have never had a chance."

"Aren't you feeling tight in your chest or shortness of breath?" Wu Mian raised her head and glanced at Barak and asked.

"After taking off the protective items, it's better to take two deep breaths." Professor Barack said.

"Does the numbness and needle-like sensation in the hands and feet disappear?"


"What about the sense of fear?" Wu Mian's eyes were suddenly sharp.

"..." Professor Barak was taken aback, "oss, don't scare me."

Wu Mian lit a cigarette and smoked quietly while sitting in the locker room. He picked up the phone and started to look through the mailbox.

There are several new emails in the mailbox. The emails are very large and the opening speed is a bit slow.

Professor Barak did not look at Wu Mian's mobile phone with a probe, but he muttered to himself, "It's too tired. I would rather go back to Massachusetts for a day of surgery than wear protective clothing for 8 hours of surgery. "

"Have you forgotten the working hours in Massachusetts long ago? In Massachusetts, you can do up to 6 hours of surgery a day, and you don't even have one. The work intensity here is too great to accept it." Another Barack The professor said.

"It's hard to imagine how much pressure the people here are under. I feel like I'm going to collapse just one day."

"The oss is still there. If you don't want to return to China with the second batch of evacuation planes, you'd better shut up."

Wu Mian read the mail quietly, his hand speed was extremely fast, and the occasional pause was caused by the network transmission speed.

After smoking a cigarette, Wu Mian put away the phone.

"Oss, who is looking for you for the operation?" Professor Barack asked.

"It's not an operation, it's an email from the virus laboratory." Wu Mian said without concealing it, "I'm looking for a new strain of the virus that has recently been mutated."


Wu Mian did not continue to explain to Professor Barak, but called Chen Lu and asked her time.

Girls always slow down, and Wu Mian is not in a hurry, standing quietly in front of the window of the dressing room, watching the lights of Wanjia in Tianhe City in the distance.

From a distance, Tianhe City was peaceful and quiet, with no trace of fighting. It's just that there are countless pedestrians and cars on the street, and there are a lot of neon flashes in the city.

Quietly, as if waiting for the moment of recovery.

I don't know if this moment will come.

"Ms. Wu, don't you feel tired?" Ren Haitao asked.

"I'm okay."

"It was the first time for me to wear a protective suit for anesthesia. I didn't feel anything on the stage just now. After I got down, I started to feel sore." Ren Haitao said bitterly.

"Just go out and breathe two fresh air." Wu Mian said, "Basically it is caused by respiratory alkalosis."

"How do I feel that your level of surgery has not dropped but faster than before?" Ren Haitao asked.

"You said the operations in the provincial capital. Those operations themselves are not very difficult, and they are not racing, and there is no time needed. Naturally do them slowly." Wu Mian said, "It's different here. I can do them sooner. After that, go back to rest early."

"This is...your limit?" Ren Haitao asked in surprise.

"I can't say the limit. It's a marathon. I want to evenly distribute my physical strength and attention. The speed of the operation is not important. It doesn't make any sense to do such a limit except bragging."

The two chatted briefly. Professor Barrac was chatting with himself, saying that this will be an unforgettable experience in the future. After returning to Massachusetts, he can perform surgery with other medical staff in protective clothing.

[I used to cross the mountains and the sea...]

Wu Mian's mobile phone rang, and Chen Lu had changed her clothes and greeted everyone to go together.

Walking out of the locker room, Wu Mian saw Chen Lu lowered his head, and he asked, "Da Lu, what's wrong? Uncomfortable?"

"No." Chen Lu said, "With a wrinkled face, she feels like she has become an old witch, so she is embarrassed to raise her head."

This is a common thought among girls, and Wu Mian doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

Every time Chu Zhixi came out to change clothes, she seemed to be dozens of years old.

After Chu Zhixi, Zheng Kaixuan and the two nurses also finished changing their clothes, the team finished the day's work and walked back.

Because of the restrictions on motor vehicles and the infection of the drivers of the volunteer convoy, traveling has become a difficult task.

Wu Mian also didn't want to rent a bus from the hospital. After all, his time was not fixed, and the bus was a confined space.

Under the current circumstances, even Wu Mian would have some psychological obstacles when facing a confined space without wearing protective clothing.

Walk faster.

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