Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1002: Who gives you the right to purchase

"Uh..." Han Guangyun was startled.

"Chan Han, the virus is more dangerous than you think. If you are on the front line, you must wear a mask. It is best to be n95, and I will send it to you later to see and keep a few." Matthew De said, "Another front-line employee It also needs to be changed every 4 hours. This cannot be saved."

Han Guangyun was working hard.

"Ma Yuan, it's in the first-level response state now."

"You can't be constrained in doing things. You shouldn't let the medical staff go to work."

"No, I just sent someone who has nothing to do back home."

"That's good, all the more than 1,000 medical staff go to work, and the spare masks in the hospital will be gone for two or three days. Where can I add them at this time?"

"Oh, Ma Yuan, I am also worried."

"Don't worry, no one cares about this. You know that you can take care of patients with fever." Matthew De counseled, "Today the Leishenshan Hospital has begun to be built, and Henan is also preparing for the rainy day and starting to build its own Xiaotangshan Hospital."

"I've watched the news. Ma Yuan, did you say Henan did this right? He didn't have many confirmed patients."

"It's not right, it's quite necessary! Once the epidemic spreads, Henan will be a populous province, and the pressure will be even greater after the collapse." Matthew De said, "Building early is not a bad thing. It's a waste of raw materials, but once Fuck it when you don’t have it."

"Hey, what did you say did you usually do."

Matthew was silent for a few seconds, and then asked, "Chan Han, is the medical treatment in Japan good?"

"Okay, No. 1 in Asia... It seems that Li Jiapo is also good."

"There are only 1,800 negative pressure infectious hospital beds in Japan." Matthew De said, "If you do it early, it's like you suspect Henan's approach, it's impossible."

Han Guangyun smiled helplessly, extremely bitter.

"Today the Health Commission said that the epidemic is in the early stage of divergence. Chu Han, I don't know if you understand it or not, and I suggest you be prepared for a long-term battle."

"I know, Ma Yuan." Han Guangyun felt warm, and said quickly, "But now it's dew, no one knows what to do. The number of patients has dropped significantly compared to the same period in previous years, but the hospitals are all elderly people. It is here to prescribe the medicine. I am also worried that once a large-scale infection occurs, the consequences will be disastrous."

The new type of pneumonia is now recognized as a self-limiting disease. There is no specific drug treatment, and it can only fight against resistance.

The elderly with low resistance did not even know how to be afraid, which caused Han Guangyun a headache.

I really don't know what the elderly people who are usually afraid of death are terrible, and even give birth to various lecture halls in the community to cheat money industry think.

When it came to the critical moment, they didn't seem to realize that the crisis was coming, and they rushed to the most dangerous place, unable to stop them.

"First of all, Teacher Wu is very busy these days, I find time to ask him what to do." Matthew De said.

"Mayuan, the Health Commission said that the incubation period is 14 days, is that true?"

"How can I listen to it? Now all the research is inaccurate, like a preliminary clinical diagnosis. We just do the work, and we just need to do the work neatly." Matthew De began to slip and not leave his hands again. .


"Everyone was a little panicked. Shantou just said that the city would be closed in the morning, but it was revoked in the afternoon. Who knows what it will turn out to be..." Matthew was also particularly helpless.

"I read the notice from Shantou, and I'm probably afraid that the economy will be over after the city is closed."

"Yeah, it is difficult now. The press conference in Tianhe City today said that about 5 million people have left Tianhe and are scattered across the country." Matthew De said, "Chan, you must pay attention to people with a history of travel in the affected area. , The flow adjustment work should be done steadily."

The number of 5 million Han Guangyun knew that he clearly remembered his brain buzzing when he saw the news, and he almost blew himself up.

Although Montenegro Province is located on the frontier, there will not be so many people coming.

but! With an incubation period of 14 days, as long as one person comes in for a virus carrier with strong infectious ability, it is quite terrifying.

Faced with this virus, Han Guangyun was powerless and wanted to give up resistance.

Lie down, what else?

In Han Guangyun's view, no matter what work you do or how hard you work hard, it is futile.

"By the way, Guangdong Province said today that you will be punished if you don't wear a mask when you go out. I think this is very important." Matthew De reminded.

Han Guangyun felt that it was meaningless.

Faced with a virus with a ro value of at least 3 and an incubation period of up to 14 days, any effort is futile.

"That's it for the time being, Chief Han. I'm still busy with things here. The driver will contact you for a while. You can accept the mask and make an IOU." Matthew De concluded the conversation.

Han Guangyun replied weakly.

"Xiao Han, I heard that Dean He isolates himself at home?"

"MB! He is... uh... yes, Ma Yuan." Han Guangyun blurted out and began to curse, and then realized that he could only curse secretly, not in front of others.

Knowing the person, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, who knows who will stumble oneself.

"Haha." Matthew Dee smiled, he fully understood Han Guangyun's emotions, "That's it, I'll hang up."

Listening to the beeping sound of the mobile phone, Han Guangyun stared at the wall in a daze. He was in a daze for 3 minutes before calming his mind and dealing with the mask.

In his opinion, everything he did was a man's arm as a car, and it was useless.

But there is always something to be done.

"Dean He, how is your health?" Han Guangyun dialed He Xin's phone, trying to make his speech softer, and even put on a fake smile on his face.

"It's okay, are you looking for something to do with me?" He Xin asked impatiently.

"The hospital masks are not enough. I contacted the Jianxie Hospital and distributed 1,000 n95 masks." Han Guangyun said about n95 masks, thinking that he could solve the clinical urgent need, and felt a little better. "Dean You are in quarantine and cannot sign. Let me ask you for instructions. What are we going to do?"

"You are the chief of medical affairs, who gives you the right to purchase?!"

What awaited Han Guangyun were cold words.

"..." Han Guangyun's mind went blank.

Dean He's words resounded in his ears like a thunderstorm in a dry land.

The clinic is so special, these masks are very likely to keep the second hospital safe for 2-3 days.

But at this time, Dean He actually said the right to purchase...

Isn't I asking for instructions and reporting?

On the phone, Han Guangyun didn't hear clearly what the other side said, he just subconsciously responded.

He finally understood why the situation was so critical and why the hospital refused social assistance...

Han Guangyun's heart is full of grass and mud horses, whizzing past.

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