Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1003: Sudden collapse

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

The news media are also taking action these days.

In recent times, ordinary people have not been able to reach the hospital, and cannot know the situation in the front line, especially the situation in the severe disease. This has led to all kinds of specious rumors, and the Internet is full of random rumors.

CCTV reporter Yang and his team came to the front line, interviewed medical staff in critically ill cases, and brought the most front-line news to the people across the country.

Only the truth can alleviate the panic.

Guo Ruming has also been looking for opportunities to get into the front line. It doesn't make much sense to leave the empty streets of Tianhe City on location.

He met a reporter from CCTV.

In the clean office area of ​​a large lung specialist hospital in Tianhe City, reporter Yang is holding a microphone with the CCTV logo to interview the director of ICU.

At the appointed time, a critically ill patient came, and Director Hu led the team to intubate and go to eo for rescue.

After the rescue, when the patient's condition is slightly stable and the blood oxygen level rises, Director Hu will have to check the room to get out of the ICU.

After waiting for more than two hours, Reporter Yang was not upset, he just sighed with the exhaustion of front-line work. In these days, seeing more life and death embarrassment, reporter Yang is more and more able to empathize, and realize the difficulty of front-line medical staff.

After going deep into the front line, reporter Yang knew why Director Hu didn't come out for an interview immediately after the rescue, but had to see a circle of patients first-Director Hu was wearing protective clothing in ICU and couldn't bear to take it off.

Reporter Yang waited patiently, chatted softly with Guo Ruming, and quietly watched the doctor in the office record the patient's condition changes, just like what they did before.

Just chatting with the little doctor, Reporter Yang knows that everyone is worried, but once they enter the working state, those emotions will be thrown out of the sky.

Entering various values ​​and rounds several times a day, the course records are still written in accordance with the specifications and meticulous.

Originally thought that the front line had collapsed to the point of irreversibility, but looking at the presence of these doctors, Reporter Yang felt a little more confident in his heart.

They are like PLA fighters on the front line of flood fighting, indestructible.

Maybe everything will pass, it's all clouds and smoke.

"Reporter Yang, Director Guo, I'm sorry, the rescue was delayed." Director Hu changed his clothes and went to the doctor's office in the clean area, wearing a blue surgical mask, and greeted the reporter with embarrassment.

"Director Hu, you are too polite." Reporter Yang stood up and said with a smile, "Let's interview the front-line medical staff, can I ask you some questions?"

Director Hu is not tall, wears black resin glasses, and his hair is not long. He is tied into strands by sweat and lies on his head.

On his forehead can be seen the deep strangle mark left by the goggles.

Director Hu was wearing a dark blue isolation suit, as if he had just been fished out of the water, sweaty.

"Please speak."

"The front-line work is very tiring now, isn't it."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Director Hu said honestly, "The main thing is to wear protective clothing and goggles, which are not breathable. There are often rescues. After a few hours, I feel that the whole person is in a dehydrated state."

"Let's sit and say, don't worry, you take a drink and rest first." Reporter Yang said.

Director Hu took a sip of water, took a sigh of relief, and began to accept the interview.

Facing the camera, Director Hu was a little nervous and anxious. Reporter Yang had "experienced all kinds of battles" and could see that the director who was interviewed was trying to suppress his nervousness.

When facing the camera for the first time, tension is inevitable. Reporter Yang understands it very well.

He asked a few questions that he had prepared long ago, like a small chat, and slowly Director Hu relaxed.

The reporter and Director Guo didn't mean the slightest embarrassment. They both asked about some clinical conditions. Director Hu also knew what could be said and what could not be said. He picked up what he could say and chatted to the camera.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Director Hu took out his cell phone and took a look, he smiled at reporter Yang embarrassedly. Wearing a blue surgical mask to block his smile, only the eyes behind the glasses can be seen squinting.

"Director Hu, you are busy, please answer the phone first." Reporter Yang said empathetically.


There was a voice on the phone. Reporter Yang was far away and didn't hear clearly what was being said. Guo Ruming gestured to the camera crew to follow up.

Director Hu ignored the camera, he stood up suddenly, his face pale.

Tears came out of the eyes, so turbulent.

Director Hu turned around and ran towards the door of the doctor's office. He lifted his glasses with the back of his hand while walking, trying to wipe away the tears.

"How are people? Are you on the ventilator!" Director Hu asked with a trembling voice.

Reporter Yang and Guo Ruming were both stunned. Guo Ruming winked, and his photographer immediately followed Director Hu to record.

"Isn't there any protective clothing? How can I say... if you are infected, you are infected..." Director Hu said in tears.

When he walked to the door, he hung up the phone, took off his glasses, covered his face with his hands, and squatted on the ground crying bitterly.

From Director Hu’s words, Guo Ruming and reporter Yang could guess what happened. They did not interrupt Director Hu's emotions and let him cry in front of the camera.

A clinical director in his forties, facing CCTV reporters and well-known national directors, lost control of his emotions and cried heartbroken, like a child.

Guo Ruming overturned the five-flavored bottle in his heart, making him particularly uncomfortable. My nose was sore, tears rolled in my eyes.

An unexpected news completely defeated Director Hu’s psychological He no longer pretended, no longer tried to show a smile, remain elegant, and his heart was sad.

"Director Guo, Reporter Yang, please stop recording," a middle-aged doctor pleaded.

"What's wrong with Director Hu?" Guo Ruming asked in a low voice.

"In the morning, Director Icu Yuan from the hospital next door said that he was out of breath and went for an examination. Director Hu was very worried. I think... it may be a diagnosis."

The doctor didn't dare to persuade Director Hu, and stood beside Guo Ruming helplessly.

Guo Ruming made a gesture, and the photographer was startled, but still stopped recording.

Director Hu was saying something, but he couldn't hear what he said clearly in the sad sobbing under the wash of tears.

Guo Ruming could only hear a few incomplete words intermittently.

How can I say that I can't do it...

Yesterday was fine...

Guo Ruming wiped his tears, feeling that the mask made his breathing particularly unsmooth, and his chest was very tight. He really wanted to take off the mask and take a deep breath.

The situation has been so bad that the clouds in the sky seem to be lower, pressing on everyone's heart.

The virus is fair. As long as you fight on the front line, you can't avoid the possibility of infection. Even the director of ICU is no different from others in the view of the virus.

Even the dean who came to the frontline command was infected.

Moreover, from Director Hu's words, we can vaguely guess that his friend, Director Yuan, was in a good state before, but suddenly he said that he could not do it, for fear that he was already on a ventilator.

Guo Ruming stared blankly, knowing that today's recording could not continue. Although this is the truest emotion of front-line staff at this moment...

Although he knew he needed a profession...

But Guo Ruming felt that his emotions would also collapse.

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