Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1005: Tough decisions

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

A few days passed by in a hurry.

Wu Mian didn't know what happened in various cities.

His eyes were red, and he didn't sleep for days and nights, and he fell into a strange state of excitement.

Single-stranded RNA viruses change almost all the time, and no one can predict what the next change will be.

In response to the newly issued "perfect" virus, researchers including Wu Mian found that it was basically unable to quarantine measures, and public health measures were still very effective.

On February 1, the principal and the third batch of medical teams from the Imperial Capital to support Tianhe came here.

The conclusion was reported, and the conclusion that made Wu Mian anxious was reported to the highest level.

The rest is no longer a pure medical problem, but a social problem.

It is not only Tianhe City that needs to press the pause button, but the whole country.

need to be able to do this,

Need countless material reserves

Need to ban the majority of people in the country

Companies that need the necessary cannot stop functioning

Need national doctors to work overtime

Need to fully move the entire state apparatus

In short

need one




Regarding the plan proposed by the principal, Wu Mian didn't know if it could be done.

But every time he was pessimistic and disappointed, he would remember the loud national anthem that night.

There should be a chance.

This is not a small move, but the most magnificent mobilization in human history.

It is not a war, it is better than a war.



In Bajingzi, 3's mask field, Duan Fei was called by a cell phone ringing. He opened his eyes, just like Wu Mian, bloodshot in his eyes, scary red.

Because of the epidemic, the price of masks has skyrocketed, but there is no market for them.

All medical supplies are first supplied to Tianhe City, then to hospitals in various places, and finally to meet market demand.

Duan Fei, who has always been a fan of money, has not been taken away by the high prices. He is just willing to count how many masks the factory has produced, and how much money will he make if it is put on the market.

Although I can't sell it, I'm very happy just thinking about it. It seems that the money appears on the company's books, which proves that his manager is not a vegetarian meal.

Three times the salary, the production line is open all day long, and each mask on the assembly line is really produced like flowing water.

This is a money printing machine!

It's a pity that it can't be sold.

Duan Fei leaned against the wall and took a nap, as if he was not asleep at all. The rest time was fleeting in the blink of an eye.

"Mi Lier, you rest, I'll come." Duan Fei and Li Yiqing wearing a sterile cap and mask said.

"Brother Fei, I'm not tired, you will sleep again." Li Yiqing looked at the mask on the assembly line intently, doing what she should do. His hands and feet are swift, and he can't see the appearance of his weak body just after the operation.

It's just that the fatigue caused by spinning makes the blush of her cheeks clearer, like two fire clouds on the blue surgical mask.

"You have to rest more, and they said that you don't need to come." Duan Fei babbled.

"I can't do anything, just come to help." Li Yiqing said, "The flannel can be used for more than a day, Brother Fei, you urge it."

"Yeah." Duan Fei nodded.

Various raw materials for the production of masks and protective clothing experienced a short-term price surge, and were pushed back by invisible hands and quickly returned to their original levels.

It seems that there is no huge demand-side demand.

Duan Fei, the other factory, didn't know that the three mask factories he managed provided masks to Tianhe City and provincial cities at low prices, and only to hospitals.

Fortunately, a batch of raw materials was stored a year ago. Fortunately, President Ma ordered a batch of goods, so that the mask factory in Bajingzi can continuously produce and export masks.

As the days passed, the supply of raw materials that were in short supply gradually resumed. Duan Fei doesn't know how many people are busy after this, but every time he sees the driver of the 16-wheel heavy truck transporting supplies, he knows that there must be countless people working silently.

"Brother Fei, go and work, I'll do it for a while." Li Yiqing said, "I've just been up for 3 hours, and I'm not tired yet, really."

"You have just finished the operation. Pay attention to your body." Duan Fei said distressedly.

"No, it's been more than a month after the operation." Li Yiqing didn't look at Duan Fei, her eyes were fixed on the assembly line, doing her own work. "The doctor said that rehabilitation exercises must be done, which happens to be an activity. "

Duan Fei knew that he couldn't hold back Li Yiqing. The girl looked weak, but she was stubborn like a stone in her heart.

But... can it really work? Duan Fei knew that Li Yiqing was not a rehabilitation exercise at all, but a skilled worker's work day and night. It's just that Li Yiqing would not leave anything, because there is still a shortage of people in the factory, and Duan Fei has no better way.

He had no choice but to care about a few more softly, and hurriedly contacted Raw Materials.

The transportation location of raw materials must be determined and planned, and production cannot be stopped even for one hour or one minute.

Not only mask factories, but also major automobile manufacturers across the country have also modified their production lines and started producing masks.

Only the United States during World War II had done such a magnificent scene to change production and start the state apparatus.

But now on the land of China, the machines roar, and countless anti-epidemic materials are finally produced from the production line continuously, and then sent to the places where they are most needed through logistics.

The situation has changed unconsciously.

Although it is very subtle, even the people in it did not feel the obvious change. The bad news continues one after another, and the curve of confirmed patients continues to rise, tenaciously like the flood of 1998.


As the days passed, the Leishenshan Hospital, which was broadcast live on the whole network, was almost complete. The infrastructure madness is fully fired, and the large infectious disease hospital is about to be put into use within a period of time like a magic trick.

However, this is far from enough.

This time Tianhe City and the whole country are facing far more challenges than the 2003 s virus. Among people's limited cognition, there is no similar successful case to learn from.

Countless eyes looking forward to the collapse of Huaxia looked at Tianhe,

Numerous ill-intentioned ids have contributed to the flames on the Internet,

United Airlines announced the grounding of all destinations in mainland China on the evening of January 31, local time.

The so-called international aid from the United States has not arrived.

Watching their secretary of state talk freely, saying that they have aided China with US$200 million in epidemic prevention materials, a wave of praise has been set off on the Internet. It's just that they don't care if there are any of these materials.

Even the noisy and boiling evacuees on the Internet use cargo planes. A large number of people think that it is the cargo planes used by the United States to send aid supplies.

For these, Wu Mian did not pay attention. He goes out to the clinic and performs operations every day, and his life pattern is like when he is in the hospital.

In the area of ​​public opinion, there are always people who are holding bad feet. It's not a day or two.

What Wu Mian worries about is what kind of mentality the income patients will be if the Fangcang shelter hospital is put into use.

Abandoning, gathering together and waiting for death, the combination of various pessimism and frustration will cause unpredictable consequences.

Wu Mian didn't know what kind of consequences would be magnified through Tianhe City. As long as he thinks about it, he feels a fast heartbeat and even aura of atrial fibrillation.

Wu Mian and the principal had talked countless times about large-scale isolation hospitals, and he was against it in his heart. But the principal insisted that Wu Mian had no good way to persuade the principal.

The key is that there are few solutions, or only one-strictly follow scientific procedures. As for those "unexpected" situations, what solutions are encountered.

The principal's plan is actually very simple.

The large tertiary A hospitals, the newly built Vulcan and Raytheon hospitals are used to treat severely ill patients, and patients with mild illnesses go to shelters for isolation. According to the plan, it is quite perfect.

But life is not a game. A patient with emotional breakdown may cause the emotional breakdown of thousands of patients, and the square cabin may be the first domino to fall.

Wu Mian has been worried these days. Since the principal went to report and express his attitude, he has fallen into an inexplicable anxiety.

After finishing the day's work, it was almost early morning when I returned to the hotel.

Sitting on the chair, Wu Mian looked out the window, thinking about what might happen and how to cope.

"Brother, do you think you think too much?" Chu Zhixi didn't sleep either, she asked softly.

The voice is very soft, like a kitten.

Her voice trembled a little, Chu Zhixi knew the principal's plan. As long as she thought of the consequences, she felt very scared.

At this time, Chu Zhixi wanted to get some good news.

But Wu Mian is definitely not the kind of person who can tell good news. He squinted at the night of Tianhe City and didn't know what he was thinking.

"No." Wu Mian replied affirmatively.

"I think movies like "Infectious Diseases" talk about centralized isolation. In the infectious disease class, the teacher also talked about the standard process, and the principal was right." Chu Zhixi said softly.

"Outside there must be fully armed military personnel." Wu Mian sighed. "That is the understanding of isolation by foreigners. Now the Internet thinks that isolation is jzy."

"No way."

Chu Zhixi could not say that, there are two meanings, Wu Mian is clear.

"We won't, they will. But in public opinion, they always have the upper hand." Wu Mian said, "The conditions are difficult. If you want to live like a home, it will be impossible for a while. The principal thinks we don't have time. I can only bite the bullet."

"I still think you are too anxious, and the centralized isolation is for everyone's good."

"For your own good, there are more people doing bad things. There are many problems with centralized isolation, not to mention the possibility of virus mutation. Now it is not high. Although the new virus has a single-stranded RNA structure, its mutation The level is a bit worse than the flu..."

"Will it mutate?" Chu Zhixi asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Wu Mian said, "Probably speaking, the establishment of shelters may lead to cross-infection and virus mutation, but if the problem is solved within a month, the probability of this situation is almost equivalent to that of appendicitis. The patient suddenly suffered from hemorrhagic shock and had to open his abdomen a second time."

"Hahaha, what are you still worried about?" Chu Zhixi smiled dryly, not like the spring water Dingdong of Laoyashan, but like a forest burned by a mountain fire, with sparks in the laughter.

"National luck." Wu Mian said, "Although the probability is too low to be considered, once it appears, tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people will die for it."

"I think the possibility is too low." Chu Zhixi looked in the mirror and rubbed her face hard to reduce the scars on her face.

In the first few days, the strangulation will soon ease.

However, as time goes by, the scars become heavier, and it takes longer and longer for the collagen-filled face to return to normal.

"Worry at the beginning? Now that there are data, these risks are worth taking." Wu Mian said, "But there are more worrying things. For example, the shelter hospital has limited conditions, such as insufficient toilets, what do you say? ?"

"..." Chu Zhixi never thought about a similar problem.

"In the hospital, many patients have to live in single rooms, and they feel that other people are noisy. Nowadays, thousands of people live together. Insomnia and dreams cause high blood pressure. How do you deal with it?"

Wu Mian continued to ask.


"The shelter does not have that condition. Everyone is treated the same. There are always patients who can't adapt to the shelter. What are you going to do when you encounter this type of patient?"


"Suppose a patient has an emotional breakdown and weeping saying that we will all be killed, causing other patients in the Fangcang shelter hospital to have an emotional breakdown, travel multiple ways, and a Mecca stampede, what should be done?"

"Impossible!" Chu Zhixi forgot to knead her face in surprise, staring blankly at her increasingly uglier self in the bombing camp, there are no descriptions of this kind in history books. Rare. "Wu Mian sighed and said, "Life and death are too heavy, and people's thoughts are endless. There is no admission point, and I want to be admitted. With it, you will want better medical conditions and accommodation. "

"No matter how hard you work, you can only do this within a period of time. Difficult things have to be solved by medical staff from all over the country."

Chu Zhixi is also a veteran clinician, knowing that this kind of problem... there is no way to solve it.

"Brother, you don't talk these days, what do you think about?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"Yeah." Wu Mian said, "I told the principal, I took the people to the first batch of cabins established. Sorry, there is no way. Moreover, this is only Tianhe City, and the situation in the whole country is relatively serious. "

"Is there any good news?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"There is one."


"It doesn't cost money to treat pneumonia." Wu Mian smiled, "In order to prevent many people from getting lucky, the state bears all medical expenses."

"This is indeed good news." Chu Zhixi also smiled, and the strangle mark on her face became more obvious.

"Walk and watch." Wu Mian said, "I haven't experienced it before, no one knows what it is like. Normally, hospital work is difficult to do. Now it is concentrated on admission, life and death are pressured in my heart, who knows what will happen. "

Chu Zhixi was silent.

"I hope it's okay."

"Where shall we go?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"Hongshan Gymnasium, Tianhe Living Room, Tianhe International Convention and Exhibition Center, which one do you choose."

"Tianhe living room." Chu Zhixi smiled, "It sounds like going home."



Note: The principal said that it is not the most benevolent act, but it is a realistic and critical strategy in an extraordinary period.

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