Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1006: Party members must go to the 1st line

  Doctors sleepless text volume 1006 party members, must go to the front line,

   January 29, morning, Magic City, Huashan Hospital Building 5.

  The magic city, every inch of earth and every inch of gold.

   Huashan Hospital, one of the top tertiary hospitals in the magic capital, is located in a prosperous area, and the land price is even more so.

   If every bed here is measured by money and multiplied by the bed turnover rate, it must be a sky-high price.

   But the entire No. 5 building belongs to the unpopular infection department.

  Mo has a permanent population of 24 million, with a floating population of more than 30 million each year. During the epidemic, it was identified as the most risky city by the World Health Organization.

none of them.

   Tianhe is dangerous, and the magic capital... is sitting on the crater.

  As early as January 14, Director Zhang from Huashan Hospital got busy after returning from a business trip.

   The situation in Tianhe is not optimistic. Director Zhang has become an expert group for the prevention and control of the epidemic in Magic City and is responsible for handling affairs during the epidemic.

   The National Health Commission requires that when reporting cases, the whole genome sequence should be done first and then reviewed by them.

   This work is in the charge of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention at Modu, and the Huashan Infectious Diseases Department will conduct parallel experiments at the same time. After completing the sequencing and comparison, the Magic City reported it to the National Health Commission as soon as possible.

   In the face of an unprecedented "perfect" virus, no one has the confidence to overcome it.

   Everyone, including Director Zhang, has no idea about what the future will look like. Everyone has guesses. But it's too gloomy, no one wants to think about it.

   As for whether the magic city can control the imported cases, and to what extent the country will spread, no one can say. I can only work hard, think and implement all the details thoroughly.

   During the Spring Festival, Director Zhang has been thinking about the prevention and control measures, diagnosis systems, and network layouts in various places, and thinking about whether the existing procedures and steps are strong enough.

   Although I have tried my best, there are actually many uncertainties.

   Building 5, there is a small room on the top floor that is Director Zhang’s office.

   is no different from other hospitals across the country. The director's office is so small that it is horribly small.

   A table, a chair, a sofa, a cabinet, the house is already full, so you must be careful when walking and turning around.

   The room is connected to the next room, and the next room is the office of Mr. Weng Xinhua, the tutor of Director Zhang.

  Although Mr. Weng is in his 80s and does not usually come to the hospital, he has come to Huashan Hospital twice a week since the epidemic began to appear and spread.

   Director Zhang is holding a black-covered notebook, ready to go to the ward round.

   There were many professors and deputy directors in the Department of Infectious Diseases, and Director Zhang did not need to do the rounds himself. But during the epidemic, he insisted on rounds, just to eliminate the doctor's fear as much as possible.

   He thinks that as a director, he always gesticulates behind him, does not go in and has close contact with the patient, and then puts the clinician doctor on the front line of danger. How can the doctor accept it?

Do unto others, do not impose on others.

   This is the basic principle of life.

   Director Zhang went to round the room today to announce a major event.

   After two hours of rounds, after changing the protective clothing, the directors and head nurses of several departments under the Department of Infectious Diseases were called to the conference room and sat away.

   Director Zhang opened the notebook and began to arrange tasks with people in the clinic.

   He always laughs at himself, saying that he is not handsome, but he can speak very well. Today, he has a calm face and doesn't talk much, so he can get straight to the point.

"We did two things today: the first thing, I myself have to go in for ward rounds at least once or twice a week; the second thing, changing the guard! Replace all the doctors from the end of the year to the present ."

  "This group of doctors are all amazing doctors. They just exposed themselves to the disease when they knew nothing about the risk, spread, or pathogenicity of the epidemic.

   I think they are all great doctors, so one can't bully the obedient. "

   "I replaced all doctors in all positions.


   Replaced with all the Communist Party members in the department.

   Didn’t the Communists say when they took the oath to put the interests of the people first and face difficulties? I decided to replace all the front-line personnel from now on, and come to the Communist Party members, and then give me my own appearance. "

   can't bully honest people, all the front line is replaced by Communists, there is no room for bargaining.

   These words were loud and loud, like heavy granite, they smashed on the ground and in everyone's hearts.

  The situation in Tianhe City is seen by everyone. As experts in the infection department and leaders of nursing posts, everyone here is aware of the dangers of going to the front line.

   Even with careful protection, hundreds of first-line doctors and nurses across the country have been infected.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that the front line of the infection department is a ghost gate.

   Director Zhang not only puts party members on the front line, he also personally goes to the front line for rounds every week, which leaves everyone speechless.

   As the leader of the Magic City medical treatment expert team, he has ten thousand reasons not to go to the front line, but he still chooses to use practical actions as an example.

   "Director, you said on the 24th that the epidemic could be controlled within 2-4 months. This is estimated to be..." one person asked.

  The words are not finished, and the remaining thousands of words are omitted.

   January 24, the second day of Tianhe City’s lockdown, on the 30th day of the New Year’s Eve.

   Director Zhang said that the epidemic can be contained within 2 to 4 months. Looking at the situation in Tianhe City, everyone thinks that Director Zhang said this to stabilize the hearts of the people.

   After all, in extraordinary times, there must be a person with prestige to stand up and stabilize the hearts of the people. For the whole country, it is Zhong Nanshan Zhonglao; for Demon City, it is Zhang Wenhong, Director Zhang.

  As an infectious disease More and more information silently tells everyone that the situation is different this time.

   "In my original words, there may be three situations.

   One situation is that if everything goes well, the epidemic should be contained within 2 to 4 months;

   The second is that the prevention and control of the epidemic is relatively stale, and the epidemic is controlled in about 6 months;

   The third situation is that it cannot be controlled at all. The disease will spread globally.

   Because during the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009, the United States was like this. At the beginning, it was strictly guarded, but in the end it was not controlled. "

   Director Zhang flipped through his notebook, found what he had said and repeated it again.

   In 2009...the American emperor...H1N1 was not protected, and now we are facing a new type of pneumonia virus that is a hundred times more powerful than H1N1...

   "Controlling the epidemic in two to four months is the most optimistic of the three situations, because there will always be good, medium and bad things in development."

   "What if the worst happens?"

   Murphy's theorem will always come inadvertently.

   "In that case, as members of the Communist Party, I hope we can die on the front line."


   This video is missing.

   In the face of life and death crisis, everyone has different choices for everyone.

   If it is not necessary, no one is willing to go to the front line to face the virus without a trace. Communists must go to the front line, there is no room for bargaining!

   Amidst the haze, Director Zhang’s words spread like thunder on the land of China. hf;


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