Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1008: Meiden

Deng Ming has been very busy recently.

Although the new development zone is not at the center of the epidemic and there is no large population movement, he still feels heavy pressure.

The neighborhood and neighborhood committees have all been fighting on the front line. Every day, Deng Ming receives countless calls for support. Whether it is manpower or anti-epidemic supplies, there is a shortage of front lines.

What is missing is not just a little bit, but a lot.

Deng Ming can only guarantee a part of the supply, but as long as he has time, he will continue to inspect the area over and over again to check for deficiencies.

He was keenly aware that this incident might become an epoch-making event.

Early in the morning, the Office of the State Council issued the No. 2 Mingdian of 2020. Deng Ming carefully read the documents several times, and did not follow the pre-determined process to sink and watch the work of the streets and neighborhood committees.

He sat in the office quietly thinking.

Quickly organize the production of medical protective clothing, n95 masks, medical goggles, negative pressure ambulances, and related drugs in the region to resume work and production in response to the epidemic.

It is necessary to do a good job in guaranteeing production personnel, technical personnel and related equipment, raw materials, funds and other aspects, to help enterprises solve the difficulties and problems encountered in production and operation in a timely manner, and to expand the production capacity of related products in a timely manner as needed.

The key medical emergency prevention and control materials shall be managed and allocated uniformly, and local levels shall not be intercepted or transferred in any name.

Mingdian has clearly expressed the meaning of the Central Office, which is the same as the 135+n model, which makes Deng Ming feel a different tension.

Fortunately, there is a factory in the new development zone that can produce masks, which is a thousand times stronger than those where the blind is directly caught.

At the very least, there is no need to intercept key materials in key areas because there is no mask.

Deng Ming could even imagine a certain possibility-dozens of calls a day from hospitals and neighborhood committees in his jurisdiction to urge the implementation of masks, protective clothing and other materials.

What can I do? Can't change the mask. It's not.

Those who yell below need masks and other protective materials, but they can't change them, and they have to shoulder the responsibility of epidemic prevention...At that time, once there are epidemic prevention materials passing through their own jurisdiction, should they be withheld or not?

If you don't hold back, your own people are useless, people's hearts are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead.

Interception, what about the frontline that needs more epidemic prevention materials? !

Thinking of all the twists and turns inside, Deng Ming had a splitting headache.

Ideals are full, and reality is very backbone.

Although no similar news has come out yet, Deng Ming is sure that the situation in various places has become severe enough, otherwise the State Affairs Office would not be able to send such things through telegrams.

"Go and take a look at the 3m factory." Deng Ming said.

"Okay." Shi Zhonghua immediately responded and contacted the schedule.

Half an hour later, Deng Ming came to the factory.

Duan Fei greeted him at the door early with a haggard look.

"District Deng, you are here." Duan Fei said politely, and then handed over two individually wrapped masks.

"No, it took less than 4 hours to use the new mask today." Deng Ming said, "How is the situation now?"

"District Deng, the raw materials are almost used up." Duan Fei said frustratedly, "You can't buy raw materials at double the price."

"What is missing, I will coordinate for you." Deng Ming's expression was serious, even with frost on his face.

"Really?" Duan Fei was already sleepy and confused, and said a word smoothly.

As soon as the words were spoken, he knew that he was wrong, and immediately bent over to apologize, "Excuse me, District Chief Deng, I didn't mean..."

"Tell me what is missing immediately, and I will try my best to coordinate." Deng Ming's attention was not on Duan Fei's words at all. He said solemnly, "It is my business that I can't get in touch. If you can't produce enough epidemic prevention here, Materials, that is your responsibility."

"District Deng, don’t worry, I’ve been spinning for 24 hours on this side." Duan Fei immediately explained, "Wu Mian said that workers can be hired for 3 times the salary, and people can rest but machines can’t. Recently, 3m n95 masks have been produced. ..."

Duan Fei reported a series of figures, all knowing that District Mayor Deng was coming, Li Yiqing had prepared in advance.

While listening to Duan Fei's report, Deng Ming observed the production inside the production workshop.

Seeing the "sprayed" mask coming out of the mask machine, Deng Ming felt a sense of security in his heart.

In a special period, Deng Ming felt warm when he saw so many n95 masks.

"Can the mask factory be expanded?" Deng Ming asked.

"There is a factory building. At that time, Mr. Yuan, who was 3m away, said that some North American factories would be closed one after another and transferred to our side, so there are local ones."

"Add machines and increase output." Deng Ming said, "I told Teacher Wu that this matter is not 3m, and you will wait for notification of specific equity issues."


"But what?"

"District Deng, I..."

"Just say something, don't hesitate." Said the name unhappy.

"I think some manufacturers that produce masks have already begun selling mask machines, because now selling masks is really not making money. The country has strictly increased the price of masks, but the prices of raw materials have risen, so masks are not allowed to rise. You say this."

"Moreover!" Duan Fei continued, "The production capacity may be overcapacity. Once the epidemic is over within one the cost of the machine will not come back, the masks produced..."

"How can it be so fast?" Deng Ming said in a deep voice, "I contacted my friends in the magic city. The most optimistic view now is 4-6 months. When summer comes, it will be good if the epidemic can be controlled."

"So long?!" Duan Fei was stunned.

"Well, this is still the most optimistic judgment."

That's... still the most optimistic judgment... Duan Fei was speechless.

"I will discuss the specific details with Teacher Wu. You will recruit workers first and do nucleic acid testing immediately. I will fight for you for the kit," Deng Ming said.

"Thank you District Chief Deng."

"Thank you?" Deng Ming squinted Duan Fei, "The table is set up for you. If you can't produce masks, or if there are not enough masks, you need to know the seriousness of the matter."

"..." Duan Fei was startled.

"District Chief Deng, promise to guarantee the mission." Seeing Duan Fei hesitated, Li Yiqing replied immediately.

Deng Ming squinted at Li Yiqing and then at Duan Fei.

"District Chief Deng, don't worry, I will produce masks and protective clothing even if I don't sleep or eat. The production capacity will be increased to 200,000 pieces a day as soon as possible. If there are new machines, it can be higher."

Deng Ming let out a sigh of relief. This 3m mask factory almost saved his life.

He didn't want to face the situation where he was waiting to be fed, but he couldn't contact the mask himself. Forcing his subordinates to go to the front line, but not giving them masks, Deng Ming couldn't do it.

It's not a human being to do this kind of thing.

Leaving the factory, Deng Ming dictated and Shi Zhonghua recorded. First of all, we must cry poorly with the provinces and cities, and strive for resources as much as possible. This matter needs Deng Ming to go personally.

Secondly, we need to find all kinds of contacts, and raw materials are indispensable. As for the machines for producing masks, as long as you have money, you can buy them, but there is no shortage of them.

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