Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1009: The hexagram image of Fujitailai

   Still water flows deep.

   With the resumption of work and production of a large number of related enterprises, the shortage of supplies in Tianhe City has gradually shown a good turn for the better.

   No more self-made protective gear, medical staff got a safe barrier.攫攝攫攝

  Although work was suspended in time for the Spring Festival, and countries and regions such as India fell into trouble, and refused to sell masks directly, no high price would work, but the tone finally eased.

   Yun Lan is now at home revising her application again.

   Two batches of mentor brothers went to Tianhe City to support, Yun Lan submitted an application, and finally the application letter fell into the sea, and there was no news.

   Yun Lan was very unconvinced.

   For other medical staff, Tianhe City is dangerous and extremely dangerous. This is a geographical level of difficulty.

  Especially after Zhong Nanshan Zhonglao Zhong's team supported more than 100 ventilators to Tianhe, and also brought corresponding respiratory and intensive care doctors. But she ignored Yun Lan, which made her unacceptable.

   She is a student of Zhong Lao Department. There are more than 160 people in the younger generation group. Only 14 people followed the tutor to Tianhe City.

In the    group, they are collectively referred to as the heroes around them.

   Every day when reporting safety in the group and posting one or two photos, especially when the news of critically ill patients turning from crisis to safety appeared in the group, everyone in Tiannan was happy for it.

   Yun Lan is very envious of the brothers and sisters who can go to Tianhe to support, especially envious.

   "咚咚咚~" A knock on the door sounded.

   "Who!" Yun Lan bit the ball pen, frowned and opened the door.

   "It's me, Junior Sister opens the door."

   Lu Jiuzhuan's voice came in.

   Yun Lan was taken aback, and quickly put away the half-written application form.

   "Brother, why did you come to Yangcheng?" Yun Lan asked with a smile, "It's not convenient to get in and out now."

   said, opening the door and seeing Lu Jiuzhuan, who had always been serious and serious, wearing a big mask covering 23's face, Yun Lan chuckled.

   "It's really inconvenient now." Lu Jiu Zhuan stood at the door, "Alcohol kills."

   "I'm going... brother, do you still know this?" Yun Lan was surprised.

   "What are you thinking about." Lu Jiu replied, "Do you really think I'm an old man who can't live up to the past?"

   Yun Lan picked up a small watering can at the door and sprayed Lu Jiuzhuan's predecessor with the diluted 84 disinfectant.

   Lu Jiuzhuan then turned around and raised his hands up, as if going through a security check at the airport.

   After the elimination, Lu Jiu changed his shoes. When I took off my shoes, I didn't know if it was upset or in a hurry. The shoe on my left foot fell over.

   He glanced at the shoes, but he didn't care to straighten them, and first went to wash his hands.

   It is normal for all these processes to be placed in the hospital, but when placed on the big brother who never laughed and looked at himself as a daughter when he grew up, Yun Lan felt that the world had undergone subtle changes unknowingly.

   "Brother, what are you doing? Just make a call if you have something to do." Yun Lan asked.

   "I am restless on the mountain." Lu Jiu said, "Finally, the matter will fall on you."

Yun Lan was startled slightly, she hurriedly said with a smile, "Why? Now we are looking at a lot of confirmed patients, but the situation is under control. We are a little stricter when we go to work, and everything else is fine. After all, we have in Yangcheng. Mr. Zhong is sitting in town, very stable!"

   "Really?" Lu Jiuzhuan asked.巘戅LOL Novel Network 巘戅

   "Of course it is true." Yun Lan said, "Brother, you think too much."

   Lu Jiuzhuan was silent, his right thumb moved like lightning on the other four fingers.

   Yun Lan's heart sank, brother, this is just a matter of divination, according to Yun Lan's understanding, it should be that a shoe was not set when entering the door to change shoes.

  Plum Blossom Easy Counting pays attention to this. In addition to divination, you can start hexagrams when things happen in your life that are not the same as usual.

   Lu Jiuzhuan once explained to Yun Lan, but in the spirit of science, Yun Lan couldn't listen to it at all, even if the world shown by the brother is so magical.

   A few seconds later, Lu Jiu turned to his right jib and got up, and landed directly on a book on the desk, pulling out a piece of paper inside.


   "I, Yun Lan, female, 25 years old, the masses..." Lu Jiuzhuan said softly. The more he read, the more ugly his face became. After reading it with a calm face, his usual calm face was shaking with anger.

   "Brother, I just write casually..." Yun Lan wanted to say something to fool her, but then she saw Lu Jiuzhuan's face, sighed, and bowed her head without saying a word.

"You child, why are you so ignorant!" Lu Jiuzhuan reprimanded in a sullen voice, "In this pandemic, even though I had guages ​​several times, every time it was in danger, it gave birth to a broad ocean and the sky. It's not a death hexagram, but you don't know what the situation is now!"

   Yun Lan didn't dare to speak, she knew that brother was angry.

"Ten days, has there been any change?" Lu Jiuzhuan shook the invitation letter in his hand, "A group of people went to Tianhe, what happened in the end? There is no light at all! Although the hexagram is not very elegant, the sky is broad, But you can’t stand a negative word! This is a major event of luck in the world!"

   "You think you can do it. Before the world's luck, you were an ant!" The muscles on Lu Jiuzhuan's angry face trembled, "Don't say it's you, your brother, I'm still just an ant!"

   "Brother, don't be angry." Yun Lan lowered his head, and went to transfer water to Lu Jiu in a slanderous manner, trying to make Senior Brother happy.

   "You boy, why are you getting less and less sensible." Lu Jiuzhuan said, "You have never met before. No wonder, oh..."

   "Brother, drink water."

   "You are not allowed to go." Lu Jiuzhuan said, "Ask for leave, please ask now, if you can't ask for it, I will ask for you."

   "..." Yun Lan was startled.

   "Come back to the mountain with me, this matter will be over in a month or After that, the mountains are high and the ocean is wide, and you can see clearly from the hexagram. At that time, you can do whatever you want." Lu Jiuzhuan said firmly.

   "Brother?" Yun Lan murmured.

   "What's the matter."

   "More than a month? It's over in one month?" Yun Lan asked, thinking about another thing.

   "The hexagram elephant will turn around after the spring flowers bloom. I think it will be fine." Lu Jiu said, "I just finished the hexagram, and I am going to ask Mr. Chu for advice. Suddenly, my heart moved with enthusiasm, knowing that it was because of you."

"Brother, then I'm going even more." Yun Lan grabbed Lu Jiuzhuan's sleeves and squatted beside Lu Jiuzhuan like a puppy, swaying and coquettishly said, "It's over in one month, this time If you don't go, there will be no chance."

   Lu Jiuzhuan was so angry that he couldn't speak.

   "Brother, comparing your words with my teacher's words, I think it's time for a decisive battle." Yun Lan said.

   "What are you talking about?"

"My teacher said let us be prepared, maybe Tianhe City will need a lot of support in the near future. Uh... how do you put it? From the 23rd to the present, there are thousands of people including the five military regions and medical support from various places. 厺厽LOL Novel Network 厺厽

   This batch is said to be tens of thousands of people. Didn’t you also say it, more than a month.

   Brother, this is a big battle! You can meet it once in a lifetime! "

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