Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1023: I'm isolated, but it's useless

Looking around, Wu Mian returned to the hospital with big rabbit ears to continue the operation.

It seems that I can feel the heavy breath coming from Wu Mian, even Professor Barak’s words are much less.

However, there was no difficulty in the operation, and Professor Barak’s energy could not be consumed. He finally couldn’t help asking during the fourth operation, “oss, where did you go in the morning? Why didn’t you go out?”

"Go to see the newly built shelter hospital." Wu Mian said.

"Square cabin? Military?" Professor Barack asked.

"No, if the army has so many shelters, then you must be dreaming." Wu Mian said, "It is a temporary isolation site modified by the stadium, which is a bit crude."

"Oss, according to the terms of infectious disease, cut off the source of infection..."

"Bellak, shut up." Wu Mian said impatiently, lowering his head for surgery.

"Oss, you have changed." Professor Barrac was aggrieved. "No matter who said something wrong in Massachusetts, you will tell me where I went wrong."

"Oh, because this is the most basic common sense of a doctor."

"I think what is written in the textbook of infectious diseases is correct." Professor Barak said aggrievedly, "I should have been quarantined long ago."

"Oh? You have seen the last pandemic isolation, when was it in your Greater America?"

Barack thought for a while: "Ebola virus."


"During the Spanish flu, I saw a photo, black and white, with densely packed patients lying in it."

"Dear Professor Barack, would you please tell me what effect this quarantine has played?" Wu Mian asked.

After hearing the words of respected Professor Barak from the oss, Professor Barak split directly.

But to answer this question is a bit more difficult than landing and living on Mars.

The pandemic 100 years ago did have photos of quarantine, which proved that Americans did their best at that time, but it didn’t work.

The pandemic swept Europe and the United States, causing 40 to 100 million deaths. At that time, there were fewer than 1.8 billion people in the world.

In the United States, life expectancy has dropped by 12 years due to the spread of the Spanish flu.

"Oss, are you going to make a form and tell everyone that you have done your best?" Professor Barack asked.

"This is really a good way!" Another Professor Barack said excitedly, "Only a genius can figure it out, and it must be shameless enough.

But this is inevitable. You know oss. In the Massachusetts group, everyone is guessing when you will admit that the pneumonia treatment failed and let the pneumonia virus spread. "

"Impossible! Oss has figured out the best way.

Besides, the prevention and treatment of epidemics is impossible in modern society.

In the past, there were only carriages and walking on foot, and the spread of the virus was very slow. now what? There are planes everywhere, this is the evil result of globalization! No wonder the leader wants to go global, he really loves his golden retriever! "

"Bellak, you are very noisy." Wu Mian scolded lightly.

"Oss, you should be naturalized and run for commander!" A professor Barak was rigorously pulling Wu Mian hooks and exposing the surgical field, while another professor Barak said cheerfully, "Your shamelessness is in your bones. It is simply a natural commander!"

"And the academic community will support it. I think you will definitely increase scientific research funding when you become the leader."

"Does it make sense? What do you do to increase scientific research funds? Still think that fake scientific research is not enough to cheat money?" Wu Mian asked contemptuously.

"Oss, how can you say that. Any scientific research costs a lot of money. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you spend more money. Coffee cups worth 10,000 US dollars only exist in the military, and coffee cups in scientific research institutes cost a maximum of US$1,000. We want a face!" Professor Barack seemed to know the situation in the academic world, he said broadly.

"I won't have surgery tomorrow." Wu Mian said, "I will go directly to the shelter hospital."

"You are going to declare a failure. What are you doing in the past. Just behave, and then? Have you contacted the Lancet or New England and published academic papers to prove that this perfect virus is invincible?"

"How can oss post the article to a pure medical journal, stupid Barack! If you want more people to know it, it must be "Nature"!"

"Barack, do you think so?" Wu Mian asked.

"Of course, it’s better to tell everyone that this is just a pandemic, and there is nothing to pay attention to. Then, as it was done during H1N1, only 10,000 deaths were announced. After a few years, it suddenly became more than 500,000, but After so many years, who cares about the data at the time."

Ren Haitao had been staring at the monitor. When he heard what Professor Barack said like a joke, he looked at Wu Mian in surprise and asked, "Ms. Wu, is this the real thing?"

"Well, it's true." Wu Mian said, "The U.S. Emperor didn't care at all during H1N1. Is it a big flu? It's just a flu anyway."

"..." Ren Haitao stunned: "Impossible."

"Haha." Wu Mian chuckled softly. "The right to speak is in the hands of the U.S. Emperor, and the WHO does not dare to determine that the U.S. Emperor is an epidemic area. If any other country cuts the air, the U.S. Emperor will impose sanctions. Drive warships to impose sanctions. Everyone dare not say, so the right to speak is so important."

"Oss, as long as you take the oath of naturalization, you will have the right to speak in the medical industry in another ten years. Companies like Pfizer will ask you to speak, and the appearance fee will cost at least $5 million."

"I am worried that I will be hit by a dump truck and be killed in the immigration office before I become naturalized."

"Impossible, you are the precious wealth of all mankind! So many war criminals were not sentenced to death." Professor Belak said.

"What do you know, oss ran to other laboratories every maybe saw something that shouldn't be seen." Another Barack retorted.

"Old Ren, what were you doing back then when the bird flu was?" Wu Mian was too lazy to listen to Professor Bei'e, but asked Ren Haitao.

"I'm in the operating room..."

Before Ren Haitao finished speaking, Professor Barak said again, "oss, I was speaking in Europe, and I was infected with the flu virus, and the fever reached 40 degrees! My God, that was really a miserable experience."

"Later, I took Tamiflu by oral administration and it will be cured immediately." Another Professor Barack said, "oss, in fact, Redcivir is definitely effective, and it is a special medicine similar to Tamiflu."

"Our team of experts has conducted research on Redecive and it has no effect."

"Impossible, it must be imitated by you, the chemical structure of Redcivir...I don't know much about it, but imitating drugs shouldn't be difficult."

"Bellak, I have bad news for you."


"Yesterday Zhong Lao's team proved that the new virus can survive for a long time in the form of aerosol. It was found on the handle of a house where a confirmed patient lived."

"My God! Not only airborne? The virus can survive on the doorknob?!" Professor Barack said in surprise, "Fortunately, only yellow people will be infected."



Note: Title of the book: "The Immortal Pill Gives You Poison to Me" Author: Xiaodaizhao Brief introduction: Lu Jing traveled to an era that resembled the Song Dynasty. Originally thought that there was only one more river and lake here, but never thought that there was another hidden under the river and lake. Unknowable and mysterious world. In order to solve the increasing internal forces in his body, Lu Jing stepped into the door resolutely, only to find that instead of solving the problem, it seemed to be getting worse. Also known as "I Have Ten Thousand Swords to Break One Law", "I'm Serious about Being a Furnace", "I Can't Practice Anymore"

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