Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1024: Diamond Princess

"Barack, are you sure what you said is true?" Wu Mian asked.

Professor Barak took a close look at Wu Mian's eyes, without anger, as calm as water, as if he was just saying "flushing" during the operation.

"I heard what other people said, and now it is a consensus in the academic world." Professor Barack whispered.

"Bellak, there may be an accident this time." Wu Mian smiled, "I guess the researchers in Fort Detrick, Maryland, fooled the data and used it."


What Wu Mian said, like a depth bomb, slowly dived into the deep sea, and then exploded with a bang.

"Oss, are you sure?" Professor Barak was a little scared, he knew the power of the new virus.

"Of course." Wu Mian said quietly during the operation, "The commander led the evacuation of overseas Chinese, and the positive patients received treatment. I think everyone must be terribly scared in the house burned down by the Canadian and English troops. But it is also true. It doesn't matter, with their behavior..."

"Oss, you can't say that."

"Bellak, the commander showed you the advancement of the United States in the process of evacuation." Wu Mian said flatly, "but I saw the Onsa being infected. As for intelligent robots, it doesn't make any sense. If you say that, There is an exception. There is now a cruise ship called the Diamond Princess. You can find out about the situation."

"My God!" Professor Barak exclaimed.

"Teacher Wu, this...impossible. Recently I have seen a lot of speculations on the Internet that this kind of biochemical warfare is said to be a conspiracy theory." Ren Haitao stammered.

"It doesn't matter, we don't have enough truth, not strong enough, so we definitely can't talk nonsense." Wu Mian said, "But Barack, if you are sure that the Anza people cannot be infected, why do you wear protective clothing and masks?"

"I am worried that I will become the exception."

"It can be taken off completely, you know, our supplies are in short supply."

"No, oss, this is murder!" Professor Barak shouted.

"Yes, this is a murder." Wu Mian muttered softly.

"Ms. Wu, what you said is true?" Ren Haitao still refused to believe it. "The staff at the base in Maryland wouldn't be so confused, right."

"Haha." Wu Mian sneered, "I knew a researcher there when I was in the United States. At that time, I wanted to study Yersinia pestis. You know, this is a severe infectious disease, and active Yersinia pestis is rarely found in the world. "

Ren Haitao nodded blindly.

"As a result, when I received the e-mail, I found that the Yersinia pestis was not inactivated!" Wu Mian's volume increased slightly, but he immediately controlled it.

"Isn't that rigorous? It shouldn't be." Ren Haitao asked confusedly.

In his opinion, all science is rigorous, just like performing an operation. Every detail must be carefully watched. Be careful, careful and careful, for fear of mistakes.

But the uninactivated Yersinia is too unreliable! What if the container breaks in the middle of the road? The plague spreads in a large area, so how many people will die!

In Ren Haitao's heart, countless alpacas passed by.

Professor Barack is accustomed to it. He doesn't think it is strange that the uninactivated Yersinia pestis is delivered from Maryland to oss by mail.

He is only concerned about one thing-not only yellow people will be infected.

Diamond Princess, you must study this cruise ship carefully.

Oss is right. No wonder I have a strange feeling when I see the video of the treatment after evacuation.

This is a very simple matter and does not require any logic at all. However, there is a cognition circulating in academia and upper-class society that only yellow people can be infected like the S virus and the virus that broke out in Tianhe City.

Cognition is like a stamp of thought, engraved in everyone's mind.

So much so that most people, including Professor Barack, did not notice the fact that the Onsa were also infected!

The depth bomb released by Wu Mian was so powerful that the operating room finally ushered in a rare peace of peace.

Professor Barack has something in his heart, not only has the mitosis been suppressed, but he has also directly blocked the TB talk.

Ren Haitao was also very confused. What Mr. Wu said was too weird.

The Internet is scornful of biochemical and genetic attacks, and the blame is on the bats.

However, Ren Haitao thinks that the possibility is unlikely. Tianhe City is famous for its hot dry noodles. The province with no taboos in China is Tiannan Province. If it's a bat, how can it be that the first thing happened first?

In addition, there are all kinds of gossip from the Tianhe 4 laboratory flying all over the sky. What kind of gossip about the Fourth Concubine made Ren Haitao an eye-opener.

There were even rumors on the Internet that an experimenter had died, but within 12 hours, the experimenter, who was from Chengdu and had already resigned, went online to refute the rumors.

Recently, people have been panicking, saying everything is going on, and everyone is feeling frustrated.

Especially when thousands of medical staff came to Tianhe, but the situation on that side still didn't improve, and there was no light.

The more so, the more various rumors.

Either true or false, or false or true, dazzling.

And what Mr. Wu said was like a conspiracy theory.

"Teacher Wu, you are really not kidding me." Ren Haitao thought for a long time before asking Wu Mian again.

"That's it, you go back to check the news." Wu Mian did not say whether it was true or not. "Taro Aso, the former prime minister of Japan. He talked to the Italians in the G7 meeting about the new pneumonia virus. You know Italy. How did people answer?"

"..." Ren Haitao was silent.

"It doesn't matter, it was a yellow game, not our game."

"Teacher Wu, Taro Aso shouldn't talk about this kind of thing casually." Ren Haitao retorted.

"He has a big mouth. Let me give you an example. Don’t get married if you don’t have money. Taro Aso speaks so grandly." Wu Mian said, "And I heard a gossip. On the G20 at the end of February, he I am also going to treat this matter as an issue."

Ren Haitao didn't know what to say.

After all, no matter how strong Mr. Wu is, he is only a doctor, and when he grows up he is a scientist. But who is Taro Aso? G7 meeting, who is the person sitting next to him?

Even if there is no clear explanation in that sentence, Ren Haitao can understand it.

"Wait and see." Wu Mian said.

"Teacher Wu, what should I do then?"

"Cold salad." Wu Mian said, "Tomorrow we will go to the shelter hospital. Just pay attention to isolation and protection."

As he said, he paused and emphasized: "Dalu, you stay here for surgery, and you must pay attention to protection."

"I will take you out, and I will take you back."

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