Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1030: She looks at you in the sky

Hong Tiefeng tremblingly took out a pack of cigarettes, his trembling hand hit the lighter a few times, but it didn't light up.

Wu Mian took the lighter, set it on fire, and leaned in front of Hong Tiefeng.

The cigarette was lit, Hong Tiefeng did not smoke, but tried to erect the cigarette.

The difficulty in itself was extremely high, his hands trembled so badly that the smoke couldn't stand up at all.

"I'll help you." Wu Mian said softly.

A few small rubbles were found in the ditch beside the passage. Wu Mian piled them together to help Hong Tiefeng erect the smoke.

Hong Tiefeng knelt down and knocked three heads in the direction of the hospital where his mother died.

Wu Mian watched all this silently.

"Doctor, your surname?" Hong Tiefeng asked with a sob.

"Minggui's surname is Wu."

"Thank you." Hong Tiefeng squatted on the ground, picked up a cigarette and put it in his mouth, took a hard, but choked cough.

"Smoker less and wait until you get better."

"Doctor Wu, smoking is tasteless because of this disease." Hong Tiefeng let his tears flow, and said without wiping, looking at the black hole in the sky, "In the end, I didn't even take a look."

"Special period, sorry." Wu Mian said sincerely, "I should thank you."

Wu Mian stretched out his hand, it seemed that the smell of smoke was too strong, and he wanted to wave a few wisps of smoke. But Qingyan seemed to be sane, unwilling to leave, floating gently in the air.

"Doctor Wu..."

As he said, Hong Tiefeng felt the smoke in front of his eyes sway slightly, his eyes were staring at the wisps of green smoke, and a few seconds later, he suddenly moved.

"Are you a psychologist? Is this hypnosis?"

Wu Mian was speechless. He didn't expect that a very accidental miss would happen at such an important moment just after the cabin hospital opened.

"I also study psychology." Hong Tiefeng said, "It's still talented. You don't need to help me with mental recovery, I can do it myself."

"Who is the teacher? There are not many such people who can wake up by themselves." Wu Mian said softly.

"Teacher Su Da Ma Weixiang."

"Oh, it's him." Wu Mian said.

Hong Tiefeng didn't pay attention to Wu Mian's words, he sighed and closed his eyes subconsciously, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"Cry, it's even more uncomfortable to hold back." Wu Mian murmured comfortingly.

"I didn't expect it to be the last time when I sent my mother to the ambulance." Hong Tiefeng murmured.

Hong Tiefeng's words contained regret, endless regret and sadness.

"I thought about graduating and opening a psychology clinic to let the elderly live a good life in the future. But I didn't expect it would be like this..."

Wu Mian listened quietly, without disturbing Hong Tiefeng's thoughts.

It is not easy for this person to wake up by himself in grief. Wu Mian felt that this was unfortunate and lucky, whether it was for Hong Tiefeng or the other side's cabin hospital.

If the emotions are out of control and disturbing people's hearts, what will the many patients who are disturbed in their hearts think?

Fortunately, Hong Tiefeng has super self-control ability.

"Doctor Wu, did you say that my mother was uncomfortable when she left?"

"I don't know." Wu Mian said, "But patients infected with the new pneumonia virus usually walk quickly, and some of them can speak with their front feet, and they disappear after lying down.

In the designated hospital, a patient nurse lay down just after feeding, and the time to turn around ran out. I heard that the nurse was very emotional and almost fainted without crying. "

Wu Mian told a sad story in a soft voice.

Recently, there have been too many sad stories of this kind, and the entire Tianhe has been suffering tremendously.

"Actually, if a person lives for a lifetime, he can leave suddenly. To a certain extent, it is also a good thing. I am a doctor. This is basically the consensus of doctors."

"I think so too, but I don't have a mother anymore. What good is it for me to study for so many years."

The night is dark, and the darkness is not bottomless.

"I met many schoolmasters when I was studying. I thought at the time, if I'm not even as good as them, how can I let my parents live a good life after graduation. I just clenched my teeth all the way, but I didn't expect to meet This year this year."

After smoking a cigarette, Hong Tiefeng lowered his head and let the fireworks go out.

"Give me the cigarette butt." Wu Mian said, "Go back and stabilize your emotions, don't be too sad. Natural disasters are unavoidable."

"Yeah." Hong Tiefeng didn't talk too much nonsense, and he even said very little, more muttering to himself.

Standing up from the ground, Hong Tiefeng's legs were a bit soft. Wu Mian helped him, patted his back and said, "Be alive, your mother is watching from the sky."

"Doctor Wu, I will."

Sending Hong Tiefeng back to Area D, he lay down, covered the quilt, and turned his head toward the temporary partition, silent.

"Look at this patient." Wu Mian and the doctor on duty whispered, "If there is any abnormality, notify me immediately."

"Ms. Wu, are you okay?" the doctor in area D asked quietly.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Wu Mian sighed softly, "I have caught up, there is no way. The patient is very cooperative, and it is estimated that he can come out by himself."

The light of the position where the patient was received gradually went out, and the nurse patiently told the patients to take a rest, but there may be other patients coming at night and they may be disturbed.

The nurses said and apologized as if they had done something wrong.

The half-dark Tianhe living room gradually became quiet, and then someone began to snore.

The snoring sound is loud or small, and some people sit up from the bed, and they are particularly unaccustomed to the "collective" life like this chase shop.

Holding a ball pen in her hand, Wu Mian sat quietly behind the desk of the hospital head, and wrote the words earplugs on a4 paper

For Wu Mian, who rarely sleeps, earplugs are very unfamiliar, and since they are not medical supplies, he didn't realize how important this gadget is.

This is a mistake, report to the principal after dawn.

As for whether the patient is accustomed to using earplugs, Wu Mian couldn't help it. Life is always going on, and the most important thing is to adapt to the environment in front of you.

Nurses quietly calmed the anxious patients. Modern people's lives are getting better and better. Insomnia and dreaminess are common in themselves, and it is also common not to hear snoring.

In Wu Mian's memory, 6 people who had met divorced because of snoring.

As for the small details such as foot odor, do I need to deal with it? Wu Mian rubbed the walkie-talkie in her hand while pondering.

Patients keep coming in again, and the nurse arranges to help make the bed and daily necessities. Someone is prepared to come to the hospital in large and small bags. Some people are unprepared, they have long been stunned by the epidemic and lost their souls.

In this way, one night passed.

There was no large-scale commotion, and all the patients who lived in were basically very cooperative after a brief adaptation.

The sky was getting brighter, and Wu Mian knew that he had survived the hardest night.

But I didn't do anything, and all my previous worries fell in the empty space. The organizational discipline they showed during the crisis gave Wu Mian a little peace of mind. Perhaps this is the strength of this nation.

At 6:20 in the morning, the nurse began to measure the body temperature and blood oxygen saturation of the patients in each bed.

According to the procedure, the critically ill patients will be sent to Jinyintan Hospital not far away for further treatment. Fangcang shelter hospitals are only temporary isolation points for mildly ill patients to avoid continuing to spread the virus.

The patients who had slept for several hours gradually woke up, and the problem surfaced.

Sure enough, the toilet was not enough, and there was a long line at the door of the mobile toilet.

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