Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1031: It's worth all the money

Dozens or hundreds of people line up to go to the bathroom and wash, which is messier than a large courtyard.

When they first started, they were all a little confused, and they didn't know how many years they had lived a collective life as if they had fallen from the sky.

Everyone lined up and waited subconsciously. Facing a long line of people who couldn't see the head at a glance, even Wu Mian was a little anxious not to mention the patients.

At the beginning of a new day, Wu Mian looked at the patients who were a little confused but still maintaining discipline, and he felt that the situation was not so bad in his heart.

This is not Europe and the United States, Huaxia and Angsa are two races.

The Anza people usually look gentle and polite, but everyone knows what is behind the mask. It's just that after so many years of propaganda, some Angsa fools have been crippled, and I believe the prose.

But the discipline in the bones of Huaxia people and the idea of ​​living in the face of natural disasters are very strong. Even if the conditions are countless times worse than at home, the patients are still queuing, trying to overcome all difficulties, waiting for their illness to get better.

Wu Mian was slightly satisfied and let out a sigh of relief.

A white breath hung on the protective mask, and his vision became hazy and blurred, as if looking at flowers in the fog.

"Ms. Wu, take over at eight?" a person walked over and asked.

Everyone was wearing bloated clothes, and Wu Mian knew it was Zheng Kaixuan when he heard the voice.

"Well, you take the shift and go back to rest. Now the supporting medical team hasn't arrived yet. Every 12-hour shift, I will send the schedule to the group and watch the time." Wu Mian said, "Wait until the subsequent medical team support is in place. , Every 8 hours."

"That's good, I'm also worried that the new medical staff can't stand it." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"The emergency call for medical care in 20 provinces shouldn't be a big problem. Go back and take a short break. This night shift is tired."

"Tired." Zheng Kaixuan didn't have the energy to be a hero. "I dozed off last night and almost suffocated myself to death."

"Always dreaming of respiratory alkalosis?" Wu Mian asked.

"Yes, for fear that the sleepiness is due to the tiredness caused by respiratory alkalosis, I am worried that I will not be able to open my eyes as soon as I close my eyes." Zheng Kaixuan said as he looked at the big bunny ears above Wu Mian's head in a daze.

Teacher Wu is not serious, right...

"Normal, how is the patient in area B?"

"One patient had a fever of 38.7 degrees Celsius, and one patient..." Zheng Kaixuan began to report on the patient's condition.

The patients in the area he is responsible for are heavier, and they are all patients with fever. There are two patients whose condition is unstable, and Zheng Kaixuan is more worried.

After 3 minutes, he finished talking about the patient's condition and asked: "Mr. Wu, what about the patient with high fever?"

"Cool down first. The Fangcang shelter hospital has basic medical measures." Wu Mian said, "I'm watching here. If the situation remains unstable, you can go to Jinyintan nearby."

"You? Don't go back to rest?" Zheng Kaixuan was taken aback for a moment.

Wu Mian stretched out his hand and patted the sign of the hospital chief in front of him.

"..." Zheng Kaixuan was speechless.

"I see it for 24 hours and wait until the situation is stable. The first 24-48 hours are more dangerous, so you can't be careless."

Zheng Kaixuan knew exactly what Wu Mian said about danger and carelessness.

"Ms. Wu, can you support it physically?"

"I'm less than, it's thirty. Fortunately, the problem is not big." Wu Mian smiled and said, "Don't worry about me, you just need to take care of yourself. Don't forget to hit the sun after you go back. Daxian."

"The next day will do." Zheng Kaixuan was exhausted, and he said some things directly without going through his brain.

Zheng Kaixuan has always been a little bit slanderous about the amount of Sundaxian Wu asked to fight.

The new normal dosage of Thymus Method for injection is two bottles a week. In case of serious illness, it is one bottle every other day if the drug is used beyond the instructions.

But Mr. Wu actually increased the dose by 7 times.

"Try it, it won't break." Wu Mian squinted, as if he was smiling behind the layers of protective clothing. "The effect is still there. I will show you the research data. The FDa has never recognized it, and I don't have time to make changes. A lot of research, but it's definitely useful."

"That stuff is so expensive," Zheng Kaixuan said.

"It's okay, I already bargained when I first used it, 1022 one, and now it's 499.77 yuan, less than 1,000 yuan per person per day."

"I think it's a bit wasteful."

"What's the waste?" Wu Mian said, "I can't finish eating and throw it away. This is a waste. But how can it be said that it is a waste when it is used on you."

Professor Zheng, I will not keep it in front of you. At least the rest of our medical team will have a better understanding. When they are suspicious, they will also think that they will take a medicine that boosts the immune system for 800 yuan a day. It’s normal. Coming will be a little more resistant than others. "

"Nothing else, it's worth all the money to have such a little confidence."

Zheng Kaixuan nodded.

"Go and take a look at the patient." Wu Mian said, "You are all fever patients on your side. I guess one or two will be transferred to Jinyintan today."

Zheng Kaixuan asked worriedly, "Mr. Wu, there are patients who are constantly being transferred to designated hospitals. Will the patients in the shelter be emotionally unstable?"

"It's possible," Wu Mian said, "but in any case it is better than the patient staying here on the ventilator."

This is also a no-brainer. It is the best solution now, and Zheng Kaixuan can also figure it out.

Some hidden dangers are inevitable. Teacher Wu will stay after sleepless night, just waiting to clear the mines.

Those conceivable and unexpected dark thunders have surfaced one after another over time. The first priority is to control the situation and find a solution.

"Teacher Wu, it's been a long time since I became a little doctor to report a medical history." Zheng Kaixuan smiled and turned around.

He was already the deputy director of the department when he was in the imperial capital, and he would be able to get right after Wang Qingshan retired. This is not a joke.

The two came to Area B, Zheng Kaixuan printed out the patient's medical profile and began to report the medical history to the superior doctor at the bedside.

One patient after another was screened, and Wu Mian once again refreshed his heart to archive the patient's condition.

There may be 2-3 patients who need to be referred. If the condition is serious, they must be transferred to a designated hospital. This is the principle.

Wu Mian worries about the impact of the constant transfer of patients on the Fangcang shelter hospital.

I can also think of it, the 120 negative pressure ambulance drove over, and several people in protective clothing carried the patient away. That situation...will definitely add to the minds of the remaining patients.

I hope it's okay. Although Wu Mian is a little more optimistic than before, he still has no idea.

Suddenly, from the corner of Wu Mian's eye, he saw several patients stand up and look in the direction of the book corner.

Then more and more patients stood up, and they whispered something.

Wu Mian frowned and followed the patient's gaze.

Lu Jiu turned this cargo... he was doing morning exercises at the Fangcang Hospital!

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