Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1032: Martial art

"Wait a minute." Wu Mian said.

"Huh?" Zheng Kaixuan was stunned, and followed Wu Mian's gaze.

A person wearing a protective suit who can't see clearly is at ease... punching? It seems to be punching.

Zheng Kaixuan thought he was dancing for a moment, but the man's movements were clear and elegant, his hands, eyes and body were perfect, even if the obstructive protective clothing was worn on his body, it still did not affect his movements.

Not dancing, but martial arts.

It wasn't Taijiquan either, the man's legs stayed on the ground at all, almost rubbing the ground. Occasionally flicking the legs and making a posture is also to attack the opponent's crotch and other key positions.

Even if the person looks bloated, but as long as he looks at it twice, Zheng Kaixuan feels that the person who is punching is full of murderousness, and the punch is abnormal.

Is this... suitable?

"Ms. Wu, this is not dancing." Zheng Kaixuan followed Wu Mian and confirmed in a low voice.

"I don't know what boxing technique is, but it looks like it should be a martial art of killing people." Wu Mian said, "Are you kidding me? I'm afraid that there will be no accident in the shelter hospital? On-site teaching?!"

Zheng Kaixuan's cold hair stood up under the wet isolation suit.

Teacher Wu spoke very harshly, with a rare anger.

Before Zheng Kaixuan could react, Wu Mian turned around and strode towards the landing nine turns and walked over.

Although the protective clothing is bloated and can't see the figure, but the skill of killing people is so proficient, it will definitely not be a medical staff.

Lu Jiuzhuan was as conspicuous as a lice on a bald head.

"Mr. Lu." Wu Mian strode to the open space in front of the book corner and called in a deep voice.

Lu Jiuzhuan seemed to be concentrating on punching. In the morning, the patient went to the bathroom, washed, and spoke loudly, and the elevated building had the effect of sounding, so he was indifferent to Wu Mian's words.

Three steps forward, Wu Mian put a hand on Lu Jiuzhuan's shoulder.

Lu Jiuzhuan looked old, like an ordinary bad old man, but he reacted very quickly. Feeling that someone "attacked" himself, he turned his toes sideways, his toes were not off the ground, as steady as a rock.

Wu Mian was contemplative. Looking at Lu Jiuzhuan's posture, he knew that he was not practicing the kind of martial arts that was shown to others.

Not infected by the virus, but strangely transferred to "injury by accident" by Lu Jiu, this thing is a joke.

But what Wu Mian was worried about still didn't happen. Lu Jiu turned around to know something, stepped back and looked at Wu Mian intently.

The big yellow bunny ears on Wu Mian's head are so conspicuous, you don't need to be careful to know who the person is.

"Doctor Wu, it's early." Lu Jiu turned his head back, sinking into his dantian, and said a little bit.

It's just that Lu Jiuzhuan's airy posture with protective clothing, goggles, masks, and gloves looks a bit funny.

"Mr. Lu, what are you..." Wu Mian asked coldly.

"Morning exercises have never stopped for 58 years," Lu Jiuzhuan said.

"Mr. Lu, it's not appropriate to practice killing skills here."

Lu Jiu Zhuan was taken aback, thinking about it as if it were, but he didn't notice it.

He is a little embarrassed, punching is a habit, and his muscle memory will remind him what to do at this time every day.

But Wu Mian could tell at a glance that this was an impending martial art, a murderous art, and Lu Jiuzhuan was a little embarrassed.

"Doctor Wu, I'm sorry." Lu Jiu turned his fists together and said.

Wu Mian was full of anger. Although he knew that the patient could not learn much from his eyes, he was full of anxiety and turned his whole person into a volcano. At any time, a small amount of pressure would burst out magma that would destroy the world.

But seeing Lu Jiuzhuan wearing such a suit, no matter how normal his movements are, he feels particularly ridiculous. Wu Mian was startled for a moment, and the anger in his heart continued.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lu." Wu Mian said, "You hold a virtual right hand, this is swordsmanship."


"The murderous spirit is too heavy and out of place." Wu Mian said softly, "I'm sorry."

"Listen to you, Doctor Wu." Lu Jiuzhuan didn't insist, and after finishing his protective clothing, he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Wu Mian suddenly called to Lu Jiu Zhuan.

"Huh?" Lu Jiu turned to look at Wu Mian, "Doctor Wu, what advice?"

"Tai Chi, will you?" Wu Mian asked.

"..." Lu Jiu turned speechless, looking at Wu Mian.

"Do you exercise in the morning? You can exercise your muscles and bones. Do you know how to do Tai Chi?"

"Understand a little."

"Tai Chi is good." Wu Mian said, "A gentleman's journey requires tranquility to cultivate one's body, thrifty to cultivate virtue. If you are not indifferent, there is no ambition, and if there is no tranquility, there is no far."

Wu Mian didn't say it very quickly. Lu Jiuzhuan nodded his head after listening.

He stood attentively, the grand master's demeanor... he couldn't see it at all. Wearing protective clothing, people look the same, even if the momentum is compelling, they are all covered by layers of protective clothing.

Starting from the hand, there are no clouds and flowing water, Wu Mian has only the blade of the sword in his eyes. Lu Jiuzhuan's Taijiquan is also... it's a killing method.

Wu Mian wondered, isn't he a geographer, how could he make such a fierce move.

"Stop!" Wu Mian glanced twice and hurriedly shouted.

"Doctor Wu, what's the matter?" Lu Jiuzhuan asked, standing attentively.

"You are..."

"Tang Dynasty Xu Xuanping Master Xu personally taught 37 styles of Tai Chi." Lu Jiuzhuan said, "First, mind and mind are naturally light and agile, second, the body must be popular, and you must continue to never stop, and third, you must never throw your throat. , To ask all the heroes as hard as they can, why is it so useful?

"..." Wu Mian really wanted to rub Lu Jiu on the ground.

Listening to the boxing song, you know that you are right. This is really a martial art technique.

"Be more ordinary, like the square dance, can you? Don't be murderous, just get active and liven up the atmosphere. Mainly, it looks good!"


"Yun Lan!" Wu Mian was too lazy to talk to Lu Jiuzhuan and called Yun Lan directly.

"Teacher Wu, I'm here." Yun Lan was on the side. She was always worried about what to do if Teacher Wu was injured by the senior brother.

Listening to Wu Mian calling herself she immediately responded.

"Find a patient's cell phone and check the Tai Chi boxing by the elderly in the park on the Internet, so that your brother learns to do that kind of boxing."

"Okay!" Yun Lan grabbed Lu Jiuzhuan and said loudly.

Wu Mian turned around with a black line.

I really didn't expect Lu Jiu Zhuan to have a lot of this stuff.

Xu Xuanping's background in the Tang Dynasty is very big. Song Yuanqiao's Tai Chi was not learned from Zhang Sanfeng, but Xu Xuanping personally passed it on.

But those are all stories in the old paper pile, Wu Mian is unwilling to check.

When Lu Jiu turned around, Wu Mian could see that it was not the kind of broadcast gymnastics played by grandpa and aunt in the park, but a murderous martial art.

It's so special!

If it weren't for the square cabin, he must be severely taught...

"Brother, are your hands itchy?" Chu Zhixi leaned over and asked.

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