Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 851: Athlete's foot and simvastatin

Yuan Xiaoli knocked on the door, "Boom boom boom."

"Who." The nanny opened the door, saw Yuan Xiaoli, and smiled, "Professor Yuan, you come to see Aunt Che?"

"I'll ask something." Yuan Xiaoli bowed slightly, even showing respect to Academician Che's nanny.

"Please inside, Professor Yuan."

Yuan Xiaoli and the hospital manager entered the ward. Seeing Academician Che was looking at a thick book while wearing spectacles, he smiled and asked, "Old Che, are you better today?"

"I just used analgesics." Academician Che said, "Xiao Yuan, thanks for your hard work. You still come to see me so late."

"It should be." Yuan Xiaoli smiled, "Old Che, we have asked other experts to consult your condition, and the directors of relevant departments from several brothers hospitals will come tomorrow."

Academician Che nodded, took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"Isn't this the director of the Brothers Hospital coming tomorrow? I want to check your past history again." Yuan Xiaoli said, "Otherwise, if there is any special situation that I missed, the brothers hospital will read the jokes, which is not good."

"Nothing else." Academician Che said, "We have asked many times, and I have said everything about it."

"What about other situations? What have you eaten recently..."

Yuan Xiaoli first asked about diet and medicine, and finally asked about athlete's foot "indifferently".

"Small problem." Academician Che said, "It happened a month ago."

When Academician Yuan Xiaoli heard that he had athlete's foot, he was startled. How did Wu Mian know?

Is there a relationship between athlete's foot and quadriceps pain? It shouldn't be!

He stared at Academician Che and asked, "Old Che, where did you go to see it? What medicine did you use?"

"I saw athlete's foot in the community next to my house. The doctor said that athlete's foot is a fungal infection and asked me to take anti-fungal medicine. Later, I went to the Chaoyang hospital and prescribed a medicine. After taking it for a week, the athlete's foot was also relieved. All right."

"What medicine?" Yuan Xiaoli asked.

"..." Academician Che was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "Xiao Yuan, it has something to do with my leg pain? I read the manual and it was scary. I also know that they are rare complications. But I don't remember any. Side effects of leg pain and weakness."

"Old Che, please think about it, what kind of medicine is it?" Yuan Xiaoli asked.

Seeing him being so serious, Academician Che was very cooperative. She first recalled with the nanny, but neither of them remembered what the medicine was.

I stopped taking it a few weeks ago and didn't bring it. Both of them have forgotten the existence of this medicine.

At Yuan Xiaoli's insistence, the nanny went home to fetch the medicine.

After more than an hour, the nanny came back and took out a pill box to Yuan Xiaoli.

"Professor Yuan, this is it." The nanny felt that Yuan Xiaoli had a lot of things, but it didn't happen.

It is a kit of itraconazole, it is indeed an antifungal drug.

Yuan Xiaoli recalled that this medicine would not cause pain in the quadriceps, so it shouldn't matter.

"Xiao Yuan, is there a problem?" Academician Che asked, too puzzled.

"I look at the manual, it shouldn't be there in my memory." Yuan Xiaoli said.

The adverse reaction column on the instruction says-this product has a lighter effect on liver enzymes than ketoconazole, but you should still be alert to liver damage, and deaths from liver failure have been found. Nausea and other gastrointestinal reactions, hypokalemia and edema may also occur.

This product has certain cardiotoxicity, and many cases of congestive heart failure and death have been found.

The liver function of Chelao is no problem, which proves that the side effects of itraconazole are not as big as imagined. Yuan Xiaoli went through the instructions and didn't see any instructions on quadriceps, let alone quadriceps, not even muscle-related words.

It should have nothing to do with itraconazole, but... so strange.

"Old Che, I didn't see it on the instructions, it shouldn't matter." Yuan Xiaoli smiled, "I was too nervous, and I was tossing home to get the medicine box at night."

"It's okay, it's all the same." Academician Che smiled.

"Then I won't bother." Yuan Xiaoli bowed to leave, but the itraconazole kit was still in his hand.

Leaving the special needs ward, the hospital always asked, "Yuan Ge, itraconazole should not cause abnormal reactions. In my memory, I have never met a similar patient."

"Well, I haven't met either." Yuan Xiaoli nodded.

"But how did Teacher Wu know that Che Lao has athlete's foot?" The hospital always asked a question that Yuan Xiaoli couldn't explain and he didn't want to face.

He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally shook his head, "Go back and tell us about this and ask his opinion."

"Good." The hospital stayed in a good mood today.

Can add Mr. Wu Mianwu’s WeChat, the classmates who have been secretly in love with Mr. Wu don’t know what envy is. See you later...No, I will send her WeChat to tell her the news in a while.

Moreover, Teacher Wu was able to guess the problem of athlete's foot, which in the hospital general's heart, the underside of Wu Mian's handsome appearance added a bit of mystery.

Back in the ward, the inpatient always took a photo of the itraconazole kit, reported to Academician Che in detail with Wu Mian, and then sent the photo.

"There shouldn't be any problems." In hospitals, I always used my mobile phone to look up the side effects of itraconazole, and searched professional websites and found no similar literature.

Yuan Xiaoli was silent, he felt that things were not so simple.

It is impossible for Wu Mian to know the prophet, and the side effects of itraconazole can be ruled out temporarily. As for why, it is most likely that someone close to Academician Che has found Wu Mian and asked him to help him take a look.

As for the degree of closeness-I even know about athlete's foot, and I still remember.

Who on earth is it? Wu Mian...

Yuan Xiaoli has a headache when he thinks of a young man wearing a khaki trench coat, sunglasses, and black lambskin gloves.

But itraconazole must have nothing to do with the illness of Academician Che. He was very curious about what Wu Mian would do The hospital cell phone rang, and Yuan Xiaoli said, "Be released."

"Ah? Oh." The hospitalization always stunned, and immediately understood what Yuan Xiaoli meant.

She put the phone on the table and clicked it out.

"Hello, Teacher Wu."

"Hello, I have seen both the medical history and the photos. In the medical record you sent me just now, the "Past History" column says that Che Lao has oral administration... Oral simvastatin produced by Merck, right."

"Yes." The hospital manager said, "It is written in the medical record, Teacher Wu, is there any relationship between the quadriceps pain and oral simvastatin?"

Yuan Xiaoli knew that Wu Mian was talking about the English name of Merck's Simvastatin, and he was really used to it in Europe and the United States, so he said this accidentally.

But simvastatin...No, this medicine seems to have some muscle-related side effects.

But Yuan Xiaoli didn't remember exactly what it was. After all, side effects were very rare. I hadn't encountered it once or twice, so I couldn't remember it deeply.

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