Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 852: Missed past history

Yuan Xiaoli knew that simvastatin was extracted from Aspergillus terreus. It was first developed by Merck Pharmaceuticals and entered into medical use in 1992.

The drug is listed on the World Health Organization's Essential Drug List. As an oral lipid-lowering drug, it is one of the essential drugs in the basic medical system.

In order to lower blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, many elderly people take statins orally all the year round.

"Stop the old simvastatin, and my muscle pain will be fine in a few days." Wu Mian's voice came over, very sure in his words.

"Mr. Wu, you... OK, then I will report with the superior doctor. If there is a result, I will contact you at any time." The hospitalized always wanted to inquire carefully, but was afraid to say immediately.

"Thanks for your hard work, if it's okay, I'll hang up." Wu Mian said.

The sun and gentle sounds came, and the first snow outside seemed to melt for it.

"Teacher Wu, you are polite."

Hanging up, the hospitalized always looked at Yuan Xiaoli in a daze.

"It shouldn't be." Yuan Xiaoli said, "Wu Mian is not bullshit!"

"George Yuan, I remember that simvastatin does have muscular side effects."

"Which patient do you see? The clinical pharmacy team raised this possibility during the consultation a few days ago, but it also said that it is quite rare. Do you think the probability of one in ten thousand or one in 100,000 appears so easily? And why does he Surely the quadriceps pain is caused by simvastatin?" Yuan Xiaoli asked rhetorically.

"..." The hospital was always speechless.

Yuan Xiaoli was afraid that he had remembered it wrong, even if someone mentioned this in the consultation a few days ago, he still saw it.

But Wu Mian raised it, and Yuan Xiaoli couldn't help but began to look up the instructions for simvastatin again.

Really, Wu Mian, a surgeon, is even more proficient in medicine than himself! Yuan Xiaoli was a little unconvinced, and must find the problem.

The instructions are very clear, simvastatin is generally well tolerated, and most of the adverse reactions are mild and transient.

Adverse reactions (divided into possible, suspicious or affirmative) and drug-related incidence greater than or equal to 1% are: abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence.

The adverse reactions with an incidence of 0.5% to 0.9% include fatigue, weakness, and headache.

Reports of finding myopathy are rare.

It is true that there are adverse reactions of myopathy, but Merck Pharmaceuticals stated clearly in the instructions-myopathy is extremely rare! ! !

In most cases, the instructions of foreign pharmaceutical companies are still trustworthy, and Yuan Xiaoli feels contemptuous.

Myopathy may be extremely rare. Does Wu Mian know what is extremely rare? ! The clinical pharmacy group also mentioned simvastatin, and Wu Mian's judgment on this matter is indeed substandard.

Isn't this playing the piano! Yuan Xiaoli has gradually affirmed his ideas.

It should be someone who is close to Academician Che contacted him to see if there is any way to give a clear diagnosis.

As the actual editor of "Diagnostics", Wu Mian is one of the most qualified doctors to be consulted...

So he knew that Che Lao had tinea pedis, and then he checked his medical record and found that Che Lao usually took simvastatin by mouth, so it was related to quadriceps pain.

However, this article has been raised during the previous discussion, but no one thinks that Che Lao's pain is caused by simvastatin.

It is true that the higher the status of the doctor, the larger the mouth, and the opening of the mouth is said to be the muscle pain caused by simvastatin.

Yuan Xiaoli thought with disdain.

"Professor Yuan, what should I do?" the hospital manager asked.

"Don't do anything." Yuan Xiaoli said happily, "wait for the directors of other hospitals to come tomorrow."

"Then simvastatin stop?"

"What can I stop?" Yuan Xiaoli was already a little impatient. "Didn't the clinical pharmacy group say that during the consultation the day before yesterday? The possibility of muscle pain is extremely low. Now there is no actual evidence that Che Lao's shares are found. The quadriceps pain is caused by simvastatin."

The hospitalization is always silent.

"I went to wash and slept, and call me if I have something to do." Yuan Xiaoli said.


Returning to the duty room, Yuan Xiaoli lay on the bed after washing, not wanting to think about Wu Mian. But what always appeared in his mind was Wu Mian wearing a khaki trench coat, sunglasses and black lambskin gloves.

Unexpectedly, that young man had already become a schoolmaster so soon, Yuan Xiaoli sighed and thought to himself. It is estimated that Wu Mian has been out of clinical practice for too long, and can't even give a correct diagnosis.

But to say that what he said is unreasonable, it is not right.

The side effects of simvastatin do include muscle pain, but...

A high academic level does not mean that the operation is well done, nor does it mean that you will see a doctor. Wu Mian is of this type, what kind of stuff he sees! Yuan Xiaoli cursed inwardly.

Treat Alzheimer's disease honestly, don't be ashamed of going back to the emperor.

Lying on the bed, Yuan Xiaoli repeatedly pondered the condition of Academician Che, but in the end he had no idea.


At 14:10 in the afternoon the next day, experts from the two brothers’ hospitals came to the Didu People’s Hospital and began a consultation on the condition of Academician Che.

The two experts are both academicians. Yuan Xiaoli was supposed to be off the night shift, but stayed here to listen to the opinions of the elderly.

They were very serious and started to see the medical records after hearing the report. Academician Guo and Academician Lin watched the first trip, and then looked at the laboratory test sheet and video data.

After listening to the opinions of the Imperial City People's Hospital, they were also helpless.

After checking the body, after chatting with Academician Che, everyone returned to the office and started discussing some extremely rare situations.

Academician Guo leaned on the chair and stated his views on the condition, while Academician Lin frowned and wondered about the situation of Academician Che, and was helpless.

"The examination of systemic lupus erythematosus should be A small number of patients with lupus erythematosus will have symptoms of muscle pain." Academician Guo said in his conjecture, "Although it is unlikely, it is still necessary to check one by one. "

"Guo Lao, all right, do related inspections as soon as possible. Do you need to check for other diseases?"

"Other diseases...scleroderma...not the same." Academician Guo said hesitantly, "Lao Lin, what do you think?"

"It's not like it, but there is no more way. Rare diseases like mitochondrial diseases should also be investigated." Academician Lin said, "Although mitochondrial myopathy usually starts at the age of 20, the clinical feature is bones. The muscles are extremely unable to tolerate fatigue..."

He was talking endlessly, and the doctor who was sitting beside him gently touched Academician Lin with his knee.

"Huh?" Academician Lin paused.

"Teacher, look at this." The young doctor said while looking at the computer screen.


"There was a special round of ward last night, describing a missing past history."

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