Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 863: Old Men

I chatted with Wu Mian for a while. From the US commercial insurance, one operation can earn 2000 dollars, and white card patients can only earn 200 dollars. I talked all the way to a medicine for leukemia that is made in Germany and 500 or 600 for a generic drug in India. Ten, the domestic centralized procurement, one piece by piece, finally forced the pharmaceutical factory to stop production.

Wei Dabao gained a lot of insights, feeling the depth of the industry along the way, and came to the Second Hospital of Medical University unknowingly.

Send Wang Cheng to icu, Chu Zhixi and Li Qiong go back by car, while Wei Dabao stays.

He first called home to explain the matter, so that the mother-in-law at home would think that she had an affair early in the morning, and if she didn't return at night, she would kill her first.

This is the accumulation of experience, as a doctor you must learn how to face each other, Wei Dabao kept telling himself.

Dean Zhou was also there. Wei Dabao didn't want Dean Zhou to know, so he put on the hat of the down jacket and walked down the fire escape all the way to the vicinity of ICU.

In the past one or two years, large-scale tertiary hospitals have been renovated. No extra beds are allowed, and the number of patients in ICU has to be strictly controlled. Therefore, the fire tunnels are empty.

Wei Dabao knew that this would not happen within an hour or two. He sat at the door of the fire escape, opened the door a small slit, pretending to be a sleeping patient's family, and listened to the outside sound with his ears up.

It was quiet outside, and Wei Dabao began to wonder what would happen if he were Wang Chengfa.

After thinking for a long time, Wei Dabao felt that what Chief Wu said might be right. But he couldn't guess how things were going, just like performing an operation on a patient, he could only guess a rough idea.

The fire escape in the hospital was gloomy and cold, and the whistling little cool breeze ran down Wei Dabao's collar and sleeves.

He didn't complain, did Chief Wu say that this is knowledge that can't be learned in books. With nothing to do, Wei Dabao quietly recalled his own experiences over the years.

Many are just experiences, he had never thought about it before, because Wei Dabao always focused on how to make money.

To support the family, the money earned from places like the Bajingzi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine could barely die of starvation, and when his son was old, he couldn't make money to buy a house.

Not to mention the provincial capital and Linzhou, even the housing prices in Bajingzi are not cheap.

Even so, Wei Dabao's "face-to-face" skills are excellent. After all, he has been in the "folklore" industry for many years. If he can't tell people, he will have to eat dirt in this industry.

A pile of things flashed in my mind, if the background is a hospital, how to deal with it.

Gradually, Wei Dabao felt that he opened a brand new window and saw many things that he hadn't noticed before.

As time passed quickly, a voice suddenly interrupted Wei Dabao's thoughts.

"I'm the king of the house, why do you ask me to come?" A familiar voice reached Wei Dabao's ears.

It's Wang Quan, he really came!

This is expected.

Because Wang Chengfa was hospitalized under general anesthesia, and breathing was assisted by a ventilator, many treatments and operations had to be explained and signed by the patient’s family, which was different from emergency rescue in the operating room.

The latter is to follow the power urgently, while the former is to improve as much as possible.

"Wang Quan, I performed prostate surgery on your dad today. There was a small problem and I had to use a ventilator to assist breathing." Dean Zhou's voice came in, "But don't worry, I guess you can turn it out tomorrow."

"The old immortal, why don't you die in the operating room?" Wang Quan cursed in a low voice, "Anything else? I'll go back if it's okay."

"Wang Quan, your father can be inside." Dean Zhou said in a deep voice.

Wang Quan whispered something, but Wei Dabao didn't hear it clearly.

Wei Dabao sighed when he thought that both of these masters had cerebral infarctions, Wang Chengfa's sequelae were slightly lighter, and Wang Quan's sequelae were slightly more severe.

What Wang Chengfa said was an old doctor at Bajingzi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taizhuzi. Unexpectedly, old and old, so many changes have occurred.

And his son is also used to not being decent, even at this time, he is still thinking about the king.

It's going to the grave, Wei Dabao slandered to himself.

"Wang Quan, I'm looking for a doctor from the second hospital ICU for follow-up treatment to your dad, and you have to sign some words." Dean Zhou said.

"What sign do I sign?" Wang Quan said vaguely, "I take all my family passbooks to the work unit. This is to sever the relationship between father and son. Besides, he can do it if I sign?"

"..." Dean Zhou was speechless.

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Wei Dabao thought that Section Chief Wu might have guessed wrong this time, and Wang Quan seemed to not want to take care of this.

The main thing is that Wang Chengfa has been used to Wang Quan since he was a child. Is this kid really fucking?

What happened in the end? The child who is the most beloved is the least likely to be old-aged. Wei Dabao thinks of many old people who died in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

In the end, the ones who stayed with them were not their favorite children, but the most honest children.

With a light sigh, Wei Dabao listened to Dean Zhou repeatedly persuading Wang Quan, and finally became annoyed by Wang Quan's babbling, and cursed Dean Zhou a few words before reluctantly staying.

When the Icu doctor came out with the signature sheet, Wang Quan cursed and signed the calligraphy, turned around and left.

Hearing the sound of his dragging footsteps, Wei Dabao felt a little scared in his heart, and his little boy won't grow up.

mB! If so, it might as well choke to death now... Thinking of that, Wei Dabao's mouth showed a smile. He thought of the scene where he and his child had a desk and read face to face.

It's also very good. When you go back after finishing this, you have to watch your child learn.

Anyway, Section Chief Wu is strict, there are countless books to read, I guess I can't finish it in this life. It seems to be a very interesting thing to accompany the children to see the college entrance examination.

I can still watch him, accompany him through the rebellious period, and let him feel the social beatings in Zhou, how is the patient's family like this? "Director Icu Qian asked.

"Director Qian, I'm really embarrassed." Dean Zhou is estimated to be bowing, his voice is a little floating, "This kid...oh."

"President Zhou, be careful not to cause medical disputes." Director Qian and Dean Zhou were not familiar with each other, so he said kindly and turned back.

Dean Zhou sat on a chair outside the icu, separated from Wei Dabao by an iron gate, sighing and frowning.

Wei Dabao smacked Director Qian's words just now, and he couldn't find a similar example from his own experience. But since both Section Chief Wu and Director Qian repeatedly warned, there is probably a problem with this matter.

After staying up all night, only Dean Zhou, a "patient's family", was with him outside ICU. During the period, the section chief came here once, and then left. A colleague from the hospital came to visit, but was also sent back by Dean Zhou.

Wei Dabao waited half asleep in the fire escape for the night. The sky gradually brightened. At about 8:30, the doctor from ICU came out and said that Wang Cheng's condition was stable and he had been extubated. Observe for a few hours. If nothing happens, he can turn around. Out of icu.

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