Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 864: Sure enough, the same as Chief Wu said

As long as people are okay, Wei Dabao thought to himself.

After all, Wang Chengfa signed himself, but he could still sit back and sit back the **** he pulled out.

"Dean Zhou, the hospitalization fee is gone, let's pay a little more." Icu's hospitalization chief and Dean Zhou explained.

Wei Dabao didn't know how the expenses for the hospitalization went. It is estimated that Dean Zhou paid in advance by himself. After all, this is an extremely special situation, and Section Chief Wu is still very cautious. Everyone is afraid of problems.

Icu is a gold-swallowing beast. It is normal for severely ill patients to be 10,000+ a day and a night. Similar to Wang Chengfa's situation, even if the condition is relatively mild, it is estimated to be three to five thousand.

About ten minutes later, Wei Dabao heard that Dean Zhou called Wang Quan and asked him to pay for the hospitalization. Wei Dabao could still hear the voice of Wang Quan scolding the street on the phone, even if it was several meters away.

After hanging up the phone, Dean Zhou sighed again and again.

Based on Wei Dabao's knowledge of Dean Zhou, he could guess that Dean Zhou's eyebrows were twisted, drooping, and a miserable look, which made people feel as uncomfortable as eating a bitter gourd.

Hey, what's the good thing about the surgeon?

It is indeed possible to earn more, but if it weren't for the exquisite character or someone pointing from behind, this kind of mess would be enough to make people retreat.

Many surgeons thought they could do it, but only after they resigned and went to the South did they find that they could not do it, because they only paid attention to technique and did not pay attention to the "face".

The cost issue is a major issue. It is estimated that Dean Zhou will be bleeding heavily this time, Wei Dabao thought to himself.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, I heard the footsteps of Dean Zhou going away, it is estimated that it is to pay the hospitalization fee.

Unlike emergency patients, there is no saying that patients with family members do not pay. After all, Dean Zhou had a fault in the operation, and Section Chief Wu made major issues smaller, and how the trivial matters were reduced depends on President Zhou’s attitude.

He should have been stingy just now, reluctant to spend money. But Wang Quan's attitude explained everything. After thinking and thinking, in the end Dean Zhou chose to save money and avoid disaster.

More than an hour passed, and Wei Dabao spent this time amid the continuous sighs of Dean Zhou.

"Are you the director Zhou of the Bajingzi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine?" A stern woman's voice came in from the crack of the door, and Wei Dabao suddenly felt the cold wind, and the cold wind filled his whole body with goose bumps.

"I am, you are Director Wang's sister-in-law?"

The woman did not answer Dean Zhou's question, she said coldly, "When was the operation performed? Why don't the family members know?"

"It's just a minor operation. Director Wang said no need to talk to the family." Dean Zhou was overwhelmed by the woman's strong attitude, and his speech started to be a little bit incoherent, "Moreover, there is a signature, the must be risky. Director Wang knows."

"You save a little bit of saliva and say it when you are ready to go to court." The woman said, "I'm not here to discuss with you, but to inform you. We won't pay the fee, you can handle it yourself. People are dead or alive, Hey!"

The last sneer made Wei Dabao tighten his clothes subconsciously.

"This is a normal complication..." Dean Zhou tried hard to defend.

"Normal? You'll say it's normal." The woman said, "I am not a doctor, and I don't understand. Let's see the medical investigation committee on this matter, President Zhou, right? It is estimated that you will receive the sealed medical record in ten minutes. Notified."

After speaking, the woman didn't listen to Dean Zhou's explanation, and the sound of high heels stepping on the marble floor went away.

Wang Quan's vague scolding gradually faded away.

Wei Dabao knew that Wang Chengfa had a very powerful sister-in-law. Last time I heard that this person also wanted to make trouble, but in the end he didn't know why, and the trouble was solved.

The situation really evolved in the direction predicted by Section Chief Wu, and Wei Dabao knew that President Zhou was in serious trouble this time.

However, Wei Dabao's judgment is not pessimistic. In the end, it depends on Wang Chengfa's opinion.

After all, he is an old colleague of the Chinese Medicine Hospital for many years. Dean Zhou performed the operation. Although there was an accident, it should be fine without Wang Chengfa's spending.

Keep your attitude a little lower. I usually see you when I look up and bow my head. In addition, Wang Chengfa and Dean Zhou have a good relationship, so I shouldn't embarrass my old friends if I want to.

Wei Dabao tried his best to tighten the clothes on his body, and it seemed to be colder during the day than last night.

At noon, Wei Dabao ran out for a meal and returned to continue eavesdropping.

It's just that his position was occupied by another patient's family member, who was sitting by the door and playing with his mobile phone without even raising his head.

After more than an hour, Icu’s hospital chief and Dean Zhou confessed that Wang Chengfa had nothing to do and he wanted to transfer to the urology department to continue treatment.

Dean Zhou specifically asked if there would be any sequelae.

Icu's hospitalization was always explained vaguely in standard medical language-there is a high probability that there will be no sequelae, but no one can rule out accidents.

After another half an hour, Wang Chengfa pushed it out. Without family members, Dean Zhou acted as a filial son and grandson to push Wang Cheng back to the ward.

Wei Dabao has been searching for a long time. The structure of the ward is different from that of the ICU. It is unlikely to hear what they say in the fire passage through an iron concern the public.. Book Friends Base Camp , I read books every day to get cash/points!

In the end, he still chose the fire-proof passage. There was glass on the iron door. Standing here, he could observe the movement in the corridor of the ward.

Although he couldn't hear the words, Wei Dabao felt that it was okay. He couldn't move a chair and sit in the ward.

After finding a place, Wei Dabao complained secretly after less than an hour of observation. You can sit outside the icu door, as long as you wrap your clothes tightly, take a nap, right?

Standing in the fire escape at the end of the corridor of the ward, although you can see who is coming in the corridor and see their expressions, you can only stand.

Three hours later, when Wei Dabao was sleepy and tired, Wang Quan appeared in the corridor of the ward.

He is dragging his sequelae of cerebral infarction seems to be worse than when I saw him last time. It's just that a smile appeared on Wang Quan's face, and it didn't look like he was arguing.

Finally found out my conscience? Wei Dabao thought to himself. Although there is no high expectation of human nature, Wei Dabao is still unwilling to believe the fact that his "son" who has been raised for 30 years has finally become a white-eyed wolf.

Even if he is not his own son, even if he has no relationship with him.

Sure enough, less than ten minutes after Wang Quan walked into the ward, he sent Dean Zhou out. Although they could not hear what they said, Wei Dabao could observe Dean Zhou's tired face and a pleased smile on his face. .

There should be no big problem, Wei Dabao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Section Chief Wu seemed to have guessed wrong. Wei Dabao wondered how to go back and explain to Section Chief Wu, watching Director Zhou staggering away and watching Wang Quan enter the ward.

I didn't hear anything, I couldn't say it—I guessed it myself.

Watching people coming and going in the corridor, after a while, two people in suits and leather shoes and a person in a different kind of white clothes walked into the ward.

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