Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 904: Cold paralysis

"The bad news is that there is no cure for your disease. At least in the context of current technology, there is no cure." Wu Mian said, "I have read 113 reports on Hirayama disease, and the effects of acupuncture and physical therapy are limited. Surgery is basically useless."

"..." Li Chen's face turned white, and he subconsciously slipped his sleeves with his hands, shrank into his army coat.

He wanted to ask good news, but...this disease is so irreparable, what good news can there be? !

"Wu Mian, what's the good news?!" Wu Zhongtai asked when Li Chen didn't speak.

"Fortunately, it is Hirayama disease. This disease will not continue to progress to a certain extent. It is much better than gradual cold syndrome." Wu Mian said, "And there is only one right hand. If you strengthen functional exercises, your right hand will move. It’s not a problem, it’s just that you don’t have much strength."

"Lack of energy?" Wu Zhongtai asked in surprise.

"For example, if you use chopsticks to clamp a piece of pork ribs and other slightly heavy food, it will be unstable or fall off." Wu Mian said, "If you take a pen and write for less than 5 minutes, you will feel tired and start to lose shape. ."

"..." Wu Zhongtai was startled. According to his son, is this kid Li Chen really sick? !

Wouldn't it be him and Wu Mian colluding to lie to himself?

This thought is fleeting, impossible, Wu Mian is his own son, how could this happen. If Wu Mian's relatives far and near don't understand, this son will feed for nothing.

"..." Li Chen carefully savored Wu Mian's words, and suddenly felt that Teacher Wu was right, which seemed to be good news.

"Ms. Wu, Hirayama's disease? It's this name, right?" Li Chen asked.

"Yeah." Wu Mian nodded, "Hirayama disease is also called juvenile distal upper limb muscular dystrophy. It was first reported by island scholar Keizo Hirayama in 1959. There are currently about 1,500 cases of this disease reported worldwide, mainly in Asian countries. ."

"Muscular dystrophy refers to rhabdomyodystrophy. The muscle mass is smaller than normal, and muscle fibers become thinner or even disappear. In addition to the pathological changes of muscle tissue itself, muscle nutrition is closely related to the nervous system."

" it a problem with the nervous system? Really there will be no more serious consequences?" Li Chen asked nervously.

"Spine cord diseases often lead to muscular dystrophy and muscle atrophy. The affected parts are mostly unilateral distal hand muscles of the upper extremities. Electromyography shows neurogenic damage. The course of the disease is benign and can stop on its own." Wu Mian looked at Li Chen. , Said softly, "I have given you the EMG list. You can ask other experts to see it again."

"Ah? No need!" Li Chen said without hesitation, "Aren't you a top domestic expert? If you are in the Imperial Capital, you are afraid that the registered ticket will be fired to 10,000 or 20,000?

Wu Zhongtai's eyes were straight. Although Wu Mian had entered Nuo Da's foundation within half a year when he came back, he did not realize that his son's wings were hardened long ago. He was always a kid with a runny nose.

Wu Mian smiled, nodded, and continued to explain without comment.

"It is clinically similar to motor neuron disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal cord progressive muscular atrophy, but the prognosis is completely different. One of them is the gradual freezing syndrome diagnosed by the Emperor's experts. Fortunately, it is not. The only way to treat is to improve eating with minimally invasive surgery."

"..." Li Chen nodded repeatedly.

"Wu Mian, is it true?" Wu Zhongtai asked doubtfully, "shrinking? I don't think the muscles in Village Chief Li's hands have shrunk."

"He used to be left-handed and was brought over by his mother. He has been using his right hand and he is young, and the atrophy is not obvious, so he can't see it. But the electromyogram shows very clearly. Dad, you really misunderstood Mr. Li. "Wu Mian said.

Wu Zhongtai frowned.

"Distal muscle atrophy of the upper extremities refers to the forearms and hands. They are typically manifested as muscle weakness in the hands and distal forearms that attack the disease in early adolescence. The corresponding muscle group atrophy gradually appears with the development of the disease, often unilateral damage. Part of it is asymmetric bilateral damage."

"In other words, if there is a problem with one hand under normal circumstances, if the cause is not found, it can be considered as Hirayama disease."

"That's it? Wu Mian, you guessed it."

"How come, Dad." Wu Mian smiled, "I'm an expert."

"..." Wu Zhongtai had never seen anyone who said he was an expert, especially since his son said this, and his credibility was greatly reduced.

"Hirayama disease has another very important feature-cold and paralysis."


"Yeah." Wu Mian nodded, "In fact, Village Chief Li is not suitable for working in the Northeast. Going to the south, returning to his hometown or going to Hainan, the condition can be greatly relieved."

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Li Chen was startled, Wu Mian's words hit his chest like a big hammer.

After graduation, he was a village official for three years, and originally planned to return to work in the south. But let him go back now, Li Chen was completely unprepared.

"Generally speaking, it will stop naturally within 5 years of onset, and your condition should not progress anymore. Pay more attention to your activities. I'm talking about the right hand. Do you know the gripper?"

Li Chen nodded.

"Buy a lady to prevent muscle atrophy." Wu Mian said, "Or just buy two walnut plates. As long as hands move, muscle atrophy will be very slow. Although it is irreversible, it is better than a few years with the right hand. Abolished."

"Teacher Wu, you just said Hirayama disease... is it called Hirayama disease."

"Yes." Wu Mian nodded.

"There is no good way to treat?"

"There are several ways. The first is a neck brace. It is said that using a neck brace to protect the cervical spine for a long time can relieve the I think it is quite nonsense, but there is no test basis and cannot be denied.

Then there is spinal duraplasty plus spinal cord lysis, which can improve short-term and long-term results. Note that just improving, but not curing. Surgery itself also has risks. Since the condition will not progress, I prefer conservative treatment rather than surgery to relieve it. "

Li Chen agreed.

Spine surgery, what should I do if there is a fault and paralysis? Now it is a hand, if something happens, the whole person will be useless. Moreover, according to what Mr. Wu said, the status quo can be maintained as long as the walnuts are plated. This should be a better choice.

After Wu Mian finished speaking, he began to pack things up.

"That's it. I'll give a diagnosis to Village Chief Li and try to go to the south." Wu Mian said, "Dad, are the procedures troublesome?"

"Trouble." Wu Zhongtai said, "If you are sure, then I will urge you as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Wu Zhongtai came over, hugged Li Chen under the army coat, and patted him on the shoulder hard, "Mr. Li, let’s go, let us have a drink at noon. I am so embarrassed during this time. I don’t know if it’s a disease, I thought you were so scared!"

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