Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 905: Who cares about the stars and the sea

Sending away Wu Zhongtai and Li Chen, Matthew said with a smile, "Teacher Wu, your old man is really energetic."

"Hehe, he has been busy all his life and got used to it."

"Now the old man is an assistant researcher?"

"Deputy department level, old age, there is no room for it. I can't make it. I will go home and hold my grandson in a few years. It is better than the grassroots in the world who are anxious to get angry." Wu Mian said.

"That's true." Matthew said with a smile, "Now the grass-roots work is not good. In the past few years, the grass-roots work was missing. I still need to find the old party secretary if I have something to do. I deal with the following medical disputes in the Second Hospital of Medical University. In fact, 80% of them are It is caused by the incomprehension of the explanation and the misunderstanding of the patients."

Wu Mian nodded. He knew that the explanation that Matthew De said did not understand was due to two reasons. Whether it was the doctor's rush or the patient's lack of basic medical knowledge, it would cause communication difficulties.

"No way. Very often, I can only ask the local village chief and party secretary to come forward. Their work style is so rude, so I will curse a few words when I come up. But it's strange that people just eat this set."

"The old party secretary has no selfish motives, he is fair in his work, and everyone is naturally convinced. The grassroots can't choose village cadres at all. They are fooled and lame. I think the mode of village officials is good."

"We are better here. Capital doesn't like it. When I went to the imperial capital for a meeting, I talked to my classmates and said that they chose the village cadres locally, with a vote of tens of dollars. Ground chicken feathers."

"Don't talk about it." Wu Mian walked away with his hands on his back. He said with a smile, "Ma Yuan, it's going to be the New Year. I just came back, and I don't know the specifics. Will the second court pay bonuses during Chinese New Year?"

"In the past, there were rewards and so on." Matthew De said, "Now that financial allocations are getting less and less, and even a little money is paid. Performance appraisal is the main mode of operation, and no one dares to think about it. As for the end of the year. Award, that's a legend."

"That's OK, I'll think about it and see who can give us a cash prize."

"Professor Wu."


"Sending too much money...may not be good." Matthew De said, having a trance.

"I understand." Wu Mian was not surprised, and smiled and said, "But I am used to it. In the United States, medical care was an industrial chain, and doctors had high thresholds and high incomes. Looking back at the people who earned this little money and beggars. Like, I always feel that I need to send more."

"But this model is not lasting." Matthew De insisted.

"Yeah." Wu Mian nodded, "Jianxie Hospital does not matter. After the fifth hospital opens, the income will definitely not be as high as this one. You have time to discuss with Xue Yuan and see what to do."

"Can the Jianxie Hospital maintain its income?"

"Yes." Wu Mian said affirmatively, "Especially in neurology and cardiac surgery, there are new procedures, and there will not be fewer people visiting the country. But this kind of large-scale surgery requires general medical support, and it is difficult to perform. To become a specialist surgery style in a specialist hospital."

"Isn't there many specialized hospitals in Imperial City?"

"They only do simple things, and patients with complicated complications are sent to comprehensive tertiary hospitals. Anyway, they are all in the imperial capital, and everyone is familiar with them. What should we do? There is no way to push."

Matthew Dee thinks about it, it seems the same is true.

"Speak slowly, don't worry, and spend a year quietly first." Wu Mian smiled.

At this point, Matthew Dee looked more serious, and he asked, "Mr. Wu, the technique we have developed is advanced, and there are already smelling sharks here."

"Oh? Someone contacted you?"

"Just to ask the wind, private capital, you know."

"You don't need to pay attention to them." Wu Mian smiled, "No matter who it is, even if the Malaysian pony comes to the door, he can't agree."

"..." Matthew was speechless.

Teacher Wu doesn't want to make money? !

"Tao Ruo has been walking more frequently recently. I think he meant to invest in medical care. I rejected it outright. Basic research is OK, but it can't be formed."

"Teacher Wu, I wrote it down." Matthew De said, "Can you ask more, why?"

"I know a PhD in nuclear physics in the Imperial City, and I have a lot of talk. He used to be very optimistic about our future. Do you know why?"

"Uh... we are weak in scientific research in China, this is to be admitted." Matthew De said with a serious face.

"Hehe, after I went to Europe and the United States, especially after seeing it in the United States, I felt that there was no need to be so pessimistic."


"Their top talents have gone to finance." Wu Mian smiled, "What is finance? To put it to the extreme, all finance is a Ponzi scheme. In other words, their top talents have become scammers. "

"..." Matthew was speechless, and Mr. Wu's words were too arbitrary.

"There is the same thing in China. Crossing the river by touching the eagle sauce is not trying to touch them on the wrong path." Wu Mian said, "Especially after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, if you enter, you will not be able to stay home, and if you leave, you will be invincible. Perpetual death. The American Emperor is a live drama that truly shows us how correct Mencius said thousands of years ago."

"How easy it is to scam money in finance, I don't know if Ponzi's Ma Yuan understands it."

"Know a little bit."

"Then I won't be long-winded. Their top talents use the most powerful mathematical models to design one scam after another. Some of the scams are so subtle that even I am amazed."

"Oh? A scam?"

"Foreign...Let's talk about domestic. Long-term renting an apartment is probably not going to last a few years. Sooner or later, eggshells and other things will be as thunderous as small loans, and it will be the renters."

Matthew De was taken aback.

"To put it simply, in normal thinking, long-term renting of an apartment means that the owner takes the house at a low price, rents it out at a high price, and acts as a middleman to make the difference."

"Isn't it?"

"Hehe, Mayuan, you look down on them too much." Wu Mian smiled. "The long-term rental apartment was not prepared to play like this from the beginning. Come to They collect houses at high prices and rent them out at low prices. How do you think this makes money?"

"I'm going... this is charity."

"How can it be." Wu Mian said, "The high price of the house, they and the owner are settled once a month; for low-cost renting, three mortgages are paid for one, or even half a year or one year. With funds, this is running water. , Which is equivalent to the basic disk in the Ponzi game."

Matthew was silent.

"Because young people have a face, after all, they are the children after the change, I don't know that people's hearts are sinister."

"Ms. Wu, where does the profit come from?" Matthew De asked.

"People don't even think about profit at all." Wu Mian said, "Understand the US subprime mortgage crisis. One, two, three, four or five rounds of bonds, everyone is happy to make money. If there is a thunderstorm, then go bankrupt. ."

"So I said that the elites on the American side are all liars. Technology? The stars and the sea? Who cares."

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