Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 923: Sudden Change

Tianhe City established a new-type pneumonia prevention and control headquarters, and the highest level of the country has also issued a spirit to require relevant departments to put people's life safety and physical health first.

Looking at the documents issued, Matthew was silent for a long time.

He vaguely felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Only a few hundred cases have alarmed the highest level?

Matthew De remembered a case of a heterosexual infectious disease that occurred in the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in late summer and early autumn. That was handled by Teacher Wu. It was neat and tidy, and there was no difficulty at all.

Even if it is the S virus, it is the same as the patients treated by Mr. Wu, it is a Type B infectious disease. Could it be that there is anything in it that you don't know about?

Even though Matthew De, as an old medical worker, has been exposed to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, he really does not know how serious this matter is.

Why isn't Teacher Wu coming back? Matthew De was helpless.

Listen to the guidance of the Provincial Department. He sighed. It is estimated that the Provincial Department is also dewy now, just like himself.

Matthew still didn't take it very seriously. He just felt that there would be batch after batch of inspections for the new type of pneumonia after the year. This kind of work is very annoying.

But that's all after the new year, think about it again after the new year.

In 2009, Matthew was commanding the first line of influenza. At that time, the situation was more serious, and it was even heavier for the Northeast than the 2003 s virus.

But no matter how serious it is, can the situation this time be more serious than the influenza A in 2009? Matthew De didn't think so. In 2009, the United States said that tens of thousands of people died. Afterwards, Matthew read the information and saw that the data was revised to more than 500,000. He didn't care whether it was the wrong data or the data problem on the cdc side.

But in any case, it is a major infectious disease of hundreds of thousands of people. Is it not the same? I don't believe what this new type of pneumonia can make.

As soon as Matthew came home from get off work, his wife asked as soon as Matthew came in, "Old Ma, my colleague from the unit said there was a flu again?"

"It should be." Matthew De said, "there is a document in the afternoon to make sure that the infection can be spread from person to person."

"Is it heavy?"

"Normally, it's not a common flu, but you don't need to be nervous." Matthew De said calmly.

"My colleague said it is serious!" Matthew De's lover said, "It is said that the country has issued notices, and they have different opinions on the specific content."

"Don't listen to them talking nonsense." Matthew De said, "There is a patient who has died, 89 years old, with a lot of basic diseases. To put it bluntly, that kind of old man will collapse when the wind blows, and a pneumonia is a hurdle.

Elderly people? Femoral neck fractures are known as the last fracture in their lives, and they are aimed at the elderly. When I get older, I can't handle anything. "

"It's fine," Matthew De's lover said.

I just heard a few gossips in the work unit. Every year there are more gossips of this kind. Comparing infectious diseases with 2 thunderstorms, they are not on the same level at all.

There was a thunderstorm in two companies a while ago. A colleague of Matthew De's lover had just deposited a large sum of money, and it disappeared all at once. It was heartbroken.

After the two of them had eaten, watching TV randomly, Matthew always felt that he was uneasy, as if something big was about to happen.

It was almost ten o'clock, ready to wash and go to bed, Matthew brushed his teeth and was about to turn off the TV when he suddenly saw the host of the news channel connecting with Academician Zhong Nanshan.

Matthew De was stunned, holding the remote control in his hand, and did not press the close button.

"Old horse, I'm asleep." Matthew De's lover shouted.

"Wait a minute, I'll watch the news."

"What's wrong?"

"Academician Zhong Nanshan accepted the interview."

"What's so good about that." Matthew De's love said.

Matthew did not speak, he always felt that there was a problem.

The content is nothing new, but it is an attitude that is notified by the national level so that all people know what is happening.

Matthew was suspicious about this, and he did not have enough estimates of the seriousness of the matter.

Zhong Nanshan, who is always Zhong Matthew, knows very well, when the 2003 s virus, Zhong played a mainstay role.

Seventeen years have passed, and Mr. Zhong is still full of energy. Watching Zhong Nanshan and Zhong Lao answering the host's questions on the TV, he was so confident that it was hard to believe that this was an 83-year-old old man.

He really deserves to be the man who broke the national record of 400m hurdles in 58 years, Matthew De lamented. If you just talk about your body, it is estimated that your current health condition is no better than Zhong Lao.

Seeing Zhong Lao's serious expression on the TV, Matthew De's brows frowned.

He tossed and turned this night, unable to sleep anyway.

The situation seems to be very serious. It can be said that Po Datian is a Class B infectious disease. Could it be said that it is a severe infectious disease such as plague and cholera? !


Plague and cholera were turning around in Matthew's mind like two ghosts, and he didn't dare to think about it at all. If it's the plague... it should be fine.

On November 12, 2019, two people from Sunite Left Banner of Xilinguole League were diagnosed as confirmed cases of pneumonic plague after consultation with experts.

The two patients were transferred from a local ambulance in Inner Mongolia to a medical institution in Chaoyang District, the imperial capital, for treatment.

On November 18, 2019 The medical observation period of a close contact with two pneumonic plague patients diagnosed in the Imperial City in Xilin Gol League has expired. There is no abnormal manifestation such as fever. The laboratory cr tests are all negative. Experts will discuss research and release medical observation.

As long as you pay attention, the plague can be easily extinguished. Now that the country has a complete set of diagnosis and treatment standards for epidemics, there should be no problem.

Matthew was still worried about this matter at the time, but it was quickly settled without surprise.

On December 23, 2019, there were no new cases in Ulan Qab City. The city will continue to carry out rat epidemic prevention and control work, such as surveillance of rodent epidemics, investigation of fever patients, elimination of rodents and fleas, and entry of rodent prevention knowledge into villages and households.

This is the plague!

Now ordinary people don't know how bad the plague is, and even some young doctors have no relevant experience. They think it's normal to fight the plague in one month.

But Matthew De knows the stakes.

When the plague appeared, there were not so many experts who went to the scene to solve the problem. It was a severe infectious disease of Class A!

Watching Zhong Nanshan and Zhong Lao explain the new type of pneumonia on the TV with a serious expression, Matthew De continues to make bold assumptions, but he has no conclusions.

If he wants to break his head, Matthew does not think that a virus that has been analyzed by most of its genetic structure will cause trouble.

It was because he was too sensitive, and Matthew finally came to the conclusion.

Without sleep all night, Matthew De went to work with dark circles under his eyes the next day.

New Year's Eve, why are there so many things? ! The guess in Matthew De's heart didn't dare to talk nonsense, the most hateful thing was...Why didn't Teacher Wu come back!

I usually think that Teacher Wu has experience in diagnosis and incurable diseases. Now that he is not by his side, Matthew De feels that the whole person is on the verge of collapse.

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