Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 924: A situation not encountered in 1 life

On January 21st, everything went smoothly, and there was not much related news. The transportation department was activated; personnel entering and exiting Tianhe City strengthened control.

On January 22, Tianhe City initiated a secondary public health emergency response.

It shouldn't be a big problem, and Matthew felt that he was a little too sensitive, and that local measures would be fine.

Going to the auditorium to watch the rehearsal, Matthew saw Zheng Kaixuan, who was usually very active, sitting in the back seat, immersed in something, and was not with his colleagues.

After approaching, Matthew De noticed that everyone was joking and having fun, and it was rare to relax. And Zheng Kaixuan sat behind, lonely, flipping through the phone.

Matthew De knows that Zheng Kaixuan's identity is special, and there seems to be other things between him and Teacher Wu. With a move in his heart, Matthew De walked over.

"Professor Zheng, what do you think?" Matthew De asked.

Zheng Kaixuan looked up and saw that Matthew De was like a giant panda, and smiled bitterly, "Dean Ma, have you rested well?"

"I have insomnia these days, I am old and sick, and I am very troubled." Matthew De said, "Why don't you sing with them."

"I have a senior in Tianhe City, and their situation seems to be wrong." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"..." When Matthew heard Zheng Kaixuan talking about the three words Tianhe City, he trembled in his heart and quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

"The hospital is full of people, the emergency department and the respiratory medicine department are bursting!" Zheng Kaixuan raised his phone, "Weibo is also bursting, and there is everything to say."

Matthew De received Zheng Kaixuan's mobile phone. The picture shows the emergency department of a hospital. An extra bed has been added to the corridor. You can even see patients sitting on a chair wrapped in cotton jackets and quilts with drips.


"Tianhe City has more medical resources than our provincial capital."

"Oh?" Matthew didn't know much about this.

"There are 55 top-tier hospitals in the emperor, 38 in Yangcheng, 32 in the magic capital, and 27 in Tianhe City and Rongcheng." Zheng Kaixuan said worriedly. There are even more medical resources."

"It's all crowded?" Matthew De asked in a daze.

"Well, I didn't have a hospital bed. I didn't pay attention to it for the past two days. I was busy with the art performance. A friend from Tianhe had a fever and couldn't live in the hospital. Ask me for help." Zheng Kaixuan said. He sighed deeply.

Matthew De was taken aback, he knew what he had overlooked.

"I called and asked the brothers on the other side. They said that all hospitals, large and small, were overcrowded, and there were no beds at all." Zheng Kaixuan said, "After Zhong Lao was interviewed, all kinds of medicines in the pharmacy were bought out, including medical alcohol. , 84 disinfectant is not left."

"..." Matthew did not expect the situation to be so severe.

"Dean Ma, get ready, I guess we will have to go to Tianhe for support."

Matthew was silent.

"That's what I said, this wave of pneumonia looks very serious." Zheng Kaixuan cautiously described pneumonia without mentioning the s virus.

"You have a background in cardiothoracic surgery, do you think..."

"I don't know." Zheng Kaixuan shook his head. "Although I am not too big or young, I am considered an expert, but who do you think are in Tianhe City now? Every academician is here! With such a strong medical force, there is no resistance. Live... Dean Ma, to be honest, this is the first time I have seen a medical run."

Medical run... This term is so unfamiliar that Matthew De has never heard it.

There will only be a run when there is a 2 thunderstorm. Is there even a medical run now? !

Zheng Kaixuan's cell phone rang, it should be a WeChat prompt, and Matthew returned the cell phone to him.

"No place." Zheng Kaixuan glanced at WeChat, shook his head, and said, "The medical supplies prepared by the hospital are almost used. It's a strange thing... I have never encountered it."

"Actually, I think everyone is a little panic. Try not to go to the hospital at this time. The hospital is crowded with poor air circulation. If you are not sick, you will become sick." Matthew De said, "A lot of patients are isolated at home during the s virus. I need to be hospitalized before going. I guess that side is also panicked, and I haven't encountered such a thing."

"I don't know." Zheng Kaixuan's brows were locked tightly. He looked at the phone, "Now the hospital in Tianhe is about to collapse."

"..." Matthew De was startled and asked, "Will it?"

"The hospital's medical supplies are almost used, and you know that the hospital will not prepare too many things. If it is not in time for the New Year, it would be okay. Now the factories are on holiday and you can't buy anything with the money."

"What's the situation then? Do you have any information?"

"Tianhe Xiehe Hospital and Imperial Capital Xiehe are asking for help. They should have run out of ammunition and food." Zheng Kaixuan's voice became smaller and smaller.

Running out of ammunition and food...

Matthew De is an experienced medical worker, but decades of experience can't make any difference now.

There was a medical run just now, and I have never heard of it. Now Zheng Kaixuan says that there will be no ammunition and food!


If the ammunition runs out and there is no food, what will happen to the situation on that side!

When a series of interrogative sentences appeared in Matthew De’s heart, the question marks turned into exclamation marks, seeming to have echoes Many doctors and nurses dare not eat or drink, dare not change protective clothing, wear raincoats, and make them with CT films. Goggles, use garbage bags as shoe covers. "Zheng Kaixuan said helplessly, "I use a little less,'s too late to catch up with the New Year, and I can't buy it." "

In the New Year, this festive word seems to have changed its flavor at this moment.

In the past two years, the title of infrastructure madness has spread like wildfire. There is a dazzling array of products in the market and online stores, and there is no shortage of items.

There was limited electricity 30 years ago, and the state called for saving every kilowatt-hour of electricity and every drop of water. It was really poor at that time, and the poor didn't even have money to repair the Three Gorges Dam.

now what?

If it hadn't caught up with the problems during the New Year, Matthew would not believe that there would be a shortage of supplies.

Many factories are looking forward to the order, but now the order is coming, which coincides with the Spring Festival.

"Then what to do?" Matthew De was a little dazed.

"I don't know." Zheng Kaixuan smiled bitterly. "The three affiliated hospitals of Yan University are in meetings, and the Xiehe and Imperial Hospitals are also in meetings. It is estimated that people will be sent to support."

"That's good." Matthew De said, "it should be a wave of bursts. Today is the twenty-eighth lunar calendar. It should be suppressed in a few days. It's just that this year is not good."

Zheng Kaixuan clicked on a video in the group. A doctor was wearing a white suit inside and a raincoat outside. He had no goggles and mask. He changed it with a plastic bag to block him.

The doctor in the video was emotionally broken. He was sitting on the ground with the yellow garbage bag on his feet so conspicuous.

It was obvious that the doctor was exhausted, he didn't cry, didn't scream, just said blankly-no bed, no bed.

The surroundings are chaotic, and Matthew cannot hear what everyone is talking about. He can only vaguely hear the doctor say-I also want to go home for the New Year.

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