Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 944: guard

United States, New York.

The news of Tianhe City attracted attention in the Chinese circle.

Especially the international students of Tianhe University, whether they are Chinese who have already settled in the United States or those who are studying, from attention to abuse, to anxiety, their hearts have always been tied to that hot land.

As the gaffe keeps changing, people realize that the situation is not right.

Countless WeChat groups keep flashing messages.

After learning of the epidemic, Tianhe University alumni in the Greater New York area immediately organized their alumni to donate funds and materials in the alumni group.

As the situation further ferments, the originally dissatisfied and abusive international students no longer waste their time on complaining.

If you curse ten sentences, it is better to send home a mask.

This time Tianhe should have encountered a hurdle that could not be passed, otherwise several giant-level hospitals could not ask the society for help at the same time.

The Tianhe University alumni group rented a few warehouses first as a unified mailing location.

After all, people in the alumni group are scattered throughout North America. There is no unified organization, and the efficiency is much slower.

At the same time, everyone is acting.

Masks and protective clothing from nearby shopping malls and pharmacies were swept away and mailed to the unified warehouse.

As the domestic situation deteriorates further, students in North America feel that the number of masks and protective clothing purchased at retail is too small, which is a drop in the bucket.

Soon, in several large distributors on the east and west coasts, 3m n95 masks were also swept away. The large-scale warehouse has a huge stocking volume. After sweeping out the cargo from the east and west coasts, and looking at the quantity, everyone feels a little bit clear in their hearts.

The WeChat group finally has a bright color, and the mood of being depressed by the news of Tianhe City has been relieved a lot.

The n95blockorders of several large distributors on the east and west coasts of 3m were almost sold out by the California Alumni Association of Wuhan University and my donors on the east coast. Some goods have not arrived yet, I don't know if they can be filled in the end.

Well, some masks can only prevent fine particles, not viruses?

Just received a call from the California Alumni Association. Does the New York Alumni Association participate in the fundraising donation program? If the masks are sold out, shall we raise funds to buy something else? The California Alumni Association has contacted Chutian Metropolis Daily to report and distribute supplies to 9 hospitals in Tianhe City.

What do you think? What else is needed? Goggles? protective suit?

Hmm, donated materials agree!

I feel that goggles can be donated more.

It is not enough to have materials, and we need to find a way of logistics.

From airlines, airports and logistics companies of China America to the Civil Aviation Administration and consulates, I searched all the ways I could find them.

In the world, no one except Huaxia people noticed that 3m and other materials had been swept away.



Tianhe City, outside a large tertiary hospital.

An old man in his sixties wore a mask and wandered outside the hospital.

She was carrying an insulated lunch box, standing outside the transparent glass, dripping rain on her body, unaware of it.

She pressed hard against the glass, her dim eyes trying to identify the figure of her son who was working on the front line.

The medical staff were busy wearing simple protective clothing, and the whole hospital was filled with an extremely nervous atmosphere.

The well-armed medical staff looked the same, even the difference between the usual tall, short, fat and thin, now it does not look obvious.

Everyone is bloated like a big white in a movie.

Even so, the old man still did not give up, she tried to find her son's figure through every subtle movement.

Although it can't help, at least you have to know that he is still alive.

Tears made her vision blurred again and again. While wiping her tears, she pressed hard against the cold glass, searching for her son inside.

A passerby saw this scene, stood silently, took out his mobile phone, and recorded the figure of the old man.

After a while, a doctor who was busy inside saw the old man standing outside from the corner of his eyes, and he hurried over.

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Through the glass, no matter how loud you shout, the other party can't hear it.

The doctor put his hand on the glass and pressed it against the old mother's hand. The cold glass blocked the constant blood temperature.

But soon, someone from behind called him.

The doctor pointed behind him and signaled that he was going to be busy. Reluctantly backed up two steps, waved his hand, let the old mother go back quickly.

He saw his mother's figure, tears in his eyes hazy. Wearing protective clothing can't wipe tears at all, and if the mask that is finally parted is wet, it loses its protective effect and fucking.

Enduring the tears, he waved his hand again.

The old man stood outside, pointed to the insulated lunch box on the ground, put his hands on the glass, and watched his son turn around and leave.

Knowing that he is still safe, but the old man's mood is not getting better.

Especially when she saw her son turn around and disappeared into the dense crowd almost instantly, she felt sad and inexplicable in her heart.

Turn around, staggering. After two steps, the old man squatted on the ground and cried bitterly.

Recently, there have been more and more similar things. Many people walked and cried, heartbroken.

Everyone was hovering between life and death, and with the fear of possible infection, no one came forward to comfort the elderly.

The passerby uploaded this scene, leaving a trace on the Internet.


Soon, this "imprint" was seen and forwarded by many people.

Some people celebrated with a flamboyant, wishing that China would perish. Looking at what happened in Tianhe City, they couldn't close their smiling mouths, and began to use soft texts and specious words to add fuel to the fire on a large scale.

Others felt sorrowful and started to act.

In North America, a 19-year-old international student saw this video and didn't know what was going on in his eyes, and went into the sand.

The younger the person is, the easier it is to have tears in the eyes.

A person's strength is weak, but there is always something to do.

He didn’t think too much, he just posted a circle of friends based on instinct, hoping that like-minded friends will participate in the fight against the epidemic together is just a circle of friends, according to big data analysis, it belongs to acquaintances to socialize and spread. The range is very narrow.

Even he himself didn't expect to have any effect, he just wanted to do a little bit.

Primary school students wrote in their circle of friends-when the s virus was raging in 2003, I was a child, and many people guarded our generation at that time. Now that we have grown up, we are here to protect everyone.

One person after another contacted him, ten minutes later, six friends contacted him.

He thought for a while and formed a WeChat group called Tianhe Come on-North American Students Group, so that everyone can discuss how to help Tianhe City.

To his surprise, the first WeChat group was full in less than 2 hours...

48 hours later, there were more than 1,000 North American student volunteers in this unexpected volunteer group. So there were two groups and three groups.

When some people are celebrating, some people are carrying a heavy burden.

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