Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 945: Internal and external troubles

On New Year’s Eve, the host was cheering for Tianhe at the Spring Festival Gala on the TV.

Sitting under the stone stele of Laoya Mountain, Wu Mian silently watched the snow cover the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

The personnel are ready to be in place, and the most basic training has been assessed.

He was waiting for the accompanying anti-epidemic supplies and a sufficiently large cargo plane.

Flesh and flesh may have a certain role in cold weapon combat, but in modern history, the bravery of a single person is becoming less and less worth mentioning.

What's more, this time I have to face an invisible unknown virus. As far as Wu Mian knows, it is an almost perfect virus.

A medical staff who accidentally went to Tianhe City to provide support had to fall down before they could be effective.

No matter how urgent it is, you have to bring your supplies along with you.

Wu Mian knew that the situation in Tianhe City was critical and there was no ammunition and food, and there would never be any ability to provide supplies to the medical staff. They are looking forward to the supplies brought by the support team, and they are probably looking forward to Chuan Qiu Shui.

Even at this moment, the importance of supporting medical staff is not even as important as one or two sets of protective clothing, masks, and goggles.

No matter how urgent, you have to wait.

The Jianxie Hospital is not an army. Although the quality is high enough, after all, it is a hospital with a small number of personnel, and the materials have not been sorted out so quickly.

Taking advantage of time, Wu Mian began to scratch the incident from the beginning, looking for a way to break the game.


It's easier said than done.

If it hasn't caught up with the New Year period, with Huaxia's production capacity, epidemic prevention materials can keep up, everything is fine.

But everything backfired.

Even Wu Mian occasionally thought about whether the national luck was gone.

Over the years, it seems that there is a kind of power that protects China, which is called the national luck by the good people. Wu Mian also joked with Lin Daoshi, and things like 2040 were treated as jokes.

And the more you understand the situation in front of you, the more hopeless you are.

The perfect virus, the transportation network extending in all directions, spread the virus to the whole country at a speed of almost teleportation during the Spring Festival.

Professionals are studying the virus day and night, but there is still no news about effective methods.

And the American fleet is rushing to the South China Sea.

There is a virus raging inside, and there are powerful enemies looking at it with bad intentions.

Today, the wind on Laoya Mountain has a bleak feeling.


Even if all threads are fully opened, Wu Mian still can't think of a way to break the game. Under the wheels of the times, a person's power is so weak.

No matter how powerful Wu Mian is in normal times, facing the situation at this moment, all he can do is throw himself into the melting pot like moths into the fire, and do his best to do what he can.

A military uniform was covered with snow, as if putting on protective clothing in advance.

An electric car slowly drove up the mountain road. The snow was heavy and the road was not slippery. Lin Daoshi drove very steadily and carefully.

"Little Master, Old Man Fan wants to see you."

"No." Wu Mian said decisively, leaning back on the stone tablet, without looking at Taoist Lin.

"Boy, persuaded?" Fan Zhongzhi's voice came over.

"..." Wu Mian frowned slightly, and a few ice beads fell on her long eyelashes.

"I listened to Lin Daochang." Fan Zhong got off the electric car, put his hands in his army coat, and wore a northeast dog-skin hat on his head. He looked like Matthew De, chubby and funny.

"Master, you rest warmly, the wind is **** the mountain." Wu Mian hurriedly got up.

"This bit of wind is a fart." Fan Zhongzhi said contemptuously. "Back then, I lay in ambush in the snow for 4 hours."

If in the old days, Wu Mian would definitely talk to Old Man Fan about the past. He likes these, even if it is not considered as gossip, he is willing to listen.

But now Wu Mian is really not in the mood.

The situation in Tianhe is in danger, and it collapses at any time, or the **** has broken. Now the flood is surging, and all people are using it to withstand it.

"Give me a cigarette." Fan Zhongzhi.

"You are getting old..."

"Fart." Fan Zhongzhi scolded, "The kid who has never seen the world, fart scares you like this because of something big."

Wu Mian couldn't laugh or cry, so she lit a cigarette for Fan Zhongzhi.

"When I was a soldier, the army paid enough money. Our People's Liberation Army... At that time, it was still called Dongye. A month's salary was about one silver dollar."

Fan Zhongzhi took a mouthful of his cigarette and said with a smile, "Our regiment is a sharp knife regiment, which is best at soil work and blasting. Other regiments can't take it down from other positions, so we can go up and dig trenches for 50 meters in front of the enemy in 24 hours. "

"Hey." Wu Mian smiled bitterly.

"Everyone knows that the charge is dead. I had an older brother at the time, not even a wife. The food in the army does not require money, and I buy cigarettes when I pay. Cigarettes are good things, smoking a cigarette, it seems that the guns are not that good. Rang."

"Master, things are different this time."

"I heard Daochang Lin say that it is said to be the plague?" Fan Zhong copied one hand into the sleeve of the army coat, and one hand was twirling the cigarette. The collar of the dress was erected and connected to the dog-skin hat to keep out the cold wind.

"Well, it's almost right." Wu Mian said, "It may be even more dangerous depending on the It's not that I have never encountered it." Fan Zhongzhi contemptuously said, "R Guizi used it, when we were in North Korea. , The American devils have also used it."

"I heard about it, but I didn't find a detailed record."

"The infected comrades are gathered together. Only the young military doctors and nurses are inside. There is some medicine, but not much. You can only carry it by yourself. If you carry it, you will come out alive. If you can't carry it, it's better than the enemy's petrol bomb."


"There is no one who is undead at war."


Wu Mian was speechless.

"Master, this is the age of peace." Wu Mian said something against his will.

"Same." Fan Zhongzhi, "Do you know Wu Liande?"

Wu Mian was surprised, "Master, do you still know Wu Liande?"

"At that time, the American devils spread the plague. The document issued by Shiji mentioned any symptoms and reported them to the quarantine. The hygienist I heard said, the task force said, the plague can be contained in the late Qing Dynasty, this thing it's not a big deal."

Wu Mian smiled.

"Master, the spread was slow at that time, and the traffic was not convenient."

"That's Te Niang's Man Qing!" Fan Zhongzhi said contemptuously, "How many years have been liberated now? Life is getting better and better, I still don't believe it, it's not better than Man Qing."

This compares...

"Don't persecute." Fan Zhongzhi said, "I know what your kid thinks. Now flying in the sky and running on the ground are different from those in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, it reached Zhalantun in more than ten days. Now it is one day. It may be available all over the country."

Wu Mian nodded, "This disease is more severe than the plague. It has no symptoms during the incubation period and spreads everywhere. Once you have symptoms, it progresses very quickly."

"I don't understand the details." Fan Zhongzhi said, "Boy, I really don't believe that we are not better than the Manchus."

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