Early the next morning, Yan Zhiji didn't even go for a run. After making two hours of vegetable lean meat porridge at home, when Grandpa Lin got up, he smelled the fragrance of green vegetables floating in the room and nodded in satisfaction. This kid is still a little winked, he is also concerned about himself, and seems to be serious about the medicine package.

"Grandpa, are you awake?" Yan Liji just filled out the porridge, "You sit for a while, and I can get some pickles to start the meal."

"I want spicy food." Grandpa Lin asked habitually.

"Okay." Yan Luji looked at the mustard shreds he bought in his hand, and put the oil on the fire and put a handful of chili to process.

Grandpa Lin has eaten more comfortably, and his complexion has improved. He routinely chats with Yan Li: "Xiao Yan, the cooking skills are good, now the boys are not good at cooking."

"If you live alone for a long time, you will know everything." Yan Li said.

"Anyone? Haven't talked about a girlfriend before?" Grandpa Lin asked casually.

"..." Why did my grandfather get into the act of drunk porridge.

"It looks like there is." Grandpa Lin understood in seconds.

"..." How to answer this.

"Is there any? It's a problem if you don't fall in love so much." Grandpa Lin said understandingly.

"..." Once again, he was speechless. .

Grandpa Lin was a little embarrassed when he saw that he was self-disciplined, and he changed the subject again empathetically, "Where are you and Yaobao going to take me for shopping today?"

"We plan to take you to see the Oriental Pearl Tower, and then eat some special Shanghai snacks. In the evening, we will take you to the Bund to see the night scene." In fact, Shanghai is a commercial metropolis, and there are really few scenic spots to see.

"Yes, not bad." Grandpa Lin nodded in satisfaction and continued to inquire... No, he continued to chat, "You have loved IT since you were a child, right?"

"Yes." Yan Liji nodded.

"Do you like this business yourself, or the adult at home helped you choose it." Grandpa Lin asked.

Having been with Grandpa Lin for so long, I know that Grandpa Lin never asks meaningless questions. After a moment of self-discipline and thinking, he quickly grasped the key points. Knowing that Grandpa Lin wanted to find out about his family background, he answered happily. : "I like it myself. Both my parents are university professors. They are very open-minded and never interfere with my choice."

"Your parents are university professors." Grandpa Lin's eyes lit up as expected.

"Yes, my mother is a professor in the history department and my father is a professor in the mathematics department." Yan Luji added, "When I was young, the family was not allocated a house. At that time, our family lived in the school dormitory. I would go when I was fine. Various departments listened to some courses, and then gradually fell in love with IT, which was very interesting."

"Then what do your parents think about you and the medicine package?" Grandpa Lin glanced at Yanluji, and refused to let go of the slight changes on Yanluji's face.

"I..." Yan Liji smiled embarrassedly, "My parents and I mentioned Lin Yao's matter, and they have no objection, just hope that I will bring Lin Yao back to see them as soon as possible."

"You haven't met your parents yet." I don't know if Grandpa Lin is surprised or questioned. Let the self-discipline tell me whether Grandpa Lin is satisfied that he did not bring Lin Yao to see his parents or is not satisfied that he did not bring Lin Yao. Go to see your parents.

"I...I've been waiting for Lin Yao to be ready." Yan Liji dared to swear that he had never been so nervous when he went to talk about tens of millions of cooperation cases.

At this time, Lin Yao walked in from the gate, and the appearance of Lin Yao interrupted grandpa's further interrogation.

"Here, do you have breakfast? Do you want to have porridge?" Yan Li himself was relieved when Lin Yao came in.

"Okay." Lin Yao smiled and nodded.

"Then sit down and I will serve you." After speaking, he ran to the kitchen quickly.

Lin Yao looked at the slightly embarrassed figure of his boyfriend, and glanced suspiciously at his grandpa who was smiling and drinking porridge: "Grandpa, what did you talk about just now?"

"Just chat." Grandpa Lin said perfunctorily.

"Look at you scaring the director of my family language." Lin Yao reminded.

"What's yours, you belong to mys." When Grandpa Lin heard Lin Yao's words, he quit, and gave his granddaughter angrily.

"Anyway, it will be a family sooner or later," Lin Yao said triumphantly.

"You're a girl, don't be ashamed." Grandpa Lin can be regarded as a hipster who keeps up with the new era, and he has never seen a girl with such a cheeky as his granddaughter.

"I learned it from you anyway." Lin Yao replied.

"You should not learn it." Grandpa Lin said angrily. With so many advantages in his own body, this girl has learned to be cheeky. What's the use of a girl with such a thick cheek.

With Lin Yao accompanied, Grandpa Lin didn't ask any questions that seemed random but rather black-bellied. While he was relieved, he worked hard to please him.

Although the New Year's Eve is approaching, there are still many tourists in the Oriental Pearl Tower, and there is a long queue at the ticket office. Regarding the cold weather, Lin Yao and grandpa sat in the car and waited. They went to line up to buy tickets by themselves, and then sent a message to let Lin Yao and grandpa come together.

Seeing that Lin Yao made such an arrangement, the grandfather and grandson sat in the car chatting.

"Grandpa, let's be considerate of the director of my family language." Lin Yao said proudly.

"Buy a ticket to be considerate?" Grandpa Lin said with disdain.

Holding the tickets, the three of them entered the Oriental Pearl Tower, standing in front of the transparent glass, pointing to the panoramic view of the Huangpu River, the various buildings on Nanjing Road, and the eloquent telling of the origin of each building and the historical story behind it .

Lin Yao quietly leaned in front of his grandfather and praised his boyfriend: "Look at the director of my family language, how knowledgeable."

"Isn't he a native of Shanghai? Isn't it normal to know the story of his hometown?" Grandpa Lin said disapprovingly, "Besides, her mother is still a professor of history. It's weird if you don't know."

"How do you know that his mother is a professor of history?" Lin Yao said in surprise.

"You think I'm like you, I don't know anything, and I'm so stupid." Grandpa Lin said with disgust.

After watching the Oriental Pearl Tower, the two took Grandpa Lin to the Chenghuang Temple to eat snacks. Grandpa Lin looked at the long queue of snack shops. Wherever there are many families, he will eat which one. For a whole noon, he will patronize the queue. , I didn't have a bite of the meal.

Feeling distressed that my boyfriend's forest medicine quit, he said angrily: "Grandpa, did you do it on purpose?"

"Where did I deliberately?" Grandpa Lin ate the yellow crab shell with a relaxed expression.

"You just ask Director Yan to queue up to buy if there are more families." Lin Yaozai said.

"There are so many people in the queue, it proves delicious." Grandpa Lin defended. "I'll come here once in a while. You still don't give me something delicious?"

"But you can't finish so much." Lin Yao watched over a dozen different kinds of snacks on the table, and his grandpa tasted only two of each.

"It's okay. Xiaoyan hasn't eaten yet. Let him eat the rest. You won't be hungry for your boyfriend." Grandpa Lin had already thought about it.

"..." In front of his own grandfather, he was tossing with the director. Then when he was away, the director would have to be bullied. No wonder I felt that the director had lost weight in the past two days.

"Grandpa... don't bully him." Lin Yao pulled his grandfather's sleeve. "I managed to catch up. Don't scare me away."

"Let him run errands is bullying?" Grandpa Lin scolded, "You haven't gotten married yet, so you just face him."

"I'm afraid of scaring away because I haven't married." Lin Yao said pitifully.

"..." Grandpa Lin held his breath in his chest, wishing to sever the relationship between his granddaughter and granddaughter.

At this time, Yan Liji brought the siu mai that Grandpa Lin just wanted to eat and said, "Grandpa, I bought the siu mai. You can try it."

"I want to eat buns, go and change them for me." Grandpa Lin said angrily.

"..." Where did he make his old man angry? Poor Director Yan just returned with a basket of Xiao Long Bao against the boss's eyes. No way, I can't buy another cage of steamed buns. Grandpa Lin insists on getting the siu mai.

"..." This is the Lin Yao who found that he was unhelpful.

After tossing for the past few days, the boy who is self-disciplined has performed well. Coupled with good family conditions, his parents are senior intellectuals, and people are still polite, Grandpa Lin is going to stop. As a result, after listening to my granddaughter's words today, I am still worried about scaring away the boyfriend who has been hard to catch. I let you find it with great difficulty. Grandpa Lin intends to let the self-discipline make it hard to get married.

The words that were eating Grandpa Lin's "leftovers" were inexplicably cold.

In the afternoon, the two of them accompanied Grandpa Lin on the cruise ship and circled the Huangpu River. Because it was winter, it was dark early. The lights on the Bund were all turned on after five o'clock. Grandpa Lin finally saw the total It was the night scene of the Bund that appeared in major idol dramas, although he didn't think it looked good.

The three of them were a little tired after shopping for a day, and did not plan to go back to cook. They found a restaurant in the mall and had dinner, and the three drove home.

Lin Yao looked at the lighted villa and asked suspiciously, "Did you forget to turn off the light when you came out?"

"I didn't turn on the light in the morning." The self-discipline was also a little strange.

"Did someone come?" This is the clever Grandpa Lin.

"Who else has your house key?" Lin Yao asked.

"My parents." After he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yao stiff in the rearview mirror and couldn't help but smile back. "Every time they come, they call me in advance, not necessarily them, I will go down first. Take a look."

"Yeah." Lin Yao nodded nervously.

Yan Liji smiled and opened the door and got out of the car. Only Lin Yao's grandfather and grandchildren were left in the car. Grandpa Lin looked at his nervous granddaughter whose face was pale, and laughed: "The ugly wife always wants to see her in-laws. "

"Where am I ugly?" Lin Yao refused to accept Qi.

"Well, you are so beautiful, so get out of the car and meet your future in-laws." Grandpa Lin said in a narrow way.

"..." Lin Yao who counseled again.


It’s the countdown to the end, and I recommend the crab's pick-up document. You can go to the pre-collection. This book will open after the end.

"Please Confess to Me (Rebirth

Before getting married, Shen Xi knew that his fiance had a girl who had a crush on for a long time.

After the divorce, she knew that the girl was herself.

Before getting married, Shen Xi knew that there was no love in this marriage.

After the divorce, she knew that what her ex-husband married was love.

Before marriage, his ex-husband’s family was rich.

After the divorce, his ex-husband went bankrupt and he had a huge amount of alimony.

Then, Shen Xi was born again on the day of marriage.

Shen Xi wanted to ask, can you die if you like me? ?

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