Small Medicine Packet

: season finale

Yan Luji got out of the car and walked quickly towards the villa. Lin Yao struggled for a minute, and he opened the door and planned to get off.

"Isn't it scary just now? Why did you suddenly become so proactive again?" Grandpa Lin teased.

"If it's really uncles and aunts here, would I still sit in the car and wait for them to pick me up? It would be impolite." Lin Yao said annoyed.

Grandpa Lin smiled. This time he didn't complain about his granddaughter. He opened the door and got out of the car from the other side. Lin Yao took his grandpa's arm and walked to the villa nervously.

Yan Liji walked to the door and found that the door lock was indeed open. It was even more sure that it was parents who came here. He smiled and opened the door and walked in. Sure enough, he saw his parents sitting on the sofa in the living room drinking tea.

"Dad, mom, why are you here?" Yan Liji asked with some surprise.

"I'm back?" Father Yan nodded to his son as a greeting.

"Your dad and I just came back from your grandmother's side, and your grandmother made your favorite bacon. No, your dad and I delivered it to you." Mommy Yan explained.

"You went to see grandma, why didn't you call me together?" Yanli asked, "grandma must miss me."

"Your mother told your grandmother that you will take your grandson and daughter-in-law back to see her next year, and you are busy with your daughter-in-law right now," said father Yan. "After your grandmother heard it, she said that you don't need to see her this year, and you will go with your wife next year."

"Mom..." Yan Luji shouted helplessly.

Every year when I go home, Yanluji's grandmother will mention the marriage of her precious grandson once. This time there is finally news, and Yan's mother can't report it quickly.

"What's wrong?" Mother Yan gave an expression that you dare to have an opinion.

"Mom, Lin Yao, she is outside." Yan Luji felt it necessary to remind her parents first.

Yan's mother immediately sat up straight, turned and said to Yan's father, "What am I talking about, come here today, and you can meet them if you don't get them together."

"Yeah." Yan Dad can only nod his head.

So this is the ultimate goal of your surprise attack?

"Also...Lin Yao's grandfather is also here." Yan Luji added.

"What!!" Mother Yan stood up from the sofa immediately, and heard that the other party had elders coming and was at the door. Mother Yan hurriedly said, "Don't go over and meet you."

Yan's father also stood up immediately. The family was about to go to the door to greet him when they saw a delicate and lovely young girl walking in with a vigorous old man.

Mother Yan's eyes lit up immediately, and she hurried over to greet excitedly: "You are the grandfather of your in-laws, I am a mother who is self-disciplined."

Dear... Dear family, Lin Yao looked at his words in a daze. He can only shrug his shoulders in resignation.

"Oh, this is Lin Yao. I listen to the boy A Shao complimenting you at home every day, but I just don't want to bring it back to me to see, see, it's so cute." Yan's mother held Lin Yao's hand again A boast.

"Good uncle, good aunt." Yan's mother was too enthusiastic, and Lin Yao was a little frightened.

"Hello, grandpa in-law, I am a self-disciplined father, my name is Yanshu, mathematics." Dad Yan stretched out his hand and shook Grandpa Lin.

Grandpa Lin responded with a smile, and the crowd sat back on the sofa lively. Yan Luji and Lin Yao helped to serve the tea and pour water, and then sat by listening to the three elders complimenting each other's children.

"It's a blessing for our family to discipline ourselves to find a girlfriend like Lin Yao." Mother Lin boasted.

"Where, where, your Xiaoyan is still very good." Grandpa Lin said politely.

"Whatever is excellent, it's okay to grow, or just follow me." Mother Lin said modestly.

"Our medicine kit is just a superficial girl who looks at her face." Grandpa Lin said with a smile.

The two protagonists with black lines on their faces looked at each other and couldn't feel the praise in the words.

"Listen to A Shao, Lin Yao's medical skills she has learned from you are very good, and also helped him heal his insomnia." Just based on this point, my mother will also add 100 points to Lin Yao. .

"Our girl’s medical skills are average, and insomnia is not a major problem, and it’s not difficult to treat. Actually, this girl is selfish." Grandpa Lin laughed cheerfully, "After all, it’s our medicine kit that first took a fancy to Xiaoyan. This cures the disease, it is estimated that the drunkard’s intention is not to drink. No, I told me at noon that it was difficult to catch up."

Lin Yao chased after himself, and Yanli had never before told his parents. Yan's parents were a little surprised when they heard.

Yan's mother even turned around and cursed: "You stinky boy, let Lin Yao chase you?"

Why would my mother still not understand? This is probably because the parents knew that their girl had suffered with his son and came to find a place.

"Grandpa, this may be the taste of two young people. My son I know best. If he doesn't like anyone, he won't agree to it no matter how he chases it." Yan's mother turned her head and glared. "

"Yes." How can Yan Liji have a second answer.

Grandpa Lin caught a glimpse of his granddaughter secretly handing it over with warning and pleading eyes. It was refreshing, but he would accept it as soon as he saw it. Grandpa Lin still knew how to measure it.

Seeing that this kid has performed well in the past few days, and the parents of the other party really like the medicine package, let this kid go.

So an unexpected meeting between the parents of both parties was completed in a hasty way.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that the self-discipline took time to send Lin Yao home. When saying goodbye, Lin Yao said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I didn't know my grandfather would say that."

"It's okay." Yan Liji said with a smile, "I also hate myself at that time."

"Huh?" Lin Yao looked over in confusion,

"As much as I like you now, I hate myself at that time." Yan Zhiji held Lin Yao's hand. Although he had never said to Lin Yao, he was extremely grateful to Lin Yao and her. Time did not give up pursuing myself.

"But I like them all." Lin Yao blushed and said.

"I know." Yan Luji hugged Lin Yao into his arms and asked, smelling the fragrance of the girl's hair. "Now that both parents have met, what are your plans next?"

"What...what's your plan?" Lin Yaoxing said in hiding, "I've seen it everywhere, my parents are still in my hometown."

"Okay, I see." Yan Li said back.

"What do you know?" Lin Yao wondered.

"I'm going back, or grandpa should call me again, the image would have been bad." Yan Luji didn't answer Lin Yao's question, and he let go of Lin Yao a little bit reluctantly.

"My grandfather will deliberately toss whoever he likes." Lin Yao explained.

"Then I will perform well and try to make Grandpa like me more." Yan Liji smiled.

"Yeah." Lin Yao nodded.

Yanruji kissed the forehead of Linlin Yao again, and then left after turning his head one step at a time.

After another three days, the patients who Grandpa Lin came to see finally got better. Grandpa Lin saw that there was nothing to do, so he planned to go home. Lin Yao had planned to let Grandpa stay for another half month. At that time, the company was also on annual vacation, and the two could go back together, but Grandpa Lin thought it was boring to stay here, so he didn't agree.

No way, Lin Yao had to let Grandpa go back first, but at this time the Spring Festival had already begun, and the train tickets were not easy to buy for the time being. In the end, he had to help Grandpa Lin book the plane tickets.

When the two escorted Grandpa Lin to the airport, Grandpa Lin saw that the disciplinarian who helped him with the registration procedures was back, he deliberately turned to Lin Yao and said, "Pill packs, grandpa is suddenly a little hungry. Go and give it to me. Buy something to eat."

"Oh, good." Lin Yao looked around, planning to go to KFC to buy a hamburger for Grandpa.

"Where is Lin Yao going?" Yan Luji asked, looking at Lin Yao's back.

"Go buy me food." Grandpa Lin said.

"Then I'll go and help her get it." He said that he would follow along.

"How much can I eat, and I need you two to get it together." Grandpa Lin said in an angry voice.

Yan Li Ji smiled awkwardly, and neither left nor stayed.

"Xiaoyan, Grandpa has lived in your house for so long, and I haven't asked you." Grandpa Lin's eyes suddenly became serious, "You like our medicine packs, right."

"Of course." Yan Li said straight away, "Didn't Grandpa Mao say that all loves that are not for the purpose of marriage are hooliganism. I am very careful and serious about Lin Yao."

"Then I'm relieved." Grandpa Lin changed back to smiling again, "When are you going to propose marriage?"

"Grandpa, whenever you think it's appropriate, I will go." Yan Li said immediately.

"Marriage has to be your young people's willingness to do it. My old man doesn't count." Grandpa Lin touched his beard and smiled, "But I can give you a little hint."

"Grandpa, say it."

"What do you plan to bring here?" Grandpa Lin said unpredictably.

"Please also Grandpa's advice."

"Well, you know that our family is a family of Chinese medicine." Grandpa Lin asked.


"Our family has an old rule handed down from our ancestors." Grandpa Lin said slowly, "Any daughter-in-law who enters my Lin family must learn Chinese medicine knowledge from her husband and help the family manage the drug store together."

"And the son-in-law who wants to marry our Lin family's daughter requires learning to identify a hundred kinds of Chinese herbs to show that he values ​​the Lin family's daughter."

"One hundred kinds of Chinese herbs?" Yan Luji couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Why, I can't do it." Grandpa Lin didn't force himself to be self-disciplined, "Forget it, I won't force you."

"No, no, grandpa, don't worry, I will work hard." Yan Luji immediately expressed his determination.

"Well, the faster you learn, the more you value my medicine kit." Grandpa Lin smiled and patted Yanliji's shoulder, "Xiaoyan, grandpa is optimistic about you."

At this time, Lin Yao bought a hamburger. Seeing that Yan Liji was frowning, she seemed to be worried about something, but because her grandpa was there, she didn't ask too much.

Until Grandpa Lin carried his luggage and entered the security check with a smile. Lin Yaocai turned around and asked, "Did my grandfather tell you something?"

"No." Yan Luji shook his head.

"Then why are you frowning?" Lin Yao poked his forefinger at Li Yan's frowning brow.

"I was thinking that you will go home in a few days." Yan Luji held Lin Yao's hand and put it on his lips and kissed.

"The annual leave is only seven or eight days, and I will be back soon." Lin Yao smiled sweetly.

Time is a proud little bitch, the more you like it, the faster it runs.

Two weeks later, at the same time, on the same plane, at the same gate, self-discipline and Linyao could not be separated at the airport.

"I'm leaving." Lin Yao broke free from his self-disciplined arms, and said reluctantly, carrying the suitcase on the side.

"Call me when you get home." Yanli adjusted the scarf around Lilinyao's neck.

Lin Yao passed the security check, and sat in the waiting room for a while. When he boarded the plane, his cell phone rang suddenly. Lin Yao took out the cell phone and looked at it. It was a message sent to her by Yan Li.

(Wait for me to propose marriage.)

"Hehe..." Lin Yao was standing at the boarding gate with his mobile phone in his hand and smirked. Finally, he couldn't make a self-control and bounced twice. The frightened traveller thought he was insane.

Still standing at the security checkpoint, clicking on the e-book of the medicinal material encyclopedia on my phone, and continuing to carry the name of the medicinal material on it, I really haven't been so serious since the college entrance examination.

Lin Yao, I'll go to your home to propose marriage when I carry a hundred kinds of medicinal materials.


Okay, the medicine package ends here. Thank you for your support all the way.

In fact, when I first came down from the thousand-character income list, the collection of medicine packets was very low. At that time, I knew that medicine packets were going to go.

If it weren't for your support all the way, I might not be able to write here, no matter whether you are rushing or not, as long as I know that there are still people who like pill packs, so thank you very much.

important Notice:

Crab plans to open a new article this Sunday, November 5th... I hope everyone will continue to support me.

"Please Confess to Me (Rebirth

Before getting married, Shen Xi knew that his fiance had a girl who had a crush on for a long time.

After the divorce, she knew that the girl was herself.

Before getting married, Shen Xi knew that there was no love in this marriage.

After the divorce, she knew that what her ex-husband married was love.

Before marriage, his ex-husband’s family was rich.

After the divorce, his ex-husband went bankrupt and he had a huge amount of alimony.

Then, Shen Xi was born again on the day of marriage.

Shen Xi wanted to ask, can you die if you like me? ?

If you like the small medicine package, please collect it: ( The literature of the small medicine package is the fastest to update.

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