Lan Que took the remote control from the attendant and turned on the monitor. From the monitor here, you can see every corner of the palace. He clicked on the remote control, and the message that Renault had just asked Lan Que in the email appeared on the screen. Take good care of Chu Xia.

Chu Xia just took a shower, and came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe loosely. He spent the whole day doing nothing in the palace, and the guards didn't want to pay attention to him. Chu Xia wanted the overlord to force his bow, but the system reminded him. This is in the realm of the villain, and it is a bit unreasonable to be too unscrupulous.

Chu Xia is not in a hurry, Marshal Renault will return from Slade after a while, and he should be taken out of the palace by then.

Chu Xia always felt that someone was peeking at him. He raised his head and looked around, but still couldn't find anything unusual. Did he think too much?

Chu Xia patted his head, picked up the premium yoga ball he bought on not long ago, and lay on it in a very decadent manner, in a contemplative state.

Lan Que just looked at this young man through the screen, how would Renault want him to take care of this Rong Wei? Find him two more men?

He leaned back a little, his slender fingers landed on the scarlet cushion, the lining was extra white, like jade, and his fingers tapped on the cushion.

The young man lay on his stomach for a while and fell asleep, his head lowered a little bit, then he didn't know what dream he had, and he kicked his legs and rolled off the yoga ball. Lan Que couldn't help chuckling when he saw his funny appearance. When he came back to his senses, he suppressed the smile on the corner of his lips.

Chu Xia opened his eyes in a daze. The bathrobe on his body was scattered in a mess, revealing his snow-white shoulders. He got up from the ground, stood up and jumped in place. Then, thinking that the bathrobe was too big, he simply put on two sleeves. As two ropes, tied around the waist, shirtless, and swaying when walking, very imposing, it looks like an interstellar pirate.

Lan Que looked away from the screen in front of him. He lowered his head and looked at the information about Rong Wei sent by his subordinates, which seemed to be two completely different people from what was shown on the monitor now.

He turned off the surveillance and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

On the head of the bed was the incense that Renault gave him before he left the imperial capital, exuding a faint scent of oranges, which seemed to be able to weave a good dream for him.

In the long silent night, I would think of three or two insects. Lan Que, who was sleeping in the bedroom, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. In his dream, he was entangled with a man who could not see his face. He also did it a few times when he was a star, and when he woke up, he always felt empty and lonely.

He didn't like the feeling, he'd rather stay awake forever.

Lan Que sat quietly in the dark for a long time.

The fragrance of oranges filled the entire bedroom, and after a long time, he closed his eyes again.

It was almost early in the morning, but Chu Xia was still full of energy. Lying on the bed alone, he searched the Star Net for happy little props with bright eyes. Excellent, after some hard research, Chu Xia discovered that the technology in the interstellar world was indeed developing much faster than the previous world, and it was reflected in all aspects.

These toys even adjust the frequency according to the loudness and tone of the sound, as well as body temperature, etc. If there are special requirements, they can also be DIYed.

Ordered tonight and it will be delivered tomorrow morning.

Man, isn't that the case.

It's just that the original owner has never been able to find a high-quality man to support him since he was played by Duke Johans. He spends a lot of money on weekdays, and there is not much money left in Cary.

He has to figure out a way to make money.

Chu Xia hummed a little tune and went to the bathroom. She was in a very good mood. The sound of water rushing to accompany him. Halfway through the humming, Chu Xia's voice suddenly stopped. He walked to the bathroom door and closed the bathroom door. Pushing aside a narrow gap, he stuck his head out, looked around, and asked the system, "Why do I feel like someone is coming in outside?"

The system is to assist the host to complete the task, and it cannot do 24-hour fact monitoring, so it can only ask Chu Xia like a fool: "Is there?"

Chu Xia sighed softly. Sometimes the system that the system center equips the host with is like a cloud pet. You don't need to worry about eating, drinking, and laughing.

He returned to the bathroom, washed all the foam on his body hastily, changed into pajamas after drying, came out of the bathroom, lay on the bed and yawned.

Reaching out to touch the light switch on the bedside, the room was plunged into darkness.

Chu Xia's hand was still on the switch. He was stunned for a while. He didn't seem to have pressed it just now. He pressed the switch twice, but there was no response.

power failure? Will the interstellar world also lose power?

The room was dark, but when vision was affected, the perception ability of other senses would increase, and he could hear the footsteps of another person getting closer and closer in this silence.

The system reminded Chu Xia, "Team Leader Chu, someone seems to have entered the room."

I want you to say it!

The mattress was sunken, and the man had already climbed onto the bed, and his fingers with thin calluses landed on Chu Xia's cheeks. The light and moonlight were all blocked by the thick curtains. In the darkness, the sound of their breathing gradually faded away. overlapping together.

Chu Xia blinked, this development...

Really looking forward to it.

Chu Xia didn't move, and then asked the system, "Help me scan what he looks like?"

The system said to Chu Xia a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry Team Leader Chu, I'm all Mosaic here, and there's no way to help you see people clearly."

Chu Xia asked inexplicably, "Don't be funny, we haven't taken off our clothes yet, why are there mosaics?"

The system was silent for a while, and then said to Chu Xia, "This is the rule of the anti-pornography group."

Chu Xia: "..."

Ah, is it? Does the anti-pornography group still have this rule? Wait until he goes back this time to check it out.

"But Team Leader Chu, you have accumulated a few points after completing the mission in the last world. You can choose a golden finger to drive this person out of here." The system paused, thinking that the golden finger from the previous world seemed to be brought to Chu Xia. A little shadow came, and another reasonable suggestion was made, "Or you call for help now, and there will be patrolling guards to help you soon."

Chu Xia refused: "I don't want it."


This answer is not at all surprising.

The man's fingers landed on Chu Xia's earlobe, and he gently squeezed it affectionately. Chu Xia was a little itchy. In a trance, he seemed to hear the man whispering in his ear, "I found you."

The dense kisses stretched from his forehead to his lips, tracing the lines of his lips with an indescribable tenderness. For some reason, Chu Xia suddenly thought of Bai Yan.

Is modeling so perfunctory? Can the villain model of the previous world be recycled and reused in this world?

Chu Xia stretched out his hand and groped on the person's face. He couldn't judge the appearance of this person in the dark in this way, but he could vaguely perceive that he was not old, and he could also be sure that this person was related to Bai Yan. Modeling is still different.

But it really feels like it.

Chu Xia thought about it seriously, probably because he was the only one who had a good time with Bai Yan in the last world, so the people he will feel in the future will all be like him.

Chu Xia lay flat, how happy it was, it was sent at the beginning, it was much better than the previous world.

His happiness lasted until dawn was about to break. He thought that this person would stay here and wait for the dawn with him, but he didn't. He left a kiss on his forehead lightly, and then pulled away without the slightest nostalgia. leave.

In the darkness, Chu Xia could only see a vague outline, wandering away like a ghost, a little pitiful, Chu Xia sat on the bed and watched his leaving figure.

When the system asked him why he didn't go after him, Chu Xia said faintly, "Haven't you heard the story of Bluebeard?"

The system snorted, "I thought you were too tired to move."

This cloud pet is getting more and more annoying.

Chu Xia yawned, slipped into the quilt, and fell asleep after a while.

I slept very well this night, I woke up early the next day, and as soon as I opened Xingwang, I received several more emails.

An anonymous person thought that Chu Xia didn't receive the threatening email he sent, or that it was treated as a spam. This time, he even used the font in bold red to attract Chu Xia's attention. I think this person is sick, and the anti-pornography group is all people who have seen big scenes, a few **** photos, big things, and directly block them.

Anonymous finally realized that the handle in his hand was useless to Chu Xia, and that someone could face the risk of his **** photos being spread. He had a new understanding of Rong Wei's shamelessness. .

Gritting my teeth, looking at these **** photos in my hands, **** it.

I was irrigated last night, and I received the items I ordered yesterday on time in the morning. Although some idiots jumped, this did not affect Chu Xia's good mood. A red rose was planted in the area, and the crystal dewdrops shone with colorful light under the rising sun. Chu Xia liked it very much. When he got closer, a palace servant came over and said to Chu Xia strangely, "This rose was planted by Your Majesty. ."

That look seems to be asking Chu Xia, are you worthy too?

Chu Xia quickly withdrew her hand, yes yes yes yes, I am not worthy, I am just a younger brother.

The breeze was blowing, and the warm red roses shook their petals gently, as if welcoming their future owners.

Lan Que was in a good mood after getting up today, full of energy, and her body seemed to have received an unprecedented satisfaction.

His years in the Black Death Star were not very good. Later, even if he became the commander of the Black Death Star, he was still haunted by nightmares, and had a sleepwalking problem until he returned to the imperial capital and became the throne, looking at his former enemies. One by one, his condition improved a little.

Looking at the incense from Renault at the head of the bed, Lan Que's eyes filled with a smile.

The long golden hair was bathed in the sun, and it was extremely dazzling, and the half-closed blue eyes captured the soul, like the mountains surrounding Kadoorie Bay, which is like spring in all seasons.

When he passed the garden, he saw Chu Xia squatting on the ground, looking eagerly at the rose garden not far away.

Lan Que stopped, thinking of Renault's request to let him take good care of the young man, turned his head and instructed the attendant beside him, "Let the guards in the palace go to him more, and don't let him get into trouble."

The attendant followed Lan Que's gaze, only to realize that he was Rong Wei in Lan Que's mouth.

The attendant didn't understand what His Majesty was trying to do. Although this person was the one whom Marshal Renault asked His Majesty to take care of, he wouldn't let the guards go there.

For a man like Rong Wei, if the guards walk there, maybe they will go to the bed?

Could it be that Your Majesty really wants to find a man for Rong Wei?

The author has something to say: Your Majesty is beautiful and kind-hearted

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