Chu Xia stared at the roses in a daze. These roses looked really good. He also wanted to plant some flowers and plants, but now that he was in the palace, it was not very convenient.

It's a pity, the rose shortcake must be delicious with the quality of this rose.

Chu Xia wiped the non-existent saliva from the corner of her mouth, then raised her head, she saw Lan Que standing not far away, her long golden hair was like a curtain of golden waterfalls in the sunlight, Chu Xia suddenly remembered for some reason. The fairy tale of Rapunzel that I read some time ago.

He measured the distance between the two with his eyes. He was now outside the marked red zone, which was relatively safe. When he raised his head again, Lan Que had already left with the support of many attendants.

Chu Xia watched Lan Que leave, clapped her hands, stood up from the ground, and walked back to her palace to study the little toys she just bought.

At the banquet that night, under the witness of the old nobles, Chu Xia and Marshal Renault exchanged contact information, but after the banquet ended, the two never contacted again.

Today, I don’t know why Marshal Renault twitched his head and sent a smile to Chu Xia. Chu Xia stared at the expression for a long time and wanted to know if there were other meanings, so he smiled back. expression.

Renault may have kept the communication tool at hand, and Chu Xia's smiling expression was not long before he replied with a hehe.

Chu Xia stared at these two words for a while, was he provoking?

But generally speaking, the protagonist should not do such vulgar things, only himself can.

Seeing that Chu Xia also replied with a hehe, Renault scratched his head, and finally gave up this meaningless communication and asked him how he was in the palace during this time.

That's pretty good. All aspects of the service are in place. Chu Xia didn't know why Renault asked himself this question. To be honest, he had a good time.

Then there was no news there.

Chu Xia watched their conversation from beginning to end. The relationship between Yuan Shi and Renault was a bit strange. Even if Renault didn't know the original owner's troubles, it wasn't necessary.

Maybe the protagonist of this world is a good old man.

Chu Xia put down his communication tool. He could clearly hear the footsteps of the guards approaching outside the palace. He got up and walked to the window, opened the window, leaned his entire upper body on the window sill, and looked out. After a while, he spoke. Ask the system: "Do you feel that there is something wrong with the guards outside today?"

The system didn't know what to ask, and it implemented the positioning of its own cloud pet very thoroughly.

Chu Xia didn't care if he didn't get the answer. He continued to observe the guards outside. He soon found out that the guards were patrolling more frequently than usual today, and the distance from his palace was also getting closer. a circle.

Chu Xia touched her chin and pursed her lips. Was it a little brother guard who came to him last night?

The man from last night was lean, with thin muscles covering his chest. He felt good in the hand and should look good, but it was so dark in the room last night that he didn't see anything.

The man is very strong, unlike the general servant, the possibility of being a bodyguard is indeed higher.

Which one would that be?

Without blinking his eyes, he stared straight at the guards, his eyes swept from the front of the team to the back, this one is good, that one is not bad, this one has a high nose, that one has a good figure, in short, he thinks it's all good.

The guards didn't understand why His Majesty suddenly explained that they should pay more attention to this Rong Wei, but many of them came back from the Black Death Star with His Majesty, and they have always strictly followed His Majesty's orders.

Now that Lan Que asked them to die, they probably wouldn't have any hesitation.

Rong Wei was good-looking, even if he knew about his romantic affairs, and now he was watching so closely, a few simple guards would inevitably feel embarrassed and blushed.

Kind of cute, think.

After Lan Que and the nobles discussed Slade's question, he returned to his office study and turned on the monitor subconsciously. When Chu Xia's figure appeared on the screen, Lan Que suddenly reacted.

What is he doing.

Lan Que held the remote control, and after a long time, he still did not turn off the monitoring in front of him.

He didn't want to look at this person, he just paid more attention to this person because of Reno's request.

During the surveillance, Chu Xia was still lying on the window and staring at the guards passing by outside. When he saw them coming, he stretched out half of his body from the window and waved at them, wishing to drag them all into his palace. , for an in-depth exchange.

Seeing him like this, one of the guards in the team couldn't help but laugh.

When Chu Xia saw someone responding to her, she smiled so much that not only did her mouth go behind her ears, but flowers were blooming on the top of her head.

For some reason, Lan Que only felt disgusted when he saw this scene, and even the good mood that started in the morning was destroyed at this moment.

He attributed it all to his dislike of the man.

After turning off the surveillance camera in front of him, the study fell into silence. Lan Que flipped through the documents sent from the Black Death Star. After a while, he would need to go to the Black Death Star again.

Reno sent a new email, Slarder's problem should be resolved in the next week, please rest assured Lan Que, at the same time thank Lan Que for taking care of Rong Wei, he prepared a gift for him, come back to give it he.

Lan Que's focus was not on Slarder's issue, nor on the gifts prepared by Renault, but on another meaning revealed in Renault's email. He and Rong Wei had privately contacted.

This made Lan Que a little dissatisfied. It was the first time the two met at the banquet that night, why Renault would care so much about Rong Wei.

His subordinates did not find out that Renault had other relationships with Rong Wei.

Lan Que raised his hand and rubbed his fair index finger near his temple. He didn't like Renault's gaze on others.

Chu Xia interacted with the guards for several rounds. Although most of these guards ignored him, they only smiled at him occasionally because they couldn't help it, but it was enough to satisfy Chu Xia. This development was very exciting.

I don't know if that person will come tonight. After washing himself up in advance, Chu Xia went to bed early like a little daughter-in-law and waited for her husband to come back.

The system has become numb, and Team Leader Chu must have forgotten that he still has tasks in this world.

The system center is very concerned about the progress of Chu Xia’s tasks. Every day, it asks the system leader how the task is going. The last world system sent six points. The leaders of the system center are willing to interpret it by themselves. This time, the system will send six more points. At one point, the leaders agreed that he was sabotage.

So how do you get him to report to the top? Said that Team Leader Chu had a lot of fun with the little guards all day in the new world?

If he really replied like this, it is estimated that no leader will believe it, unless a leader is willing to be a system for the team leader for a day and experience it firsthand.

Chu Xia was bored waiting in bed. The man came after the early morning last night, and it was not even seven o'clock in the evening. He simply downloaded a game called Battle Empire, played it, and suddenly realized that the character he was controlling was actually Being pregnant, Chu Xia's heart thumped for a while, and then she suddenly stood up and asked the system, "Men in the interstellar world won't get pregnant, right?"


He was silent for a while, then replied to Chu Xia, "Probably not."

This is not the world of Abo, how can you get pregnant? And it was all done last night. Today, Team Leader Chu thought of this. Is it too late?

Chu Xia glanced down at her game character and couldn't help sighing: "It seems that the men in the interstellar world have not evolved well."


Although, this thing is probably not something that can be solved by evolution alone.

Chu Xia's eyes hurt from playing games. She put down the game console and went outside the palace to get some air. The surroundings were quiet. The palace people who used to pass by occasionally disappeared today for some reason. Chu Xia felt strange and glanced at the time. , It was still early in the morning, and I walked along the path in front of me in a roundabout way.

As he walked, Chu Xia gradually realized that something was wrong. Something was wrong with him. He didn't stay in bed at night. He was here to open up wasteland. sound.

Chu Xia supported the tree trunk beside him, pondering, curiosity would kill the cat, but he was not a cat, so he would not be killed.

Good, no problem.

He looked for the sound and continued to move forward. In front of the palace that had been abandoned for many years, the moonlight poured out like water, the marble floor seemed to be covered with a thin layer of ice, and the emperor of the empire stood in front of the snow-white statue. He was self-mutilating with a dagger in his hand.

As if he couldn't feel the pain, he slashed one knife after another, and bright red blood gurgled out of the wound.

Chu Xia's eyes hurt when she saw it, she raised her hand to cover her eyes, and worried that Lan Que would be so crazy that she would kill herself, so she exposed a thin finger gap and observed it secretly.

The system explained to Chu Xia that Lan Que was thrown into the wormhole when he was on the Black Death Star, and his life was hanging by a thread. At the critical moment, his body mutated and helped him get out of the wormhole. No matter how serious the injury is, he can recover quickly, but he has to endure a lot of pain that ordinary people can't bear, which causes his spirit to occasionally become abnormal, and he often does uncontrollable things at night, sometimes self-harm, sometimes other ways to kill.

No one can stop him at this time. Even when Renault was on the Black Death Star, he tried to stop Lan Que from blowing up the wormhole, but he almost died in his hands.

Others wanted to kill Lan Que while he was unconscious, but it turned out in the end that it was all to give him experience.

The system is very aggrieved if such important information is not disclosed sooner. The leaders of the system center have just sorted out these materials and sent them here.

Lan Que was mad for a long time, and finally fell to the ground, motionless. Under the moonlight, his long golden hair was scattered on the ground, and his pale face was stained with a few bright red blood, which was extremely gorgeous.

Soon after, a light rain fell from the sky, and his long hair was wet by the rain, like a golden river flowing quietly.

Chu Xia waited for a while, but he still didn't see him get up from the ground. Considering the danger of Lan Que at this time, he sighed silently and stepped into the marked red area.

Lan Que in the center of the marked red area did not respond, as if she was dead.

Chu Xia exchanged points for an umbrella from the system. After opening it, he stood beside Lan Que and waited for a long time. Seeing that he still had no response, he squatted down and carried Lan Que on his back.

The rain was still falling, getting heavier and heavier, falling on the umbrella, leaving a series of clattering noises.

I don't know when Lan Que woke up, but he probably wasn't quite sober. He bit on the side of Chu Xia's neck, and Chu Xia immediately gasped.

But Lan Que let out a satisfied sigh after tasting the **** smell.

This is not the story of Mr. Dongguo and the wolf.

Chu Xia glanced at him sideways. Silver lightning flashed across the dark night sky, illuminating Lan Que's face in the darkness.

This wolf looks pretty good.

His long golden hair fell down to Chu Xia's chest, then fluttered in the wind, brushing Chu Xia's lips.

Chu Xia did not dare to take Lan Que to his palace. If the palace people found out that he was so close to Lan Que, he would tell Lan Que tomorrow that his life would be difficult to protect.

He put Lan Que in the pavilion on his back, put him on the bench, and was about to go back, but Lan Que clutched his sleeve tightly and wouldn't let him go.

His lips moved slightly, as if he was saying something, but Chu Xia lowered his head and couldn't hear it clearly.

Chu Xia looked at Lan Que's aggrieved appearance in embarrassment, and leaned down to give Lan Que a loving hug. At this moment, the system seemed to see the brilliance of motherhood in Team Leader Chu.

He shuddered with fright and dropped two strings of codes.

Lan Que clutched the hem of Chu Xia's clothes and still didn't let him go.

Chu Xia touched his head lovingly.

No, big brother, it's almost early morning, there may be a baby in my palace waiting for me to go back!

Time is running out, it's too late!

The author has something to say: I forgot the timing, sorry orz

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