So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1054: I love Xiaoming

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters I love Xiaoming

Yang Ming naturally walked with Chen Mengyu, and Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia walked together.

However, in this way, Chen Mengyu was a little embarrassed. He simply left Yang Ming and walked with Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia. Only Yang Ming was left. He drove slowly behind the car, but it was like a three-person bodyguard. .

After arriving at the school, several people naturally separated, but Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia came together. Both of them are in the computer department. They belong to a counselor, so they naturally go to register.

Walking on the road of the school, I found that in the harsh winter, many people stood in the wind, and did not fear the invasion of the cold. After a careful look, they realized that the various associations were recruiting people.

The school stipulates that freshmen are in the adaptation stage in the first semester and are not allowed to join various associations. In the second semester, after everyone is familiar with the school system and rules, they are free to join the community.

In fact, this is also to avoid students being just a freshman, being confused by the propaganda words of some associations, casually joining the community, and then retiring, will become very confusing, not conducive to the student union and the Communist Youth League management, so there is Such a rule.

Everyone in the first semester of the freshman year is basically familiar with what the various organizations of the school are doing, so that they can join directly.

However, despite this, in order to recruit more people, some associations set up a publicity registration point in the school on the first day of the second semester to draw people's hearts.

"Classmates, you are the computer department, we are the computer society, join our community!" One male and one female students wearing Songjiang University uniforms came over, holding a leaflet in their hands and handing them separately. Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia are one person.

"How do you know that we are a computer department?" Zhou Jiajia asked the boy who handed her the flyer.

"This is the teaching building of the computer department! You must go to the computer department to report in this direction!" The boy stared at Zhou Jiajia, and both eyes took a green light.

Over the years, the Department of Science and Engineering has lacked girls, let alone any beauty! Such a beautiful woman like Zhou Jiajia is simply an impossible encounter. How can a boy not let his eyes shine?

If you pull Zhou Jiajia to the community, then other people still do not envy him as a hero? So the recommendation is also very hard.

However, the image of the girl handed to the Yang Ming flyer was not very good, but she was helpless and ugly, and the only girl in the club was assigned a leaflet.

There is always better than no, like the computer department, which is seriously lacking in mm. One mm can attract many werewolves.

The girl saw Yang Ming grow tall and big, the man was full of taste, but also some admiration, unlike other people in the club, not four eyes are thin bones like firewood.

"It turned out to be like this, you are quite good at observing!" Zhou Jiajia nodded and smiled. She was very interested in computer things, so she asked: "What are you doing in this community?"

Seeing that Zhou Jiajia seemed to be interested, the boy was overjoyed and quickly took the two to the registration office of the association that was set up in the near future. The temporary registration office is a temporary office consisting of several tables and a windshield. At the registration office, several students have already consulted.

Several members of the computer community responsible for the explanations are working hard to explain to the students the purpose of the association and the benefits of joining the community: "Our community has reached an agreement with some well-known software companies to help them in their spare time. The project will get a lot of money..."

For most students, money is the most attractive. After all, the ultimate goal of the university is to make money. Instead of making money after graduation, it is better to earn a little now, accumulate some experience, and find a job.

Therefore, the promoters of these clubs seized the soft underbelly of these students and tempted them to hook. However, it is not a lie, the computer community will indeed undertake some small software development, but the basic reward is several thousand yuan, within ten thousand yuan. It is divided into a few hundred dollars, and sometimes it takes a semester to work.

However, the total ratio is not strong. There have been a lot of students' psychology starting to work, picking up the pen and starting to fill out the form.

"President, both of them are computer science students in the freshman year, and they are interested in our community..." The boy who was responsible for the leaflet came to the registration office with Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia, the most joyful to say that Said the guy.

The most joyful thing to say is Li Boliang, the president of the computer society. Li Boliang heard that there are new students to join, busy drinking saliva, looked up, saw Zhou Jiajia, suddenly it was a bright eye, although Li Boliang already has a girlfriend, but see the beauty or instinct swallowed!

This is a beautiful woman. If she is recruited into a computer society, then I don’t have to advertise myself. Those little boys are not rushing to join in?

Li Boliang turned his eyes and decided to take a little effort on Zhou Jiajia and recruit her into the computer society. This is a living sign! Zhou Jiajia is here for a stop, but he is stronger than himself.

Sure enough, Zhou Jiajia stood here, and the boys who were still hesitating to join the computer community did not hesitate to sign the name on the lower right of the registration form.

Seeing this effect immediately, Li Boliang is even more excited. He has to make a heart and must win Zhou Jiajia.

"Two students please sit down!" Li Boliang gave the girl a color, let her call Yang Ming, this is the only girl, no way, only will be used.

The girls moved Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia to the chair and let the two sit down. Li Boliang cleared the scorpion and began to say: "Our computer society is a comprehensive social organization that integrates computer software and hardware development and maintenance."

Speaking of this, seeing Zhou Jiajia's face as usual, did not show the intention to join or do not want to join, Li Boliang knows that these ordinary things can not attract Zhou Jiajia, so the eyes turned and said: "And, this computer society, is A hacker organization!"

"Hey!" The few students who wanted to join the computer community were a glimpse of some, curiously watching Li Boliang. Hackers are a mysterious existence in the eyes of many college students!

A hacker is like a network hero, and he is arrogant in the network. Swordsman in the ocean of the Internet! College students are all people with a strong sense of justice, especially when the national interests are damaged, they will stand up, scream and cry out!

At this time, if you see a hacker organization, black out the websites of hostile forces that infringe on the national interests, and when you hang up the national flag, they will be full of enthusiasm and blood!

And when I heard Li Boliang said that the computer community of the school is actually a hacker organization, how can they not be interested? One by one, the glasses are wide, waiting for Li Boliang to continue!

Although Li Boliang knows a little about hacking techniques and is a peripheral member of a small hacker group, it is far from the core level. Not to mention attacking foreign official websites, it is to attack a campus intranet, and some are unable to do so.

However, Li Boliang feels that girls are worshipping heroes. Hackers are a mysterious hero. Since Zhou Jiajia is a computer enthusiast, she must have heard of hackers!

Li Boliang looked at the classmates who were stunned. Some of them looked down on Zhou Jiajia, but they were disappointed to find that Zhou Jiajia’s expression was still very calm...

Li Boliang did not give up and continued: "For example, I will participate in the challenge of the American hacker group in the past year."

"Oh? Is it?" Zhou Jiajia finally reacted, looked at Li Boliang, and then asked.

Seeing that Zhou Jiajia finally spoke, Li Boliang suddenly saw hope and quickly said: "Of course, I am on behalf of our sfh Phoenix hacker group to participate in the challenge..."

"Sfh Phoenix hacker group? I know." Zhou Jiajia frowned. She knew this hacker group. It was a small hacker group in China, but what they studied was not a network protocol, but rather a preference for satellite positioning systems. . Moreover, Zhou Jiajia does not remember the achievements of the sfh Phoenix hacker group in the hacking challenge last year.

"How? Have you heard of it?" Li Boliang heard that Zhou Jiajia knew the organization and immediately became overjoyed. He was excited and started running the train: "I am a member of this organization. Last year, we organized under my leadership. , achieved a little impressive results... and was also praised by the first Chinese hacker in the world, 'I love Xiao Ming'..."

"You... know me love Xiaoming?" Zhou Jiajia's face suddenly turned red, and Yu Ming smashed Yang Ming, and found that his face was as relieved as he was.

"Yeah, to say this, I love Xiaoming, is the number one network expert in the Chinese hacker world, very mysterious... You must have heard of it?" Li Boliang nodded and said.

"I heard that..." Zhou Jiajia snorted and said.

"Hey, I love Xiaoming is very mysterious. On the Internet, Shenlong sees the end, does not belong to any hacker organization, he is known as the king of hackers...!" Li Boliang said endlessly.

The king of hackers? Yang Ming listened to sweating, isn't that a fight with oneself? I am the king of the killer, this I love Xiaoming is actually the king of hackers... just, this name is a bit fucking, I love Xiaoming? It’s so funny, it’s like making a sentence with a primary school student.

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