So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1055: King of hackers

The first thousand and fifty-five chapters of the king of hackers

"King of hackers!" The students standing by the side have all shown amazement! The king of hackers is the ultimate mysterious existence. In the computer field of China, no one does not know this name!

He is a genius in the hacker world, but no one knows whether he is a man or a woman, how old he is, only knowing that there is no computer problem that can stump him.

Li Boliang, the president of the computer society, seems to know Li Boliang. Several members who will be flattering immediately asked: "Li, President, do you know the king of hackers?"

Li Boliang looked around and then lowered his voice: "Tell you, don't pass it out, I am actually the apprentice of the king of hackers! The kind of disciple!"

“Hey!” Everyone was shocked: “So strong!”

"Generally..." Li Boliang said with some pride.

"How old is the king of hackers?" someone asked curiously.

"The king of hackers... oh... almost as big as us!" Li Boliang immediately realized that the cowhide was blown up! It’s not good to end. If these people are chattering about the king of hackers, how can he answer? So I quickly said: "The hacker king, I can't just say it. Below, I will tell you about his heroic deeds!"

"Okay!" These people standing here are more or less computer fans, so they are particularly interested in hacking, and they are all serious and eager to listen.

"You know, in 1998, a virus that was very bullish in the world, called cih, a general virus, just destroys the system software. As long as there is no important data, directly reinstalling the system can solve the problem. But this cih is not the same, he is the world's first virus that can damage computer hardware, it can destroy the motherboard by rewriting the bios information, so that the motherboard stops working!" Li Boliang said: "Although, Reassemble the bios chip by disassembling the programmer to repair the faulty motherboard, but this is a chip-level maintenance solution, not suitable for ordinary computer users, so when the virus broke out, the world's computer users are caught The panic, at this time, there is a hero who turned out to be a hero, in a virus professional forum, suddenly announced an exclusive killing tool, can completely kill the cih virus, which is faster than those anti-virus manufacturers, it is Because he published the signature of the virus, it made the cih virus quickly recognized by people, and it got a large area of ​​immunity and Anti-! "

Most of the people present have heard of this horrendous virus in the past, but I don’t know if this has anything to do with the king of hackers! One person couldn't help but ask: "President, you mean, that anonymous hero is the king of hackers?"

"Yes! This is also a long time after the event, everyone knows!" Li Boliang nodded a little smugly, as if he knew the inside story, and everyone continued to say: "This thing, a few years have passed, Until the popularity of the Internet, the name of the hacker king on the network resounded throughout the country... One day, a computer hobby car was idle, decompile the virus-killing tool released by the anonymous user that year, found in the code In the comment at the end, there is a ++ annotation!"

"++? The king of hackers is not asking me to love Xiaoming, what is the relationship with ++?" Many people are expressing doubtful expressions: "Isn't it a symbol written by others?"

"no!no!no!" Li Boliang waved his hand in an inscrutable manner. "Of course, it is not written casually! I love Xiao Ming is the id of the king of hackers, but the symbol of this ++ is him. The code name, see the habits of some hacking tools he wrote later, you can see that all the program code will appear in the mark at the end without exception, this ++ symbol!"

Said, Li Boliang picked up the pen and wrote two "+" numbers on the paper in front of him.

"Ah!" Everyone was surprised and opened his mouth, and they were shocked: "It turned out to be the case! The king of hackers is really low-key, and this big thing is not said..."

"Of course, the king of hackers is a very low-key person. Besides, his reputation is already loud enough. He doesn't need to put gold on his face again!" Li Boliang nodded and said.

"Then, no one has ever decompiled the killing tool before?" Some people asked curiously.

"Of course, it must have been decompiled," Li Boliang said affirmatively: "However, at that time, the king of hackers was not famous, and even if others compiled it, they would not think much, as you said, I thought It’s just a symbol that you accidentally write!”

"Yes, two plus, who will pay attention?" The crowd nodded and said yes.

"And, the king of hackers, every time the interests of our country are damaged, he will stand up and express the anger of all of us in his own way!" Li Boliang said: "Many foreign hostile websites are overnight. It’s awkward!”

"President, since you are his disciple, it must be very powerful?" everyone asked enviously.

"I, just learn some fur, come to Japan, come to Japan!" Li Boliang did not dare to continue to brag, and if it was discovered that he is not terrible, is it not shameful?

Zhou Jiajia's eyebrows are full of smiles. Li Boliang is overjoyed and quickly said: "How, computer society is very powerful? Want to join?"

"Yang Ming, what do you think?" Zhou Jiajia thought about it and turned to ask Yang Mingdao.

"I don't know, but I heard that the president said that he is the apprentice of the king of hackers. Should it be very powerful?" Yang Ming said: "I just want to learn some hacking techniques. Would you like to join us? ”

"Okay!" Zhou Jiajia did not care, but Yang Ming joined, and her natural husband sang with her, nodded and said: "We join."

Li Boliang was overjoyed and quickly handed over the list of Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia. Then he told them how to fill it out and then took a sigh of relief and drank the water.

Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia filled out the list and handed it over to the computer community for review. At this time, a large group of people gradually filled out the list and prepared to join the computer society.

With the beauty effect of Zhou Jiajia, and the fact that Li Boliang had just been a god, many people have come to the computer community. Of course, Li Boliang also knows that his cow is a bit bigger, but it does not matter. Since it can attract more people to join the community, there is nothing wrong with blowing more bulls. Anyway, his knowledge of hacking is OK. Just give them some basics.

Reported well, leaving a contact, Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia got up and walked in the direction of the teaching building, not far from the time of registration, so the two can not stay in the registration office.

"Yang Ming, do you like hacking?" Zhou Jiajia asked with some delight.

"Of course, if I am not interested in these, can I apply for the computer department?" Yang Ming said with a smile: "Right, how can I forget you? My side is a computer genius. I am going to attend that. Lao Shizi community is doing a fart!"

Yang Ming’s interest in computers is not false. However, the most important point is that as a professional killer, everything must be proficient. Now that technology is developing rapidly, hacking technology has become a means of war, so Yang Ming must also Be aware of it.

Fang Tian is lacking in this aspect. He can't teach Yang Ming anything, so he can only rely on Yang Ming to explore.

Zhou Jiajia listened to Yang Ming’s appreciation and suddenly became a red face, but his heart was sweet. Hesitated and said: "It is good to join some clubs, at least enriching the life after school!"

"That's right, just go and engage in your object!" Yang Ming nodded and said.

"..." Zhou Jiajia's face is more blushing, I don't know how to answer Yang Ming's question. In her impression, Yang Ming has always been a very serious person, but did not expect that the relationship with Yang Ming was discovered, he is so colored.

"Right, Jia Jia, do you know the king of hackers?" Yang Ming is the king of the killer. Naturally, he is very interested in the king of hackers. If you have the chance, it is not bad to know.

"I... know her, what happened?" Zhou Jiajia hesitated and asked.

"Nothing, just want to know," Yang Ming said with a smile: "Are you familiar with him?"

"Fortunately..." Zhou Jiajia nodded.

"Is Li Boliang really his apprentice?" Yang Ming asked very gossip.

"Who knows... but it shouldn't be, the king of hackers doesn't accept apprentices." Zhou Jiajia shook his head and said.

"This way, I think he is also like a liar, finished, this is fooled!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

“Oh...” Zhou Jiajia saw Yang Ming’s appearance. Some of them were funny: “If you want to learn hacking skills, I can let you worship the hacker king!”

"You? Really?" Yang Mingyi widened his eyes: "Your face is so big? Hey, Jia Jia, you said, what is your name in the hacker world? Is it also famous?"

"I ah... don't tell you!" Zhou Jiajia smiled and said: "You will know later!"

Yang Ming nodded and no longer asked. When they entered the teaching building, they couldn’t talk loudly. According to the notice, the two came to the classroom on the upper floor 413. Here is the second class of the computer. Check-in location.

The guide Xie Yongqiang was sitting on the podium and registered for the classmates who came to the classroom. When Zhou Jiajia came, he was busy calling her to help.

Zhou Jiajia was very low-key in hospitalization and did not inform Xie Yongqiang, so he did not know that Zhou Jiajia had such a lot of things happening during the holiday. He was looking at his usual face and there was nothing wrong with it.

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