So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1201: Closed door

Chapter 1,200, closed the door

"White bidding? Compared with the bankruptcy, it is a very good result!" Li Zhisheng said coldly: "At that time, if people recover our minerals, just like when General Kars recovered the gold mine of the Huang family, We didn't even have time to cry when we arrived."

"Yeah, breaking money is still a small matter. Who knows how Yang Ming will make us all the time?" Li Tianjia also followed Li Zhisheng. Although he also feels that the current withdrawal of funds is somewhat regrettable, but relatively speaking, he does not want the family's overseas business investment to be too large, so that Li Tianyu's status exceeds himself.

Although Li Tianyu knows that Li Tianjia has some ingredients for himself, it is undeniable that Li Tianjia said that it is very reasonable, so he has to accept this reality: "Well, even if we are tossing a white."

"It can't be said that it is white toss." Li Zhisheng waved his hand: "After all, our two minerals are also obtained through competitive bidding. It is not easy to get it. Naturally, it is impossible to sell at the original price, and there must be artificial expenses. Going in, like the half-gold mine we won after bidding, if we sell it to Mr. Bobby, Mr. Bobby will definitely not only spend the money we bid for, he will give us the corresponding reward."

"That is also true." Li Tianyu nodded and said: "Then we will contact Mr. Bobby first."

"Give me his phone number, I have to personally ask him to come and talk." Li Zhisheng told Li Tianjia. Although the guest house they live in is specially set up for these investors, but a character like Bobby, although there is a room in this guest house, he will not live here, he is nearby. Villa living.

Li Tianyu and Li Tianjia quickly began to look for Bobby's contact information on the investor contact roster issued by the venue. People like Bobby will naturally be in front of the roster, so he quickly found his phone.

Since Li Zhizhen made a decision, he did not want to delay the time and quickly dialed Bobby’s phone.

"Hey? Hello, is Mr. Bobby?" Li Zhisheng's voice sounded very respectful.

"Oh, yes, I am Bobby. Which one are you?" Bobby picked up the phone and asked politely. Now, although his status is already very high, there are still higher figures than him, such as Yang Ming, Li Qiang and General Kars.

"I am Li Zhisheng, that is the gold mine, the other half of the people... Hehe..." Li Zhisheng said.

"Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Li. I don't know what is going on?" Bobby heard that it was Li Zhizhen, some strange. Although the authority of the minerals has been determined, but it is not so fast to talk about cooperation, is Li Zhizhen a little too anxious?

"It is like this. I don't know if Mr. Bobby is free. I want to talk to you." Li Zhisheng said.

"Oh, talk about it? Well, then for a while, I finished dinner, at the guest house, my room met..." Bobby said: "Hey... you know my room number?"

"I know, there is a record on the contact roster." Li Zhisheng said, opened the roster and said: "On the third floor, the presidential suite of 3a-1 is right?"

"Yes, then see you later. At seven o'clock in the evening," Bobby said.

"Okay, I will pass on time." Li Zhisheng said quickly.

Hanging up the phone, Li Zhisheng breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, Bobby promised to meet him. This is a good thing. Li Zhizhen believes that as long as the two sides meet, their prices will not be so outrageous, Bobby will certainly accept.

After all, if two companies operate a gold mine at the same time, there will be many inconveniences. It is difficult to achieve reunification in mining opinions. Inevitably, there will be disputes. In this way, no one will be happy.

Therefore, as long as I express my intention to transfer, I believe that Bobby will be happy to take over the gold mine.

"How is it? Father?" Li Tianjia asked.

"Fortunately, Bobby agreed to meet me." Li Zhisheng said: "At seven o'clock, at his presidential suite at the guest house."

At seven o'clock in the evening, Li Zhizhen arrived at the 3a-1 presidential suite on the third floor of the guest house on time. He knocked on the door and heard the voice of Bobby: "Please come in."

Obviously, Bobby is a long time ago, which makes Li Zhizhen very happy, which means that Bobby has given him enough sincerity.

Li Zhizhen pushed the door of the room and walked in. This presidential suite is much better than the room he lives in. He is just an ordinary triple room, far from the luxury of Bobby's room.

Even in such a luxurious room, Bobby did not live in it, or lived in a villa outside. This made Li Zhizhen feel a little bit guilty. People are more mad than people.

"Mr. Bobby, how are you!" Li Zhisheng smiled and said hello to Bobby.

At this moment, Bobby was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and watching TV. When he saw Li Zhisheng, he did not get up. He just nodded to him: "Mr. Li, you are here."

"Yeah, Mr. Bobby, how are you, okay?" Li Zhisheng did not understand the habits of Westerners, so it was a bit awkward to talk about their words.

"Fortunately, Mr. Li, so anxious to ask me out, what's the matter?" Bobby asked.

"Oh, this is the case, we don't have the same gold mine!" Li Zhisheng said.

"Oh, I understand, you are coming, are you talking about cooperation with me?" Bobby asked.

"Oh, no... but it’s true, it’s indeed a matter of cooperation." Li Zhizhen did not know how to answer Bobby’s question. He simply said: "Mr. Bobby, I think, a gold mine, two people operating together. It’s not a pleasant thing, there will always be differences of opinion.”

"Yes, I think so too." Bobby nodded. "You come to me, wouldn't you want me to transfer the gold mine to you?"

"!" Li Zhisheng quickly waved his hand and said: "Of course not. I mean, I can transfer the transfer of my half-gold mine to you."

"Oh?" Bobby snorted and looked up with interest and looked at Li Zhiwei: "What do you mean, buy me a half-gold mine in your hand?"

"This is the case." Li Zhisheng nodded.

"Oh, to be honest, my interest is not big." Bobby said a word that made Li Zhizhen feel very frustrated. In fact, if it is normal, Bobby will be very interested in Li Zhisheng's proposal, but now... because the other party is Li Zhisheng, Bobby has no interest in dealing with him.

General Kars and Yang Ming seem to have opinions on this Li Zhisheng and want to take the opportunity to rectify him. What's more, Yang Ming has already promised him to hand over the gold mining rights in his hands, so Bobby has no need to buy the half-gold mine from Li Zhisheng, and he has spent a lot of money.

"Ah?" Li Zhixuan's eyes widened, and some incredulously looked at Bobby: " are not interested?"

"This is the case." Bobby nodded affirmatively.

"You... don't think I want to take the opportunity to blackmail you..." Li Zhisheng immediately guessed, maybe Bobby didn't want to make too much money for himself, and the way he made his desires, he said: "Reassuring Well, the price will not be too expensive, it will definitely be very reasonable, you know, I am not an insatiable person."

"" Bobby waved his hand: "Not for this reason, I really don't want to buy the management right in your hands, it's true! Even if you sell it to me at the original price, I won't want it."

"What! Don't you sell the original price?" Li Zhisheng seems to have some disbelief what Bobby said: "No? Mr. Bobby, are you kidding?"

"I am not kidding." Bobby shook his head. "I am telling the truth. I really don't want to buy the right to operate in your hands."

"This..." Li Zhizhen was really stupid at the moment, feeling that his brain was short-circuited. This is something he didn't expect at all. He didn't think about it, Bobby would say that! Originally, he thought that as soon as he spoke, Bobby would be very happy to buy the management right in his hands. Now, Bobby actually said that he would not sell it at the original price, which is too surprising: "Don't you want me to lose money and sell it to you?"

"Loss money...hehe..." Bobby said here, paused and said: "I won't want to lose money."

"Hey..." Li Zhizhen really didn't know what to say. The development of the matter has completely exceeded Li Zhisheng's expectations. It is not what he can expect.

"Oh, if Mr. Li is talking about this, I don't think we have to talk about it." Bobby said with a smile.

"Wait, Mr. Bobby, I don't understand, since you are not interested, why did you bid for this gold mine, and, for this gold mine, you also sacrificed a boxer under your hand, it seems that some explanations are not feasible. "Li Zhizhen asked unwillingly: "If I sell the management right at the original price, you are now bidding on the gold mine at the same price. What is the difference?"

"I was competing to play in the competition. Is there anything wrong with it?" Bobby laughed.

"Well, then I have nothing to say." Li Zhisheng was very disappointed: "Mr. Bobby, I am bothering you, I am leaving."

"Oh, goodbye." Bobby is still polite, but he refuses to be a thousand miles.

Li Zhizhen saw that Bobby had already ordered the order, and he stood up helplessly and walked out of Bobby's room.

Bobby looked at Li Zhisheng's background and sneered at the corner of his mouth. This old boy seems to be aware of the dissatisfaction of General Kars and Yang Ming? Prepare to get rid of the industry in your hands and escape?

How can I cooperate with him? I have to make some trouble for him.

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