So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1202: Rumors

The first thousand two hundred and two chapters of the rumor

Bobby doesn't think that Li Zhisheng will stop after he has eaten a closed door. Since he has made up his mind to get rid of the industry in his hands and withdraw from it, he will also sell his own mineral management rights to others.

Since he already knows the attitude of General Yang Ming and General Kars, then Bobby can't sit idly by. He must do something, and make trouble for Li Zhisheng, so that he can't get rid of the industry in his hands and trap him here. Okay.

Thinking of this, Bobby smiled and picked up the phone in the room. According to the inside number of the room on the roster, he dialed an old friend's phone number: "Hey, Mike? I am Bobby..."

"Hey, Mr. Bobby, how do you think about calling me?" Mike and Bobby have a good relationship. The two people's previous minerals are not far away, so Mike and Bobby are very numerous. Although Mike's industry is not as big as Bobby, it does not affect the friendship between them.

"Old man, I am in the guest house, are you free? Let's have two drinks together." Bobby sent an invitation to Mike.

"Okay, no problem, buddy." Mike's invitation to Bobby was naturally very quick to agree.

Hanging up the phone, Bobby smiled slightly. Mike is a famous "old German death" (English loadspeaker, big horn), as long as he knows things, the next day sure everyone around him knows.

Therefore, Bobby only needs to tell Li Zhisheng about Mike, and I believe that Mike will soon say it to other people.

Not long after, the room heard a knock on the door, Bobby immediately said: "Please come in."

"Hey, old man, how are you!" Mike's big pusher came in and said: "Today, your battle is very fruitful!"

"Alright," Bobby said. "Your battle is not bad!"

"To each other." Mike smiled: "I can't be as rich as you are, but the last gold mine is quite regrettable, and someone else took half of the management right."

"Not a pity, huh, huh." Bobby laughed.

"Get it, old man." Mike said in a blink of an eye: "Do you know that it is not a good thing for two people to run the same mineral together, and there will definitely be differences of opinion at that time. You never thought about buying it. Come to the management right in his hands?"

"Oh, Li Zhizhen did come to me, and I have just been there, but I refused him." Bobby said with a smile.

"Ah? Refused him?" Mike groaned, and some looked at Bobby inexplicably: "No? Have you made a mistake? You actually refused? What a good chance... Oh, I know, it must be that his offer price is too high, he wants to take the opportunity to blackmail you, you will refuse it?"

"In fact, this is not the case." Bobby shook his head: "Li Zhisheng said that he can sell it to me at the original price."

"Original price? Then you will refuse?" Mike squinted: "No, brother, have I got it wrong? Or, your spirit has gone wrong? You are actually rejected by such a good thing?"

"You didn't get it wrong, my spirit is also very good." Bobby said: "But ah, I dare not take over the industry in the hands of Li Zhisheng!"

"Don't dare to take over?" Mike suspicion looked at Bobby: "What do you mean by not taking over? Is there anything hidden in the middle?"

"Hidden... oh, this is too confidential. Old man, I don't want to tell you, but you don't know too much." Bobby said: "All I can say is, don't talk to Li Zhisheng. This person is too close, otherwise it will be unlucky! I want to move people, I can not afford it!"

"Ah! Is there such a thing?" McDonald's came to the interest: "This is big news, hey, man, you told me, what is the secret in the middle?"

"This secret, I can't say," Bobby waved his hand: "This kind of thing, not just casually, old man, I can't harm you, what I said before, it's no secret, you can go out without saying, But behind these... you know, your mouth... Ha!"

"Yeah, that's true." Mike nodded. "In this case, I still don't know why, even the old man you can't afford to sin, I can't afford to be offended..."

"You understand it!" Bobby nodded. "Come, don't talk about this, we drink!"

"Hey, this Li Zhizhen is also bad luck!" Mike smiled. "Don't talk, we drink!"

As a result, that night, after Mike came out of Bobby's room, he entered the room of several investors who were playing dice.

"Mike, how come you? You have to play two games? Look at your appearance, just drunk the bar? Where are you going?" A guy named Larry greeted Mike.

"Just came from Bobby's room." Mike said: "Hey, tell you an amazing news, do you know? Li Zhizhen actually went to Bobby and sold him the right to operate the other half of the gold mine."

"What's so amazing?" Larry said disapprovingly: "If two people run together, there will be no good results. It is better to sell to the other party. If I am Li Zhizhen, I will do the same."

"Amazing is not here, hello, buddy, you listen to me!" Mike waved his hand and continued: "The amazing news is that Bobby actually refused Li Zhizhen's proposal, and he refused!"

"The asking price is too high. It is normal to refuse. Is there anything weird about this?" Larry continued.

"Hey, can you listen to me?" Mike glanced at Larry: "The key issue is that Li Zhisheng said that he would transfer the management rights in his hands to Bobby, but Bobby did not accept it."

"Oh? No!" The people present listened to Mike's words. This time, they finally made an exclamation. This is really amazing. Yes, nothing can be more shocking than this news.

"I said Mike, aren't you kidding? This is not a funny thing!" Larry obviously didn't believe it. After all, what a good opportunity, Bobby would refuse? How is this possible?

Or is it that Mike is lying, or else something else is hidden!

"What am I kidding?" Mike waved his hand in dissatisfaction: "Don't you know that Mike is a man? Indeed, I love chewing my tongue, but what I said is not true?"

"This is also true!" Larry nodded. Looking back, Mike didn't seem to have deceived anyone, so he said, "Is there anything hidden in this matter?"

"There is of course hidden." Mike said with some smugness: "It is said that Bobby has been greeted by people, telling him not to go too close with Li Zhisheng, and not to mix with Li Zhisheng, otherwise..."

"How else?" Larry asked urgently.

"Otherwise... Bobby did not say it, but apparently, Bobby did not dare to deal with Li Zhisheng. I don't know which powerful character and he called this and made him so careful!" Mike said.

"No? Even Bobby is afraid?" Larry was surprised to add: "Bobby is not afraid to provoke people, then who can we dare to provoke?"

"That's right, oh, it seems that I will be far from Li Zhisheng's guy in the future, so as not to get into trouble." Mike said.

"Yes, you are right. Fortunately, you told us about this matter. It seems that we have to be respectful to Li Zhizhen!" Larry nodded and said sincerely.

Everyone also agreed. So, before the next morning, the news has already spread. The rumors that Li Zhizhen has offended a powerful task have shrouded the entire guest house. Even Bobby’s people can’t be provoked. It is.

Li Zhizhen certainly does not know, no one in the entire guest house now dares to deal with him. Li Zhizhen was very disappointed to return to his room.

"Father, what happened?" Li Zhiyu entered the house, Li Tianjia and Li Tianyu greeted him.

"Hey, don't mention it." Li Zhisheng waved his hand helplessly: "Hell, Bobby would refuse! He refused my request. He didn't want to buy the management right in my hands."

"Ah? Bobby refused you? He is not willing to buy the management right in your hands?" Li Tianjia is somewhat inexplicable: "Why? Is the price you opened too high?"

"Too high?" Li Zhisheng shook his head: "What is too high, I sold it to him at the original price, he does not want!"

"What? The original price is not? What does he mean?" Li Tianjia was anxious to hear: "He won't be sure. We don't want two people to work together. Do you want us to lose money and sell it to him?"

"Don't lose money!" Li Zhisheng said with hate: "People said, don't lose money, he is not interested in this gold mine."

"Then don't sell it to us, we sell it to others!" Li Tianjia said: "I still don't believe it, except for him, I can't find other buyers!"

"Yes, I will contact other people again!" Li Zhisheng nodded. "He wants to buy, I don't sell it to him. The minerals in our hands are not sold!"

Thinking of this, Li Zhixuan’s original haze mood is getting better. He plans to contact other people tomorrow morning.

However, what he did not know was that in the guest house, there have been rumors that there have been four rumors... What version of the squad is there... Even that Li Zhisheng is a liar, trying to deceive Bobby, and the result was rejected...

Of course, this is just one of them, and there are many different versions. Li Zhisheng naturally didn't think of this. If he knew it, he didn't know what to think, whether he was crying or laughing.

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