So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1226: Tian Long's invitation (on)

The invitation of the first thousand two hundred and twenty-two Zhang Tianlong (on)

Didn't Sun Jie have anything wrong? Thinking of this possibility, Yang Ming could not sit still. Before the company’s money was taken away, Yang Ming was just angry and didn’t worry. But now it’s about Sun Jie, and Yang Ming can’t calm down.

Calling again in the past, still reminding the cold girl who shuts down. Yang Ming dialed the phone to Sun Jie's landline, but the phone rang aloud until it was automatically hanged and no answer, no one answered.

Although Yang Ming is very reassured about Sun Jie's ability to deal with it, it is precisely because of this that Sun Jie has never lost his mobile phone. Even if he does not open his mobile phone at night, there is no reason to shut down during the day.

This is the reason why Yang Ming is really worried. However, now I am worried that there is no way. Yang Ming is not likely to go to the East China Sea to see what happened.

You can only put this thing first, and then contact Sun Jie at night, or after seeing Xiao Qing, ask Xiao Qing.

"Dahou, Leopard, the company's business, you two are responsible for follow-up, and don't be too self-blaming." Yang Ming said: "In addition, during the time when the police are responsible for the investigation, you also knocked on the company. In the Liu Sho and the people around Qu Daming, see if they have frequent contacts or phone calls during this time, and try to find some clues as much as possible."

"I understand." Storm Sanli and Hou Zhenxuan solemnly nodded: "Do not worry, I will do this well."

When Yang Ming explained the matter, he would not have to stay in the company again. However, at this moment, Yang Ming’s heart is thinking about one thing.

The company's vice president Liu Sho and Qu Daming will short the company, but before and after this, some people spend money to murder Hou Zhenyu and violent San Li! Are there any necessary links between these two things?

Is it coincidence, or is there any ulterior connection?

If, after the death of Sanli and Hou Zhenyu, who is the biggest beneficiary? According to common sense, the beneficiaries should be immediate relatives of Hou Zhenduo and Violent, because their immediate family members are entitled to inheritance of the company under the estate law.

However, it does not rule out that Liu Sho and Qu Daming use very means to take the company away. When the violent Sanli and Hou Zhenxi died, the company’s accounts were unclear. The deficit of 130 million yuan was not considered the head of Liu Shou and Qu Daming, and they could completely shirk their responsibilities in Hou Zhenyu and The body of the storm.

Anyway, there is no evidence of death, they will definitely escape. The remaining shell companies are heavily in debt. I believe that the families of violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo will not want to inherit. Who will inherit a company that does not have a penny but has a debt of 130 million yuan?

So in this way, Liu Shou and Qu Daming can use some extraordinary means to let the family of Violent San and Hou Zhenduo give up the inheritance company and truly control the company's management rights in their hands.

Of course, the owner behind the company is Yang Ming. Liu Sho and Qu Daming are not clear. Although they know Yang Ming, they only know that Yang Ming’s relationship with violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu is good, and it is impossible to think of it. Famous entertainment is actually Yang Ming’s company.

In summary, the biggest beneficiaries of this matter are Qu Daming and Liu Sho. Two people, perhaps looking for a killer, ready to assassinate Hou Zhenduo and violent Sanli, but because Wang Kejin lost a lot of time on the assassination of Yang Ming, did not go to the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu, which makes Liu Shou and Qu Da Ming was in a hurry, so he planned a second plan, which was a plan to escape.

Or, the plan to escape has already been introduced, and the two have prepared for both hands, which is not known. However, no matter what, perhaps the two have not waited until the news that the violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo were assassinated, plus the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu came to the company this morning for a surprise investigation, so that Liu Shou and Qu Daming had to abscond in advance.

Because, what did the violent Sanli do before, Liu Shou and Qu Daming are very clear, it is difficult to ensure that the violent three will make something under the wrath, so the two chose to escape.

As for why two people fled to the East China Sea instead of other remote cities, this is a problem. However, Yang Ming couldn’t figure out why the two people did this. They could only wait until they caught the two and then revealed the mystery.


After Tian Long received a phone call from Liu Shou and Qu Daming, his face was blue.

He did not expect that the things on the Songjiang side were exposed so soon.

"You said, violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu went to the company this morning to check the accounts?" Tian Long knows that this kind of unexpected event is also no wonder that Qu Daming and Liu Shovel, but this kind of success is about to succeed, but it is still very Uncomfortable.

"Yes, Long Ge." Liu Shoo said carefully: "We did not expect that the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu will go to the company to check the account at this time! The company has been established for so long, he has always been very trusting to us, but at this time……"

"Well, the boss is not saying that he has found a killer? Why hasn’t it been so long after that?" Tian Long suddenly thought that the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu were in the plan, should they die?

"We don't know. During this time, Hou Zhenduo and the violent Sanli are all good, not at all like signs of being assassinated." Liu Sho shook his head.

"Don't the boss lie to me? Can't, lie to me what good for him?" Tian Long frowned.

"Dragon brother, we have nowhere else to go now, we can only go to you, you can't want us!" Liu Shun said quickly.

"Do not worry, you are here, I will find a place for you two to hide." Tian Long said faintly.

Fortunately, Tian Long’s ambition is in the East China Sea. He has always had no interest in Songjiang. If the mysterious boss had to let him completely destroy the forces of Songjiang Hou Zhen and the violent Sanli, Tian Long was too lazy to touch them. It’s just that since the boss behind the scenes has orders, he has to do it.

Now, half of the plan has failed, and the boss behind the scenes can't blame himself. Can only say that people are not as good as days.

Hanging up Liu Sho's phone, Tian Long called the phone and rushed into it.

"Hey boss, what's the killer on your side? How has it been so long? Nothing has happened yet? Are Sanli and Hou Zhenyu still alive and kicking?" Tian Long said here, some involuntarily annoyed, so something can be done. Not good, it seems that the ability to enter the leaps and bounds is also normal!

"Well? I haven't moved yet? I have already placed a single order. It is reasonable to say that the two sides should have been in action for a long time?" He listened to Tian Long's question and was also a glimpse.

"Action? Hey!" Tian Long said coldly: "Hey boss, are you not working hard? Violent San and Hou Zhenyu went to the company today to conduct a surprise audit, Liu Sho and Qu Daming have scared away and are now going to my East China Sea. Run it!"

"Dragon brother, can't say that, I am looking for the world's top killer organization. As for why there is nothing wrong with violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu, then I am not too sure, but you said that there is no effort, it is impossible. "Yue Yue entered the words of Tian Long, and was shocked. Although he felt that there was some loss, he could not help but argue.

After all, he did contact the killer organization. The current situation is not what he wants to see.

"Hey, let's remind you as soon as possible, these two people are not dead, you will get a plan for Gidon City, you can do it yourself." Tian Long sneered.

"I understand." Although Yue Yuejin was very upset by Tian Long's tone, but there is no way. Indeed, the goal of Tian Long is only the East China Sea, Songjiang and Gidon City, which is what you want.

I have made a mistake on my own side. Tian Long is still worried about you. It is not bad. If you change your personal, you may not want to ask for fun.

Hanging up the phone, Tian Long sighed slightly. Some things are not easy to do. The forces of violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo are not destroyed, so how do you explain to the mysterious boss?

If you can catch Yang Ming, you can also explain to the mysterious boss. If you don't catch Yang Ming, it means that you owe too much to the mysterious boss. How can you repay it in the future?

Thinking of this, Tian Long had to reconsider Yang Ming’s business. Let Sun Jie go to call Yang Ming, obviously not a good way. Let Sun Jie deceive Yang Ming, Sun Jie obviously will not do it.

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