So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1226: Tian Long's invitation (below)

The invitation of the first thousand two hundred and twenty-six chapters of Tian Long (below)

For Sun Jie’s character, Tian Long is very familiar with it. If Sun Jie calls Yang Ming, Sun Jie will never lie to lie to Yang Ming. She and Yang Ming said that it is estimated that Yang Ming will be careful. Don’t go to the warning of Tian Long. .

In that case, Yang Ming will be prepared. If you want to catch Yang Ming unexpectedly, it will be harder. The forces of violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo belong to Yang Ming, which is very clear. He is a close person of Sun Hongjun and has a good understanding of the things on the Tao.

Once Yang Ming is prepared, it will bring about revenge and rint, which is not the result that Tian Long wants. What Tian Long wants is to seize Yang Ming without hurting his own interests. If it is too laborious, it is unnecessary.

In the end, if you lose both sides, then what is the use of the Sun’s power in the East China Sea?

So, how can you lure Yang Ming to hook up and not cause him to be alert? It’s obviously not realistic to start with Yang Ming in Songjiang. Tian Long is not sure whether Yang Ming’s side is protected by bodyguards, and the best way is to let Yang Ming go to Songjiang.

I think that the only thing that Yang Ming and Yang Ming can get together is Tian Donghua, but Tian Donghua doesn't want to help himself to lure Yang Ming. It seems that he can only start himself.

When I thought of my son Tian Donghua, Tian Long suddenly came up with a more brilliant idea. Of course, he thought it was more wonderful.

Yang Minggang left the headquarters of Mingyang Entertainment Co., and the ringtone of the mobile phone rang. Yang Ming took it and saw it, it was the number of Tian Long! Before, Yang Ming only met one side at the Xianren Resort and Tian Long. At that time, the telephone number was exchanged. After that, there was no connection. Now, at this time, Tian Long calls himself. What will happen?

"Hey, Uncle Tian?" Yang Ming asked in a hesitant tone.

"Yang Ming, it's me!" There was a long laugh from Tian Long.

"Uncle Tian, ​​really you, just saw the caller ID, I still have some hesitation." Yang Ming also smiled: "Tian Shushu, are you looking for me?"

"Things... there is a little bit, just don't know, Yang Ming, do you have any time?" Tian Long had already thought about how to say it, so at this moment, the tone is very natural.

"Time? Yes, Uncle Tian, ​​you have something to say." Yang Ming's first impression of Tian Long is not bad, and because of the reason of Tian Donghua, Yang Ming is very polite to Tian Long.

The more important reason is that Tian Long is the helper arm of the Sun family. Since Yang Ming is the son-in-law of the Sun family, he will naturally be less able to deal with Tian Long. However, Yang Mingzhi is not interested in the gang business here in the African country.

Yang Ming’s initial plan is that if Sun Hongjun is really retired, and Sun Jie and Yang obviously cannot inherit his family business, and Sun Zhiwei is not a talent in this area, then this important task can only fall on Tian Donghua. It is said that Yang Ming can only hand over these matters to Tian Donghua. Although some of the suspects of the Sun family's industry are handed over to people, but Yang Ming's energy is limited, really take care of these things. Big deal left for some shares of Sun Zhiwei.

"This is the case, Yang Ming, I want to talk to you about the child of Donghua, and his girlfriend &..." Tian Long thinks this reason is very natural. Find a good friend of his son to understand the son's school. This is a normal thing.

"Looking for me? Talking about Tian Donghua?" Yang Ming stunned, suddenly revealing a strange expression: "Uncle Tian, ​​you look for me, just for this matter?"

"I can find you something!" Tian Long sighed: "I have been busy with my career these years. They are getting more and more alienated from Tian Donghua. Now Tian Donghua has made a girlfriend. I even do his girlfriend’s home. I don’t know what is going on. Tian Donghua’s kid doesn’t tell me, and I don’t know what he is busy with at school every day!”

"It turned out to be like this!" Although Yang Ming felt that Tian Long seemed to have made some fuss, he could understand Tian Long's mood and pity the parents. When thinking about his college entrance examination, Yang Ming understands his parents' attitude towards themselves.

However, now that Tian Donghua is so big, Tian Long is still worried about his affairs, which is a bit strange.

"Uncle Tian, ​​what do you want to know?" Yang Ming felt that the sale of Tian Donghua behind him was not something that a friend should do, so what Tian Long asked, Yang Ming only answered selectively. It would be best if you could communicate with Tian Donghua in advance, but there is no such time.

"Like this, Yang Ming, this is almost noon, my uncle invites you to have a meal, let's talk while eating!" Tian Long step by step to Yang Ming to the trap set by himself.

"Dining? Uncle Tian, ​​are you in Songjiang?" Yang Ming asked.

"No, I am in the East China Sea, so you can take a taxi and come to the East China Sea. Uncle will reimburse you for the fare! Soon, it will arrive in an hour." Tian Long said: "Uncle can't leave here. I can only grieve you."

"I? In the past? Go to the East China Sea?" Yang Ming was a bit weird after listening to Tian Long's suggestion. How do you feel that Tian Long is really a little fuss, obviously can explain the white things on the phone, but also have to meet . Moreover, if Tian Longren is in Songjiang, it is very easy to come out and have a meal together. However, the problem now is that Tian Long is in the East China Sea, Yang Ming wants to meet him to have a meal and chat, to drive an hour's car!

"Yang Ming, if you have something, then forget it, let's talk about it another day." Tian Long's voice seemed a little pity.

"I have no problem when I go..." After all, Tian Long had been asking for himself for the first time. As a younger generation, Yang Ming was really unsuccessful. In fact, the most fascinating thing for Yang Ming is to go to the East China Sea.

Before Yang Ming had not contacted Sun Jie, Yang Ming also thought about Sun Jie to see and see how Sun Jie was. Therefore, Yang Ming simply agreed to: "Uncle Tian, ​​then I drove by myself, you say a place."

"On the Spring Garden Hotel in the East China Sea, after you have passed, directly to the lobby manager, you can find me." Tian Long sees Yang Ming promised himself, and his heart suddenly happy.

"Well, Uncle Tian, ​​then I will see you later." Yang Ming responded and hung up.

However, Yang Ming’s heart is full of doubts. Tian Long suddenly looked for him, just to understand the things of Tian Donghua, let him run to the East China Sea, how to think a little bit can not say. However, Yang Ming could not think of other reasons. Although doubts, I can only put doubts in my heart.

Before leaving for the East China Sea, Yang Ming decided to call Tian Donghua first. I have been in school for so long, I have not been to school, I have been busy with things outside, I don’t know if there is anything in the school.

Zhang Bin was busy with the jewelry company for a while. It is estimated that there is no time to go to school. Yang Ming wants to ask about the situation of the school. The only person who can find it is Tian Donghua.

This kid is together with Wang Xue, and has become a member of Yang Ming's class. So, just ask Tian Donghua in the class.

On the one hand, I asked about the school's affairs. On the other hand, I asked Tian Donghua whether this kid was having a recent disaster. Before Yang Ming and Tian Long met, he first unified his calibre with him.

"Laotian, it is me." Yang Ming called Tian Donghua's phone.

"Yang Ming? Waiting for me, I am in the classroom, I am going out of the corridor." There was a voice from Tian Donghua and the class teacher in the classroom.

The classroom management of the university was originally lax, and for the young masters such as Tian Donghua, it was obvious that they came to the school to mix their days. The teacher also closed his eyes and turned a blind eye to his usual behavior.

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