So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1227: Father and son confrontation (below)

The first two hundred and twenty-seventh chapter father and son confrontation (below)

He is countless, not counting Yang Ming will receive his own phone, and Tian Donghua ventilation!

He is standing in the direction of a father and Yang Ming, a good friend of the second son, said that he hopes that Yang Ming can take advantage of Tian Donghua and tell Tian Donghua what he is doing. In his opinion, this is for Tian Donghua, Yang. Ming should be able to understand.

However, he ignored one point, that is, the brotherhood between Yang Ming and Tian Donghua. No matter whether Tian Donghua is good or not, Yang Ming cannot directly sell Tian Donghua. He will definitely discuss with Tian Donghua first.

As a result, his plan failed, and now he thinks that he is a bit too quick to make a quick profit. When he learned that Violent and Hou Zhenyu had broken the plot of Qu Daming and Liu Sho, they became a little anxious.

Because he always has to give some advice to the boss behind the scenes. Before the East China Sea was rebelled, when Tian Long bought a lot of people, the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss gave him very rich financial support. Now, the boss’s account has not been completed, and Tian Long can only send his hopes to arrest Yang Ming.

Now I want to come, my plan is full of loopholes, even if Yang Ming does not talk to Tian Donghua, Yang Ming should doubt his motivation and purpose! However, the most crucial question Tian Long still did not consider, that is, is Yang Ming so good? He didn't know Yang Ming's other identity. He thought that Yang Ming was just a student who would have some hard work. He only had to send some people to join him.

"Dad, are you still lying to me?" Tian Donghua is obviously not a fool. After hearing Yang Ming's words, he saw his father's plot.

"I..." Tian Long sighed. He also understood that no matter how he explained it, Tian Donghua would not believe it. He only blamed himself for saying that he had to deal with Yang Ming’s thoughts.

"Dad, are you not agreeing to me? Don't you start with Yang Ming? How do you go out of your way?" Tian Donghua finally couldn't stand his emotions and broke out: "You don't count!"

"Donghua, it’s not a dad’s rebellion, but some unexpected changes, and only by catching Yang Ming can save it...” Tian Long explained: “The other things that the boss confessed have already been done, I can only Remedy from other aspects, so catching Yang Ming is the only way to remedy."

"Dad, I have already said, what do you do, I don't want to interfere, I can't interfere, but you can't do it with my friends!" Tian Donghua said resolutely: "You promise me, you must promise, if you want to Yang Ming’s idea, I will leave you from the father-son relationship!”

Tian Long took a breath of cold air and didn't expect his son to be so individual. However, now that his son has already seen his plan, he can't catch Yang Ming, so it doesn't make sense to say it now. Even if Tian Long wants to start with Yang Ming, it is more difficult.

"Well, I promise you." Tian Long said with some helplessness.

Tian Donghua did not say anything, silently hung up the phone. Is the father’s guarantee really useful? Tian Donghua smiled bitterly. In fact, he also understands that the psychological aspect is very clear, if it is useful, the father will not be able to guarantee himself before, but also go back.

My father is really rebellious. Can he really get rid of his father-son relationship with him? Tian Donghua still smiles. In any case, they are fathers and sons. This is an unchangeable fact. Tian Donghua can only work hard for his own beliefs. However, if his father really violates his promise, what can he do?

It seems that he can only remind Yang Ming about it, he really has no other good way.

Standing at the entrance of the school for a while, the old man saw Yang Ming’s car coming over and slowly stopped at his side.

"Laotian, get on the bus." Yang Ming opened the front passenger's door and said to Tian Donghua standing by.

Tian Donghua was also welcome, and went directly to the car: "Yang Ming, I haven't seen you for a long time, and my buddies miss you."

"Out of the door." Yang Ming said: "Laotian, you are so anxious, what are you looking for?"

"Yang Ming, I... I have something to look for." Tian Donghua hesitated, his face showing a distressed expression. Although, Tian Donghua has made up his mind to tell Yang Ming that his father intends to be unfavorable to Yang Ming, but after all, the party involved his father, Tian Donghua is not good at opening.

"Laotian, what do you have in the end, just say it." Yang Ming also saw that Tian Donghua seemed to be somewhat difficult to open, so he said: "Would you like to find a quiet place to talk about?"

"Also!" Tian Donghua nodded, let him say in the car, Tian Donghua is really a bit embarrassed: "It is just at noon, find a restaurant, I invite you to eat."

Yang Ming smiled and said: "Well, find a Western restaurant. I know that there is a Russian restaurant near here that is quiet."

Yang Ming drove to the nearby Bossier restaurant. This restaurant was opened by Xu Peng. Xu Peng finally did not accept Yang Ming's suggestion and worked with Li Dagang.

Because he feels that it is better to have some wife and children. However, since Yang Ming’s relationship, Yang Ming also let him take care of Xu Peng through the violent San Li.

Although Xu Peng did not work with Yang Ming, but after all, it was once a brother, crying and laughing together, Yang Ming still helped him open such a western restaurant, the income is much more stable and rich than the previous billiard room. .

Yang Ming is also very pleased that the old buddies have a good home. Everyone has aspirations, Yang Ming can't force him anything, and he can do it all.

Western restaurants generally have more guests in the evening, and there are not many guests during the day. Xu Peng was at the bar counter, and when he looked up, Yang Ming walked in. Immediately, he was pleased to put down his account book and came out from the bar to welcome him: "Yang Ge, you are here!"

Although Xu Peng asked Yang Ming to sit down when he was fine, Xu Peng knew that Yang Ming could not come here often. Yang Ming’s identity is already destined that he will not come here often. Although the grade of the western restaurant is not low.

"Dapeng, how are you doing?" Yang Ming smiled and patted Xu Peng's shoulder.

"Business is good, there are more than 100,000 in a month." Xu Peng did not hide the slightest concealment of Yang Ming. After all, all of this is now given to him by Yang Ming. Although the opening of the western restaurant is Xu Peng’s own money, the social relationship is that Yang Ming is looking for someone to help him run. After all, people like him who have no foundation want to open a western restaurant in the downtown area. If there is no connection, there are many things in black and white. However, if you have a violent slogan, these things will become much easier.

So far, there has been no trouble to find Xu Peng without opening his eyes.

"It is also stable." Yang Ming is satisfied with this result.

"Yeah, a lot more than before!" Xu Peng nodded happily: "Yang Ge, is this your friend?"

"My college classmate, Tian Donghua!" Yang Ming introduced Xu Peng: "A bedroom, good buddy."

"Hello, I am the buddy of Yang Ming junior high school, Xu Peng!" Xu Peng friendly reached out to Tian Donghua.

"I am very glad to meet you!" Tian Donghua is also familiar with himself, and Xu Peng shook hands with Xu Peng.

"Xu Peng, give us a private room, let's talk about something, if you have a meal, you can watch it, just casually." Yang Ming said to Xu Peng: "Revisit the day and revisit the old."

"No problem!" Xu Peng nodded, and took Yang Ming and Tian Donghua to a very elegant box upstairs: "Yang Ge, I went to the kitchen to get the dishes."

"It seems that this meal, I can't please!" After Xu Peng left, Tian Donghua made a small joke to ease the atmosphere.

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