So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1228: Last chance (on)

The last opportunity of the first chapter of the two hundred and twenty-eighth chapter (on)

Judging from the degree of familiarity between Xu Peng and Yang Ming, the relationship between the two should belong to the kind of iron, so the money of Tian Donghua’s guests will not be able to come out.

"There will be opportunities in the future." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Good buddies in junior high school, give him money, he will not want, but instead give birth."

"Yang Ming, some things, I don't know how to speak to you, but I have to say it!" Tian Donghua closed the door, looked awkward and said complexly.

"Laotian, what the **** are you doing? Is this mysterious secret on this road?" Yang Ming is somewhat surprised by Tian Donghua's reaction. He has always been a big-minded and fearless character. What happened today?

Although Tian Donghua’s emotions are unstable now, Yang Ming can use his powers to explore his ideas, but Yang Ming did not. There is no point in doing this. Since Tian Donghua finds himself, he will definitely say it, or wait for him to open his own.

"Yang Ming, I and Wang Xue have been sorry for you once." Tian Donghua's face was dark: "So, Tian Tianhua can never be sorry for you for the second time! You treat me as a brother, then I have to be worthy of my conscience:" Yang Ming, my dad wants to target you! ”

"What?!" Originally, Yang Ming listened to the half sentence in front of Tian Donghua, and some inexplicably in the fog, listening to his second half of the sentence, suddenly shocked: "Laotian, what do you say? You say your father Want to target me? What do you mean?"

"My dad, he... Hey, this thing has to start from the beginning." Tian Donghua took a beer from the wine cabinet behind him and opened it. He poured it in one breath.

Yang Ming did not speak, but sat quietly, watching Tian Donghua finish the beer. Tian Donghua’s words made Yang Ming’s heart shaken very much. Although he did not understand why Tian Long would target himself and what he was aiming at, it was obvious that Tian Donghua had to betray his father to say such a thing. It was already a great psychological struggle.

After calming down his emotions, Tian Donghua and Yang Ming described what his father had done during this time: "Yang Ming, our Tian family, in the East China Sea, should you understand?"

Yang Ming nodded and said that he knew.

Tian Donghua saw Yang Ming understand, so he continued: "My dad is not willing to succumb to the Sun family. So, under the help of a mysterious behind-the-scenes boss, he bought the management of Sun Jia Company and will People were under house arrest and achieved the status of Sun’s original presence in the East China Sea..."

"What!" Yang Ming was shocked after listening to Tian Donghua's words. He suddenly stood up and stared at Tian Donghua: "What are you talking about? Are the Sun family being under house arrest?"

"Yeah!" Tian Donghua was very confused at the moment. He did not notice Yang Ming’s abnormal performance and continued: "In exchange, the boss behind the scenes let my dad catch you... But after I know this, I will I vetoed it on the spot and almost turned his face..."

Yang Mingqiang calmed down his emotions and asked: "You mean, the mysterious boss behind the scenes, let Uncle Tian catch me?"

"This is the case." Tian Donghua nodded. "But the last time he has promised me, he will not move you, who knows this time he... Hey, you lost a call in advance, I only I know this and stopped you! Yang Ming, I can't harm you!"

Yang Ming nodded thoughtfully, although it is not a clue to listen to these things that Tian Donghua said, but this seems to be related to the actions of his previous actions!

Another mysterious boss... Is this mysterious boss the same as the previous one?

The most important thing is that Tian Donghua brought an unusual message to himself, that is, the Sun family was under house arrest by Tian Long! Does this include Sun Jie? When I think of Sun Jie’s phone, I can’t get through the phone, the phone is turned off, and no one in the family answers. Then it’s a question from Tian Donghua. This is a very likely thing.

Thinking of Sun Jie, Yang Ming’s heart suddenly became tight.

"You said, your father has forbidden the Sun family, but also to catch me, to the behind-the-scenes boss?" Yang Ming asked.

"This is the case, but I have just called my father for a meal." Tian Donghua said with a slap in the face: "I don't care what their grandson's things are, but he will never move you. I want to be separated from him. relationship!"

Yang Ming did not expect Tian Donghua to say such a firm statement, Yang Ming was a little moved. However, after listening to Tian Donghua’s words, Yang Ming also knew that his other plan was ruined.

Originally, Yang Ming planned to count on the plan and went to the East China Sea to meet Tian Long. However, it seems that Tian Long should have been alert. Tian Donghua’s phone call must have made him understand that his plan has been exposed, so he will not easily see himself again.

In fact, after all, Tian Long wants to catch himself. Where is it so easy? Yang Ming is the apprentice of Fang Tian, ​​the king of the killer. If there are no people around him, Yang Ming can easily escape in the sea.

Tian Long wants to catch Yang Ming, it is simply an idiotic dream. Even without Tian Donghua’s informant, Tian Long would not succeed. But now, since Tian Long already knows that he knows his plan, then Yang Ming will not have to go to the East China Sea to see Tian Long.

At the very least, the appointment on the bright side, Tian Long will not meet. Tian Long is also afraid of what kind of tricks Yang Ming will play and even alarm! It is not glamorous to know that these things that Tian Long has done. Many things on the road are solved internally, and no one will call the police. However, when Yang Ming came in, it was different. Yang Ming’s public identity was a college student. The police said that Tian Long had kidnapped him. There was nothing wrong with it, so Tian Long would no longer risk Yang Ming.

"Thank you, Laotian!" Yang Ming took a picture of Tian Donghua's shoulder, but he was thinking about Tian Donghua's words. The shock that his words brought to Yang Ming is too great!

Tian Long actually turned against the people who had underarmed the Sun family and took over the Sun family’s industry in the East China Sea. This is what Yang Ming did not expect. This variable came too fast, so Yang Ming could not digest it.

How come out of a country to come back, so many changes have occurred? There was something going on here, and Liu Sho and Qu Daming ran off. On the other side of the East China Sea, the Sun family’s helper Tian Jia also rebelled against the Sun family.

and many more! Yang Ming suddenly had a glimmer of light, and a somewhat bold guess was crossed in his mind! Are the things of Liu Shou and Qu Daming related to Tianlong?

Since Tian Long wants to be himself, will he start from his own industry? The most important thing is that Liu Shou and Qu Daming fled to the East China Sea, which cannot help but explain some problems.

However, this is also a general judgment of Yang Ming. Whether there is a relationship between them, it is not known at present, and they can only ask again when they catch two people in the future.

Yang Ming did not think that Tian Long couldn’t hold it. In Yang Ming’s plan, Sun Jie is his woman sooner or later, and he will go to North Africa together with him, and the industry in the East China Sea will be left to Tian Donghua to take care of it.

In this way, these industries in the East China Sea are both Tian and Jia, and Tian Long actually rebelled at this moment, so that Yang Ming suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Yang Ming wanted to leave Sun’s industry to Tian Long, but now, Tian Long’s rebellion has made this thing ahead of schedule. However, in this way, Yang Ming really has no way to hand over the property of Sun’s family to him.

Although the results are all the same, nothing is a little ahead of schedule, but Tian Long’s approach is absolutely unacceptable to Yang Ming! Looking at the troubled Tian Donghua, Yang Ming sighed.

In any case, Tian Donghua is not wrong, and his approach also makes Yang Ming very much appreciated. When Tian Long planned to be unfavorable to himself, Tian Donghua bravely stood up. Although it helped to help, but this friendship made Yang Ming grateful.

Action Tianlong, then what about Tian Donghua? If you kill Tian Long, will Tian Donghua’s relationship with himself be the same as before? Yang Ming shook his head.

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