So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1228: Last chance (below)

The last opportunity of the first thousand two hundred and twenty-eighth chapters (below)

The relationship between Tian Donghua and Tian Long is different from that of Wang Xue and Wang Xifan. In the end, Wang Xifan is just a nominal father of Wang Xue. In fact, he has never fulfilled his father’s responsibility. Wang Xue and his feelings are not deep.

Even so, Wang Xue, under the encouragement of her brother Wang Zhitao, made some things that were not good for him. Tian Donghua, but Hetian Long is very close! If you move Tian Long, then...

Think about these Yang Ming feel a little headache.

Seeing Yang Ming’s face is a bit cloudy, Tian Donghua did not know Yang Ming’s thoughts, and thought that Yang Ming was angry, so he said: “Yang Ming, don’t worry, we are brothers anyway, what I can do is So much! I will use my best to fight against my father.

Yang Ming listened to Tian Donghua’s words and was somewhat moved. Between brotherhood and morality, sometimes it is really difficult to decide. It’s easy to kill Tian Long, but how do you face Tian Donghua in the future?

Thinking of this, Yang Ming decided to first test Tian Donghua's thoughts: "Laotian, do you know what your father is doing? It is embezzling the property of others!"

Tian Donghua bowed his head and, to be honest, he did not agree with his father's practice, but his father kept saying that he did this for Tian Jia, for Tian Donghua and Tian Dongguang. Besides, Tian Donghua really can't interfere with what Tian Long does. What he said is not good in front of Tian Long! Otherwise, it could not cause Tian Long to promise that he would not move Yang Ming.

"If you succeed, then you can say anything." Yang Ming said here, paused and continued: "But you thought about it, if it failed, wouldn't the Sun family not counterattack? And those and If the Sun family has a relationship, will they turn a blind eye? At that time, your father is not only dead, but it is hard to see!"

Tian Donghua was shocked. He didn't think about it. He just didn't think about it. Now he was raised by Yang Ming. Tian Donghua knows that this is not an alarmist, but it is really possible!

What Yang Ming said is not wrong, what did his father do? The company that has taken over the people, the family members of the family have been under house arrest, and if possible, will the other party spare him?

"I can't speak, it's not good... he won't listen to me." Tian Donghua shook his head stunnedly: "I also know that he is not doing this right, but I have no way."

Yang Ming knows that Tian Donghua is telling the truth. In Tian Long’s opinion, Tian Donghua is only a child. How could Tian Long listen to Tian Donghua’s suggestion? Moreover, in Tian Long’s opinion, he did this for the sake of Tian Jia.

"If your father has something to do, what will you do?" Yang Ming looked up and looked at Tian Donghua.

Tian Donghua was shocked by Yang Ming’s sudden question. However, Tian Donghua was not stupid. He immediately heard Yang Ming’s words suggestive.

"Yang Ming, you..." Tian Donghua didn't know what to say, but he was faint, and he could guess what.

"Donghua, there are some things, I don't want to marry you." Yang Ming sighed and organized his own thoughts and said: "You know, why did your father catch me?"

“Why?” Tian Donghua gave a slight glimpse and looked at Yang Ming strangely. Listening to Yang Ming's tone, he seems to have known the grievances between his father and him.

"Because, Sun Jie is my girlfriend." Yang Ming said one word at a time.

Yang Ming’s words, like the thunder, are so shocking that Tian Donghua has never returned to God. Zhang opened his mouth and looked at Yang Ming incredibly. Yang Ming did not say what the boss behind the scenes, those are too ethereal. The reason for the most son-in-law of Sun Hongjun is enough to explain Tian Long’s abnormal behavior. I can also create a reason for myself to work on Tian Long.

"Sun Jie! Is your girlfriend?" Tian Donghua looked at Yang Ming incredulously: "Don't my dad do it for you because of the boss behind the scenes, but because of your relationship with the grandson?"

Yang Ming nodded and said: "As long as he does not remove me, he will not be able to completely control the Sun family. I will certainly avenge the Sun family, so your father wants to catch me..."

"Yang Ming, Sun Jie is actually your girlfriend, this is amazing!" Tian Donghua widened his eyes: "How did I not know before?"

"How can I promote this kind of thing?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "However, I don't have to doubt the facts I said."

"That is, what is the mysterious boss behind the scenes is completely excusing? In fact, there is no such thing?" Tian Donghua asked quickly.

"I don't know if there is such a person." Yang Ming shook his head. "However, he is aiming at the fact that I definitely have a grandson."

Yang Ming apologized. After all, he deceived Tian Donghua, but this kind of deceptive deception is much stronger than direct deception. With Yang Ming’s character, he will not let Tian Long’s, but now he has found a reason for Tian Donghua to accept.

"Yang Ming, you want to be right with my father?" Tian Donghua gave a slight glimpse.

"Some things must be done." Yang Ming nodded. "I must save Sun Jie."

"But, you are not my father's opponent!" Tian Donghua exclaimed: "Or, my father and I said, let him put the grandson's people?"

"Donghua, I know that you are difficult to do in the middle, but this thing, I don't want you to continue to participate, it is not good for you." Yang Ming shook his head: "Tian Long is an ambitious person, he If you can listen to your persuasion, you will not go back. The hatred between me and him, once it is settled, it is not so easy to resolve."

Hearing Yang Ming’s address to his father changed from the original “Uncle Tian” to the current “Tian Long”. Tian Donghua knew that Yang Ming was determined to be an enemy of his father.

In fact, Yang Ming is right. If his father listens to his advice, he will not be able to go back. His own words are very small in front of his father. There is almost no substantive effect.

And Yang Ming and his father, Tian Donghua did not want to have something, although it was his father's business, but after all, it was his father, and on the other hand, his family was friendship, and Tian Donghua was silent.

"Yang Ming, anyway, I will recommend it with my father, I hope he can leap on the cliff." Tian Donghua took a deep breath and said: "Even if he does not listen to me, I will try to persuade him not to hurt you. I also hope that if... I said if my father is really standing with you, I hope that if you can reconcile, you will solve this matter peacefully..."

Yang Ming looked at Tian Donghua, who was usually laughing and joking in front of himself. He suddenly said these words and was a little surprised. However, it is not uncommon to experience the sudden growth of the moment, so I can only understand that Tian Donghua is sensible.

"I... promise you!" Yang Ming hesitated and said. Tian Donghua’s attitude did not finally make Yang Ming’s heart. Tian Long can make a life, more should thank Tian Donghua. If it wasn’t for Tian Donghua’s attitude of falling out with Tian Long for friendship, Yang Ming would not be soft.

In fact, Yang Ming also knows that Tian Donghua does not understand Yang Ming’s true strength. I am afraid that knowing Yang Ming’s true strength will not be like this.

It is estimated that Tian Donghua is worried more about whether Tian Long will be unfavorable to Yang Ming. From the overall strength, Tian Long’s strength is naturally strong. Yang Ming is only a student. Why should he be against him?

Tian Donghua doesn't know, Yang Ming is a killer, and he is still a world-class top killer. Can someone who is stared by Yang Ming still alive?

"I will leave for the East China Sea in a moment. Anyway, I will do my best to persuade my father, I hope he can listen to me." Tian Donghua said.

"Okay," Yang Ming nodded. If Tian Long could really rehabilitate, the cliffs were Lema, and Yang Ming might have let him go this time. When nothing happened.

However, this is the last chance. Just look at Tian Long can not grasp and cherish. If Tian Long is still obsessed with it, then no one can help him.

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