So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1233: Father and son reverse (below)

The first two hundred and thirty-three chapters father and son against the eyes (below)

The mysterious man’s skill is very good. In his own gang, the old money that was once one of the four big guards is not his opponent! Lao Qian is one of Sun Hongjun's loyalists. However, because of the high martial arts and the detached status of the gang, Tian Long has always been a big worry, but the first master of the gang has died in the hands of the mysterious man! This gives Tian Long a new understanding of the strength of the boss behind the scenes!

Thinking of this, Tian Long suddenly felt a cold sweat, his face changed: "You don't understand the boss behind the scenes, I don't know his strength is normal! His strength is not a lie!"

"Then why didn't he try to catch Yang Ming himself? Instead, borrow your hand?" Tian Donghua asked.

"There may be some reasons for the last resort, but the strength of the boss is not what you can imagine!" Tian Long denied: "Donghua, you should not participate in this matter again!"

"Dad, are you fascinated?" Tian Donghua was anxious: "Where is his strength strong? Are you talking about it?"

"The strength of the boss behind the scenes... Ok!" Tian Long sees Tian Donghua insisting on knowing that there is no way, only to say: "Do you know the old money in the gang?"

"Uncle Qian? He is not an enemy..." Tian Donghua said here, suddenly and faintly thought of something. King Kong’s old money is a person who is loyal to Sun Hongjun’s family. Is his accident related to his father?

"No, he was not killed by the enemy, but by the people sent by the boss behind the scenes." Tian Long said: "Even the money of the King Kong leg can be easily done, you say how strong the boss behind the scenes Strong?"

Tian Donghua listened to his father's words, frowned, and Qian Shushu's kung fu, he knows. When he was young, he used to be the Sanda champion in the province. He was famous for his pair of vigorous King Kong legs. What a terrible strength!

However, Tian Donghua just couldn't understand why the boss behind the scenes had to deal with Yang Ming... Yes, Tian Donghua remembered what Yang Ming had said to himself before. Is this an excuse for his father? The boss behind the scenes did not have to ask Yang Ming, but his father, afraid that the remnants of the Sun family would be unfavorable to his career, only to think about arresting Yang Ming?

When I first came to the villa, Tian Donghua was forgotten by his father's succession. At this time, I suddenly remembered that I felt more and more!

Otherwise, the boss behind the scenes is so powerful, even the old money of the King Kong legs can be killed, let alone a Yang Ming? Moreover, Yang Ming is a college student, and it is still Songjiang. It is so far away from the East China Sea. What do the bosses behind the scenes do to do with him? I don’t think it’s logical to think about it!

Thinking of this, Tian Donghua asked: "Dad, I understand! In fact, the boss behind the scenes did not let you go against Yang Ming? Is it that you are afraid that Yang Ming will cause trouble to you, so he will advocate himself to arrest him! But afraid I disagree, so I compiled a behind-the-scenes boss who wanted to deceive me against Yang Ming’s reasons. Is this the case?"

"What!" Tian Long was a little excited after listening to Tian Donghua's words: "I am against Yang Ming? Why should I target him? Donghua, don't guess!"

"I didn't guess wildly, I said the truth!" Tian Donghua said: "Yang Ming is the son-in-law of Sun's family. It is Sun Jie's boyfriend. You are afraid that he will come up with something at this festival! You are afraid that he will find Your trouble, so you must control him before he stops!"

"I? Control him? Is there anything wrong, what trouble will he bring to me?" Tian Long smiled a little more funny.

"Yes, although he is just a college student, he may call the police!" Tian Donghua said: "You are afraid of him to call the police, so you have an excuse to talk to him about me and to him when he is unaware of it." Come out."

"How come you think so?" Tian Long listened to Tian Donghua's words, and some laughed and laughed. The secret arrest of the Sun family was carried out without the awareness of others. There were not many people who knew this thing, and Yang obviously did not know it. So Tian Long did not think that Yang Ming would be here. Find trouble on things. And Tian Long wants to catch Yang Ming completely for the boss behind the scenes.

However, the words of Tian Donghua now make him unable to argue. Indeed, if you contact Yang Ming’s identity and arrest him, in the eyes of outsiders, there is really something for the Sun family.

"Isn't that the case?" Tian Donghua and Tianlong are opposite each other.

"Since you think so, I have no way." Tian Long sighed: "Donghua, don't blame Dad, before this matter is over, you still have a good and honest stay."

"What do you mean?" Tian Donghua gave a slight glimpse, his face was changed.

"Come on, take the young master to rest for a few days." Tian Long shouted at a door next to him, and the two great men came out from the inside, and left and right to Tian Donghua's side.

"What are you doing?" Tian Donghua asked subconsciously.

"The young master, I am sorry." After the two finished speaking, they held Tian Donghua’s arm on the left and right, and then looked at Tian Long.

"Take him and the Sun family together, let me live in the luxurious suite I live in." Tian Long thought for a moment, said faintly.

"Dad, you have to shut me up?" Tian Donghua looked at his father with anger: "You won't be so mad at this point? Are you so obsessed with it, don't you know what you are doing wrong now?" ?"

"Donghua, don't blame me!" Tian Long was said by his son, but some of them were uncomfortable, but there is really no way: "If I retreat now, I will not be able to mix again in the East China Sea." Tian Long has no other choice but to go down the road!"

Tian Donghua knows that it is useless to say anything, and his father will not listen. He can even lock himself up, so that he is already fascinated.

Tian Donghua did not resist. At this time, resistance did not make any sense. Following the father's two men, he went out with a black business car and was taken away.

Yang Ming has been waiting for Tian Donghua's news. He hopes Tian Long can make the right choice. Sometimes, the opportunity is in front of you, but only once. Missed, there will be no more.

At least I know that Sun Jie and Sun Hongjun are still safe, but they were under house arrest by Tian Long, so Yang Ming did not worry too much.

Xu Peng saw that Yang Ming was in a bad mood and didn’t say anything more, just staying with him silently after lunch...

Yang Ming first made a phone call to Chen Mengyu. I didn't expect that there were so many things happening on the first day. First, the company's business, then Tian Long and Sun's family, and even the school did not go.

"Dear, what are you doing?" Yang Ming called Chen Mengyu's phone.

Chen Mengyu is now in a state of lucidity, so she immediately heard the voice of Yang Ming. She thought that she had directly hanged up the phone last night, and she could not help but blush.

"Yang Ming, I am in the bedroom, where are you?" Chen Mengyu took Lalin's hand and pointed to his own phone.

Lin Shuyun naturally knows that Yang Ming was calling, sitting next to Chen Mengyu, and his eyes are paying attention to the movement here.

"I am outside, famous... the company has something to do..." Yang Ming said, and immediately thought that Chen Mengxi did not know that he was the actual owner of the famous entertainment, so he said: "There are two people who ran away. I just met your dad..."

Since Chen Fei has already seen himself in the famous entertainment, then Yang Ming does not need to hide anything from Chen Mengyu, but now is not the time to say this, at least after seeing the face, then tell her about famous entertainment.

"Ah! Isn't it serious?" Chen Mengxi was shocked. She didn't know which company Yang Ming said was a company. He thought it was Yang Ming's father's company, so he didn't ask much.

"At night, if I have time at night, I will go home, but I may not be able to spend the night..." Yang Ming sighed: "Dream, I am sorry."

"Nothing, it's important! Then you are busy, go home at night and say!" Chen Mengxi is not an unreasonable person. Seeing that Yang Ming is so serious, he will no longer chat with him.

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