So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1234: Assassination of the client (on)

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-four chapters assassination of the client (on)

The violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu's safe and innocent, let the leaps and bounds and shocked and angry! The news from the eyeliner on the Songjiang side, the two people are good, not only the large-scale search and arrest of the company's money-carrying personnel, but also frequently with the police to cooperate with the police to solve the case.

These two people live well, and it is not good to enter. In the face of Tian Long’s questioning, it seems that he did not ask someone to assassinate them. However, 隋 进 委托 委托 委托 委托 委托 委托 委托 委托 委托 世界 世界 世界 世界 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 蝴蝶

Yan Yuejin landed on the release platform of the killer commissioned task, and checked the tasks that he posted. The status of the mission is displayed, and has been accepted by the Butterfly Killer Group, and the mission is in progress!

However, this is how many days, there is no news, to know that the Butterfly Killer Group is the world's most famous and efficient killer group. How can a task be backlogged for so many days?

Is it because the task is too much to miss your task? Thinking of this, I think this is very possible! After all, a killer group has a lot of tasks every day, and this task is not a big task, and it may be ignored.

But what should I do if I ignore it? Although there is also a reminder button on the website, when Tian Long called, the squad had already urged the order, but there was no reaction at all.

I couldn’t help but rushed to find the contact information of the Butterfly Killer on the website. I spent a lot of effort and finally found a phone number. I didn’t think much about it. I picked up the landline and dialed the butterfly. Contact number of the killer group.

Because the mobile phone did not open the international live broadcast function, only the desk phone on the table was opened, so I used the desk phone on the table. It was not long before the phone was connected. However, the other party is speaking English, and did not understand a word.

Yan Yuejin quickly called his secretary and asked him to answer the phone. The secretary of Yue Yuejin is a master's degree student with a high degree of salary and a postgraduate degree. He will be in three international languages.

"Hey, this is the telephone voice, let us choose, press 1 is the task query, press 2 is the task reminder, press 3 is the message, press 0 is the manual service!" The secretary listened to the voice inside the phone for a while, then gave 隋Yuejin translated.

"Press 0, turn to labor and he said."

"Okay, hey." The secretary responded, then pressed the 0 button and went to the manual service.

"What is said inside, the original party does not move to me." Yue Yuejin said.

After a while, the secretary said: "Hey, the other person asked, what can serve you."

"You asked him, how did the task I submitted have not been implemented yet?" said Yue Yuejin. This secretary is also a confidant of leaps and bounds. After a few years of enthusiasm, I also know what business is eager to enter, so I don’t hide anything from him.

The secretary said to the phone, according to the meaning of Yue Yuejin. After listening to the other party's answer, the secretary rushed into the road: "Hey, he said, please provide the task number."

"The single number is zxcdfw2009xxxxxxx..." Yu Yuejin opened his own notebook and pointed the number above to the secretary.

The secretary nodded and reported the number to the other party. After a while, I relayed the other party's words to Yu Yuejin: "Hey, the other party said to check, and then give us an answer, please leave us contact information."

"Okay, you can leave the landline number of my office to them!" said Yue Yuejin directly.

The secretary reported the phone number to the other party, heard the other party's confirmation and then hung up the phone. He said to Yu Yuejin: "Hey, they said that they will contact us after checking."

Indulging in and nodding, waved to the secretary, indicating that he could go out.

The tombstone has long been commanded, and it is necessary to thoroughly examine the client of Wang Kejin's two tasks, but because the platform is confidential, there is no way to conduct a thorough investigation. But for the client who wants to assassinate Yang Ming, he got an unexpected clue!

The task of assassination of Yang Ming is that a veteran broker in the killer world has contacted the Butterfly Killer Group. According to him, it is a commission from a friend in the industry. This is a very valuable clue. After the tombstone is known, immediately let the person in charge be responsible for follow-up, contact the old broker and find out who the principal is. However, because the client is also an underground worker, he can only be contacted by email. Have not waited for his reply.

As for the task of assassinating the violent Sanli and Hou Zhenduo, there is no clue. The killer's mission entrusting platform is completely anonymized, and there is no clue on it.

So this thing can only be put on hold. Because the tombstone is now performing tasks outside, the actual person in charge of the killer group is the tsunami brother of the tombstone.

The butterfly killer's work efficiency is still very high, and the problem of 隋 进 刚 just entered the query process. However, I checked it and found that the task was suspended.

In the database, there is no reason to suspend the suspension, but because a certain task is suspended, it is necessary to organize the highest responsible person to agree before it can be suspended. Other people do not have this permission, so this task can only reflect the tsunami.

"The tsunami master, the single number is zxcdfw2009xxxxxxx...... The client just called to ask, why this task has not been executed yet, I found in the database that this task was stopped..." A disciple of the butterfly family Asked.

"Oh?" The tsunami put down the affairs in his hands, his face changed slightly, and he became a little excited! There are only two tasks that have been suspended by him recently. They are the tasks of Wang Kejin. They are also the tasks that the tombstones should pay attention to, and let him find out who the principal of the mission is! However, there has been no news, and it has been put on hold. I did not expect the task principal to call herself. Is this a godsend?

The tsunami thought of this, and quickly inquired in his own computer about the number that the disciple said, and it was the single number that Wang Kejin had assassinated the violent Sanli and Hou Zhenyu!

Assassinated Yang Ming's list, someone has contacted the old broker, this assassination of the violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo's list, because it is commissioned through the killer platform, so there is no way to track the thorough investigation. But now, someone took the initiative to send it to the door, so that the spirit of the tsunami suddenly shocked.

"Have he left the contact?" asked the tsunami. For the lower class disciples of the killer organization, there is no need to say too much about the tsunami. These are secret things, and the tsunami naturally cannot talk to them.

"Leave, here." The disciple handed the registration card to the tsunami.

"Well, I know, I am responsible for handling this matter. You should go ahead." After the tsunami finished, he made a gesture to indicate that the disciple could leave.

"Yes, the tsunami master." The disciples owe their debts and respectfully left the office of the tsunami.

After the disciple left, the tsunami picked up the phone and dialed the phone number of the tombstone. After the phone rang twice, it was answered.

"Hey?" The voice of the tombstone passed from the phone.

"Master, I am a tsunami." The tsunami said: "The client who assassinated the violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo found it!"

"What! Found, so fast?" The tombstone was shocked when he heard the tsunami. He also knows the process of the killer platform. They are all published anonymously. How can you find out the principal?

"Yes, the client just called and urged the task why it was not completed yet, and then he left his contact information." The tsunami explained: "Now, the contact number is in my hands, it is your Chinese side. The phone, you have to trace it, it should be more convenient than me."

"Good job! You will tell me by phone." The tombstone said.

"The phone is 0xxx-88887777." The tsunami said.

"There is no news for the assassin of Yang Ming?" The tombstone wrote down the phone number and asked.

"Not yet, I have contacted the old economic man, but he still has a reply." The tsunami said.

"Well, let me know the first time after the news." After the tombstone was finished, he hanged up. The connection between him and the tsunami has always been simple, no nonsense, and this is the habit that has been developed in the organization for many years.

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