So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1236: Another identity (below)

The first two hundred and thirty-six chapters of another identity (below)

"What are you doing?" Although Yue Yuejin was shocked by how Yang Ming appeared in his office, he also saw that Yang Ming was a bad person, but Yue Yuejin was a big man after all, and the dangerous situation was not experienced. So at the moment, I can still maintain the calm I deserve.

"What? Do you still don't understand?" Yang Ming shrugged and grinned. "Did you just make a phone call?"

"Call? What phone call?" Yan Yuejin did not understand what Yang Ming said. He snorted: "Who are you, what purpose, even though, don't play these virtual things in front of me, don't blame me for not warning. After you, in Jingshan, no one dares to play this with me!"

"Sorry, I am not a Jingshan person." Yang Ming smiled very lightly: "However, if I am a Jingshan person, I will speak the same way. You are not going to know, you are publishing the assassination of Hou Zhenyu." Has the task of violent temperament been delayed?"

"" eagerly entered his eyes. He thought about countless possibilities. He imagined Yang Ming as an enemy on the road or a man who lacked money to extort his thief, but never thought that Yang Ming actually Is it for this matter, then Yang Ming is the butterfly killer group?

"You are not yours, you guessed it, I am a killer." Yang Ming interrupted the words of Yue Yuejin, said coldly. Yang Ming does not lie to him to leap forward, Yang Ming said yes, he is indeed a killer, but it is not the killer who is eager to enter, but this depends on leaping into himself to understand the imagination.

"Then you don't kill them, what are you doing here!" Yue Yuejin was still very calm, but when he heard that Yang Ming said that he was a killer, he was afraid to enter the instinct! The killer is a strange and horrific career for most people.

The average flat-headed people may still be worse, after all, the killers are too far away from them. But for those who have come into contact with this killer and know the scary part of the killer, it is even more horrible!

I jumped into the drawer of my desk, and there was a pistol on it. It was used for self-defense.

Yan Yuejin is the master of an old tycoon. At this moment, he definitely wouldn’t think that Yang Ming was just looking for him to explain why he did not assassinate Hou Zhenduo and violent San Li. Seeing Yang Ming’s posture and tone is not like treating his employer. It seems like facing a target to be assassinated!

Although Yang Ming’s appearance is somewhat bizarre, this thing has been bizarre! Originally not a very complicated assassination mission, it has not been solved for so many days, and he is eager to wait, but the killer has found him as a principal!

Can you not be alert? The only thing he can do now is to find a weapon that can be defended. When Yang Ming is not aware of it, he will unexpectedly win.

Of course, the intention of Yue Yue did not pass Yang Ming's eyes, and the gun in his drawer completely fell into Yang Ming's eyes.

"Don't act rashly, it will make me have the urge to kill you." Yang Ming said with a blank expression: "I didn't think about you, but you don't force me."

When I jumped into the peace, I lied too much, so Yang Ming’s words would not believe it at all! What will not be like him? No, what are you doing here? Therefore, Yang Ming is subconscious and thinks that Yang Ming is deceiving, so the hand that touches the drawer does not stop!

Because he saw that Yang Ming did not have any weapons in his hands, and Yang Ming was at least two meters away from him. At this time, taking out the pistol from the drawer should be completely without problems.

The current situation is that whoever has the dominant position is powerful, so how can he lose this opportunity? After listening to Yang Ming’s words, he only slightly stagnated, and his hand still touched the drawer.

Yang Ming’s sleeves moved slightly, and the ensuing was a scream of leaping. A very thin transparent flying needle was shot into the acupuncture point of the right palm, so that his entire palm could not move, and he was so trembled.

"I have already warned you, I don't want anyone to violate my meaning." Yang Ming is very indifferent to the pain of Yue Yuejin: "This is just a lesson, let you remember a little longer."

Although I didn't see it clearly, there was something in the palm of my hand that I could still feel when I entered it, especially a pinhole in the palm of my hand, especially obvious! However, in the current situation, this thing has not entered the palm of your hand, which makes you eager to enter the pain while worrying very much, do not know if it has any effect on yourself.

"Don't look at it, it's a chronic poisonous needle. I can't die for a while." Yang Ming saw the expression of Yue Yuejin, how can he not know what he was thinking. Deliberately teased him.

Sure enough, after listening to it, the cold sweat brush on the forehead took off and the sputum flowed down! Yu Yuejin’s sorrow for Yang Ming has become a heartfelt one at this time!

He completely collapsed! Yang Ming’s shot was too fast. He had no room for resistance. He had a gun in his hand. Maybe he hadn’t fired yet. Another flying needle fell into his head.

For the first time, Yue Yuejin saw what the killer was! I also understand that the killer is not a fake name, but it is really very powerful.

Yang Ming just wants to give a warning to Yue Yue. He never thought about killing Yue Yuejin from beginning to end. After all, Yang Yuejin’s conflict with him is not too big, and Yang Ming did not even kill Yang Yuejin. What are the benefits. Therefore, Yang Ming’s purpose this time was to warn him that he would not go to Tianlong with them, otherwise he would die very badly.

When the flying needle in the palm of the hand was melted, the hand of Yue Yuejin returned to normal. Except for some discomfort in the wound, there was no strong pain.

"Well, slow down?" Yang Ming frowned. According to the time estimate, the flying needle should have melted.

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When I heard Yang Ming’s reminder, I really felt that my palm was not too different at the moment, but it was normal. However, he still hesitated in his heart: "My hand... is it all right?"

"This poison can't die." Yang Ming looked cold and coldly and looked at it: "Okay, continue the topic just now. My name is Yang Ming. I am a junior high school student of Shuguang Kai. I am a violent San Li and Hou Zhenwei. Now know why I am looking for you?"

"What!" Yue Yue entered the words of Yang Ming, and suddenly he was shocked. He did not think that Yang Ming was actually the leader of Yue Yuejin and Hou Zhenyu! Originally, Yue Yue thought that Yang Ming was a professional killer. How does it seem that Yang Ming seems to be a native of Songjiang? In particular, Yang Ming is still a classmate of his son Shu Guangqi, and this makes the Yue Yuejin even more surprised.

"However, I still have an identity, that is, a killer." Yang Ming did not wait for the enthusiasm to ask questions, added: "Now, you know why I came to you?"

At this moment, it is the stupid person who listened to Yang Ming’s words, and also knows why Yang Ming came, let alone Yue Yue is not stupid? Although he was shocked in his heart, he could only accept this unfortunate reality.

According to his understanding, he paid a killer and let the killer kill the two men of the killer! What will happen then? It can only come out with the toes... The unfortunate nature is that he jumped in!

"Let's say, why should you hire a murderer Hou Zhenduo and a violent Sanli?" Yang Ming asked: "What motivation and purpose do you have? Are these two people and you hatred?"

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