So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1237: Mysterious black man (on)

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-seven chapter mysterious black man (on)

Yang Yuejin did not think that Yang Ming was the boss behind the scenes of the violent San Li and Hou Zhenxuan. Just because Yang Ming was a killer, he hired a murderer and hired himself.

In the face of Yang Ming’s problem, he sneaked into silence and bowed his head. This is not just a matter of one's own person. In the middle, it involves the interests of the three families.

There is another boss who has never met before, and he does not know how to answer Yang Ming’s question. To say that he and Qi Sanli, Hou Zhenyu have hatred, can only go back to Guo Jinxi of Gidon City.

However, this reason is obviously untenable. If you hate the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu, the most important thing to do is that they have just killed Guo Jinyu, and will not drag it until now.

This is not a problem that cannot be tolerated, but it is not a problem that is not suspected after a long time. Since Hou Zhenduo and Violent Sanli can kill Guo Jinxi, then he rushed into killing Hou Zhenduo and violent Sanli, and they can only admit that they are unlucky, and no one can avenge them.

Of course, this is based on the fact that there is no such thing as Yang Ming. However, before the leap forward, Yang Ming did not know the existence of Yang Ming. Therefore, if you want revenge, you have already reported it, and you will not choose this time.

"Tian Long's business, are you involved?" Yang Ming looked at Yue Yuejin and suddenly asked.

The mood of Yue Yuejin is very tense now, so his messy thoughts and nakedness have been seen by Yang Ming. Yang Ming knows his thoughts and understands roughly. This matter is really related to Tian Long.

Yu Yuejin was shocked. He just thought about this matter and didn't know how to open it. He didn't expect Yang Ming to know it. In this case, there is no need to hide it again. His psychological defense has completely collapsed.

In the face of Yang Ming, an unknown and familiar horror, it was a bit timid to enter the country. Before Yang Ming did not know what kind of dark weapon he used to shoot him, he was afraid that there would be a second time, so he listened to Yang Ming and thought that he thought Yang Ming knew it, so he nodded in a decadent way: "Yes, Tian Long is looking for me, let me partner with him to deal with the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu, at the cost of returning the property of Gidon City to me."

Yang Ming nodded, and as a result, it became reasonable. Otherwise, Yang Ming really doubted what Yue Yuejin mixed in: "Go ahead."

"Tian Long has contact with Qu Daming, Liu Sho and me. In fact, I have the least contribution in the whole incident. I don't need to do anything at all. Tian Long just let me confuse the site of Gidon City. The people rushed out of Gidon City..." Yu Yuejin said: "I feel a little embarrassed. I am growing up when people grow vegetables. So when Tian Long said that he wanted to kill Hou Zhenduo and Violent, I volunteered to say that I am brave. Those who know the killer group are prepared to solve this problem through the killer group... However, the employment fund is from Tian Long. Behind him, there seems to be a character called the behind-the-scenes boss, very rich, said to give He Tianlong has a lot of money to sponsor... just, I have never seen this person, and I don't know if it exists."

Behind the scenes, the boss is really behind the scenes. Before, from the mouth of Tian Donghua, Yang Ming had already heard the name. Now speaking from the mouth of Yue Yuejin, Yang Ming is more convinced that this person seems to be his own old opponent, and he never wants to be himself. The mysterious man who died.

"You participated in these?" Yang Ming looked at him and asked.

"Yes..." He rushed to nod.


Yang Ming jumped without a warning, jumped onto the desk of Yue Yuejin, and squatted on the chest of the leap forward, directly slamming him from the boss chair to the ground.

Yang Ming’s strength in the leg is great, but it is well controlled. Otherwise, the chest that has been leaping into the chest has long been kicked flat, and the ribs have broken the internal organs and died.

However, even so, the ribs of Yue Yuejin were kicked off a few times, and the face that leaped into it turned purple at the time. He fell to the ground and coughed up vigorously. His mouth was full of blood. I don’t know because the lung cavity was injured. Or the teeth in the mouth also fell.

Yang Ming did not continue to attack, just standing on the side of the leap forward, watching him coldly. Yang Ming came here this time and didn't want to make a living, but he couldn't make him better.

I jumped into the cough for a while, a little slowed down, and my face was not as ugly as before, but it was still a little pale.

I didn’t understand it, and I was already frank enough. How did Yang Ming say that it was hands-on, and it was so cruel, and kicked him into a serious injury.

Judging from the experience of many years of enthusiasm, I have folded a few ribs, but there is no danger to my life, and I am slightly relieved.

Yang Ming is a killer, and from his fierce and quick hands, he can see that Yang Ming wants to kill himself. It is easy to be like this. If this foot is not on the front chest, but on his head, He is eager to enter now and his head is blossoming.

Therefore, it can be seen that Yang Ming does not want to kill himself. He kicks himself, perhaps just to vent. Since the uncle himself couldn’t afford it, he could only accept it.

Fortunately, I am almost able to make a life, as long as Yang Ming has vented, quite a bit will pass. Thinking of this, I rushed into a bite: "Mr. Yang, I don't have a half lie... why are you still..."

The voice of Yue Yuejin has fallen, and Yang Ming’s foot has stepped on the face of Yue Yuejin: “Before doing anything, you should consider the possible cost. Know why I don’t kill you?”

Yan Yuejin shook his head in a difficult way, because his face was stepped on by Yang Ming, and the head of the leaping movement was very hard.

"Help me do things. No problem?" Yang Ming asked.

really! In the heart of the enthusiasm, I was just wondering why Yang Ming did not kill him. It is reasonable to say that Yang Ming can completely kill him and vent his anger. Yang Ming kills him, just as simple as pinching an ant.

Now, Yu Yuejin understands that Yang Ming does not kill himself and wants to use himself. What does Yang Ming want to use himself? Leap into the heart of the mirror, nothing more than let yourself and Tianlong.

"Yes, Mr. Yang, though you told me." Yan Yuejin almost did not hesitate, he said this sentence. In the face of life and death, what interests, alliances, that are all nonsense. Yang Ming’s strength is enough to make him retaliate against Tian Long.

In fact, Yu Yuejin only guessed one of them, but did not guess the most important reason. Yang Ming did not kill the leap forward, the most important reason, in fact, Yang Mingxin did not want to go inside.

Qi Yuejin was the killer's client. He paid for Wang Kejin to assassinate the violent Sanli and Hou Zhenyu. The money was spent, but the people did not kill. Not only that, but Yang Ming came to the door.

Yang Ming is also a killer. To do so is not in line with the professional ethics of the killer. Although there are reasons for this, it involves his own people, but Yang Ming still can't make a quick killer. It is enough to properly beat and warn.

"I will ask you to deal with Tian Long, no problem?" Yang Ming asked.

"No." Yue Yue entered the pain and replied quickly.

"The specific plan, I have not thought about it. However, in front of Tian Long, don't let him know that we have met." Yang Ming will step on the foot of the face into the side: "Otherwise, the consequences of you I can imagine it myself."

Yu Yuejin made a nap. For Yang Ming, a professional killer, he is hard to prevent! Just like in the company, the security system is very strict, not only is there a person on duty at the entrance of the building, but also in the security room, there is also monitoring of the entire building.

Although I don't know how Yang Ming came up, but Yang Ming can come up once, can also come up for the second time, eager to enter the choice? In the current situation, only the right to vote for Yang Ming can be exchanged for a life.

The security monitoring of the Xianren Building is actually very strict. If it is not Yang Ming's ability, it is impossible to safely avoid the monitoring of each camera.

Unless the security of the duty room and the security room is killed. But Yang Ming did not come to kill this time, but to use the enthusiasm to do something.

Now, before he has yet to determine whether the Sun family has a life threat, Yang Ming still dare not act rashly, but Yang Ming does not mind creating trouble and guilt for Tian Long. You can play this role.

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