So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1237: Mysterious black man (below)

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-seven chapter mysterious black man (below)

"I understand." Yan Yuejin assured: "I know how to be light and heavy, not to make fun of my own life."

"I will contact you by phone." Yang Ming will jump into the ground and throw it in his boss's chair: "Now call your security room and tell them I am going from your office. Let them not act rashly, otherwise I don't mind killing individuals."

"Ah?" I jumped into the embarrassment, and my heart was inexplicable. Are the people in the security room still alive? In other words, Yang Ming has escaped the surveillance of the security room and went upstairs.

The monitoring system of the security room, as the chairman of the company, is very clear. This is the kind of switching system. That is to say, no matter where he enters the building, Yang Ming cannot be completely photographed by the camera! But now, there is no movement in the security room, but it also proves that Yang Ming did it, and it did.

Although I don't know how he did it. Yang Ming asked himself to call the security room. Perhaps he wanted to show himself his shadowless skills, or he might not want to show that skill again.

Yue Yuejin was very obedient and dialed the phone in the security room downstairs. The phone was answered and answered. It seems that there is nothing wrong with his guess. When Yang Ming came up, there was no one who moved the security room.

"Where is the security room? I am eager to enter!" Yan Yuejin said to the phone.

"Hey, hello! What do you need to order?" On the phone in the security room, there was a clear and steady male voice.

"Is there anything wrong with the company?" asked Yue Dongjin as if nothing had happened.

"No, everything is well, please don't worry!" said the security guard on duty.

The heart of Yue Yuejin stunned a bit, and sure enough, they didn’t notice anything about Yang Ming’s coming up. Looking at Yang Ming with Yu Guang, I found that Yang Ming was smiling at herself. Obviously, Yang Ming also guessed the meaning of his casual questioning.

Yang Ming naturally knows what Yang Yuejin thinks, but Yang Ming did not poke him, but let him ask, and only then, his heart can be more fearful of himself.

"For a while, my friend wants to go back. He is in my office. You can help me to inform the security guard on duty at the door and reception desk, and let him help open the door." Yue Yuejin said.

"Okay, no problem, hey!" The security guard did not have any doubts.

Yang Ming nodded with satisfaction, and under the gaze of Yue Yuejin, he swayed out of the office. Yang Ming is not afraid of rushing into the police, the activities he does, the alarm will only make him die worse, and Yang Ming can completely deny it. For the killer, nothing is mentioned.

Therefore, Yang Ming does not mind being photographed by the surveillance video. He has already confessed his identity with Yu Yuejin, and there is no need to cover it up.

The security guard at the door was very cooperative. Seeing that Yang Ming had gone down the building, he did not ask more questions. He directly opened the door of the company and sent Yang Ming out of the hospitality.

This is the chairman of the board, Yue Yuejin personally confessed, they dare to ask more?

After leaving the Xianren Building, Yang Ming did not stop, directly went to the BMW car parked on the side of the road, and returned to the direction of Songjiang. It’s already midnight. I don’t know if Chen Mengyu has a rest, but I should go back and see them.

When Yang Meng went to see Yang Ming, he breathed a sigh of relief. The whole person was drained, and he was unable to breathe. Too scary! He was the first time he was hit by a killer!

Yu Yuejin swears that he will no longer have to gossip and never touch the killer industry again! This time, I can save my life. It is pure luck. After a few breaths, I was awakened by the pain in my chest. I quickly dialed the phone in the secretary's office and shouted at it: "Come to my office!"

The secretary was less than the high who was calling with his girlfriend. He was shocked and jumped into the air. He hurriedly hanged up and ran over. He was shocked when he entered the door! The sighs are full of blood, and there are footprints on the face, so that the eyes are smaller than the eyes: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Hurry and call, call an ambulance! Send me to the hospital!" For the injury on the body, Yue Yue is also very relieved. Since Yang Ming is still useful for him, it is impossible to die. That is to say, there is no life danger for himself.

"Oh, okay!" Nodded less than a panic, quickly picked up the phone on the desk, dialed the emergency phone number of the hospital, and ordered an ambulance.

After doing all this, I was less concerned than asking: "Hey, what's wrong with you? Is the company robbery?"

"It's not about your business, don't ask more." He didn't dare to talk casually. Now he still has half a life. He doesn't want to lose his life because his mouth doesn't hide.

"Oh..." is less than the injury that cares about Yue Yuejin, but he doesn't dare to say anything more. He just asks: "Is that an alarm?"

“No!” Yue Yuejin said harshly: “Do not talk to others about this matter!”

Shortly after Yang Ming left, a black shadow appeared in front of the main entrance of the Xianren Building and knocked on the door.

"Who? What?" The security guard in the building just sent away Yang Ming. It didn't take long for someone to knock on the door, so I didn't dare to neglect and asked quickly.

"The things of our boss are in the building, let me come back and take it." The black man said to the security guard on duty at the entrance of the building.

"Your boss is..." the security guard asked.

"That is the one who just went out, you are your total friend." The black man said.

"Oh, that's it!" The security guard heard that this person was the friend of the former general friend. The attitude suddenly became much better. He quickly opened the door of the building and let the black man come in: "Please come in. !"

"Thank you, I am going back soon." After the black man finished, he walked into the building. After entering the building, the black man smiled strangely. He did not go straight upstairs, but walked in the direction of the security room.

The security guards at the door were also not guarded. Naturally, they did not pay attention to where the black people came after they came in. They still went back to the mail room and looked at the newspaper.

Although the security guard in the security room saw the black man entering the building from the surveillance video, he was put in by the security guard on duty at the door, so the security guards in the security room did not care. Just seeing him coming to the security room, it was a little strange.

The door of the security room was pushed open, and the black hole's muzzle was aimed at the security guards on duty in the security room. When they had not responded to the situation, everyone had a blood hole in the eyebrows.

After the black man killed the security guard in the security room, he put the pistol back into the bag and quickly removed the hard disk from several monitoring devices. The skill was like a professional thief.

After putting the hard disk into the bag, the black man went out of the security room, gently closed the door of the security room, and swayed into the elevator and went up to the 36th floor.

The speed of the elevator is naturally much faster than walking the stairs. After the black man came out of the elevator, he went straight to the direction of the chairman's office and walked over.

The door that plunged into the office was not locked, but was open. Yu Yuejin was lying on the boss's chair with his hand on his chest, while the secretary was less anxiously standing aside.

The black man stepped into the door of the office and took out the pistol. Two shots were fiercely shot. The two blood holes appeared on the head of the leaping and the smaller.

The black man is obviously very confident in his own shooting method. After the shooting, he did not check whether the target was killed. After the gun was closed, he did not look at the two bodies in the house, but quickly I plunged into the chandelier of the office, took off a bug, put in my own bag, and then left the office without going back.

The whole movement was done in one go, without any hesitation and pause.

Take the elevator downstairs and walk to the mail room at the entrance of the first floor building.

"Get something good? I will open the door for you!" The security guard saw the black man down the stairs and warmly picked up the keyboard.

"Hey." A muffled sound, the security guard looked incredulously in front of the black man, and did not know when he had a black pistol. He is not blind.

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