So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1238: Means of framed (on)

The means of framed in the first thousand two hundred and thirty-eighth chapters (on)

The black man reached out and picked up the keyboard, opened the door of the fairy building, and quickly disappeared into the night. He is quick and quick, and there is no trace of muddy water.

If Yang Ming is present, Yang Ming will be surprised that this person's action is really skillful! I am afraid that few people can do so well.

Not long after the black man disappeared, another figure sneaked into the fairy building.

Wang Kejin this time, is to end the life of Yue Yuejin, Yang Ming did not kill and leap forward, this point Wang Kejin hides in the darkness of the side to see clearly.

Yang Mingshi was sent to the Xianren Building by the security guards. That is to say, Yang Ming could not make a move to the enthusiasm. After he rushed into the hands, it was impossible to kill the security of the Xianren Building.

Let the security guards see Yang Ming’s appearance, then what is certain is that Yang Ming is not afraid of him seeing it, nor is he afraid of him remembering it. It can be seen that Yang Ming definitely did not kill and leap forward, perhaps just teaching him a meal.

However, Yang Ming did not kill and leap forward, but Wang Kejin must kill him! For the first time, the butterfly family lost faith in people. Although there are reasons for this, it must not allow this thing to spread in the industry. As a result, the reputation of the butterfly family is over!

The butterfly family's current status, above one million people, the king of the killer can not be surpassed, in addition to the existence of the king of the killer, the butterfly family has been detached from any organization in the industry.

Therefore, staring at the butterfly family, there are many killer organizations that want to surpass the butterfly family. Although it is unlikely that they will go out and say that they are going out, he is not a killer. He is not afraid of 10,000, but he is afraid of it. The news said that the butterfly family had bitten the trustee's reputation, and the reputation of the butterfly family fell to the bottom.

Wang Kejin is determined not to let this matter leave a trace of trouble, so Yue Yuejin must die for him! Otherwise, Wang Kejin became a sinner of the family.

Wang Kejin is not the same as Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu. He was a completely cold-blooded killer. He was adopted by the butterfly family since childhood, and concentrated training. In his eyes, only the command to kill and obey the peak, so the life of Yue Yuejin is completely indifferent in Wang Kejin's eyes.

Wang Kejin thought that Yang Ming would do it for himself. When he saw Yang Ming’s light hand, Wang Kejin secretly groaned and asked himself that he could not do this. In particular, after Wang Kejin received the news, he inspected the Xianren Building during the day.

The camera inside is placed in the switch, and there is a general understanding. After Yang Ming entered the building, the security room did not respond, which meant that Yang Ming successfully escaped the surveillance camera and went to the chairman's office on the 36th floor!

How Yang Ming did it, Wang Kejin couldn't think of it, but one thing is certain, it is also unknown whether his master's tombstone will appear.

Seeing that Yang Ming did not kill and leap forward, Wang Kejin was slightly disappointed. He was about to act on his own, but he saw a black man who walked quickly to the Xianren Building. Wang Kejin did not know what this guy was doing. He could only hold his own. Steps, once again hit the darkness before.

The black man and the security guard of the Xianren Building negotiated a few words, and the security guard of the building opened the door and let him in. Wang Kejin was too far away to hear what the two men said. He also doesn't have the power of Yang Ming's farsightedness. Even if he can read lip language, he can't see it clearly.

Wang Kejin wrinkled. He didn't know who the black man was. He didn't know what he was doing at this time. Wang Kejin could now break into the fairy building and kill the black people, but he couldn't eat black. Whether the clothing is still in the vicinity of the clothing, but also the true identity of the black man, so Wang Kejin did not act rashly.

He can only wait for the black man to leave after the fairy building, and then make a decision.

However, the black man is obviously coming and going. Less than twenty minutes into the building, I hurried out of the door of the Xianren Building, quickly got on a roadside motorcycle and left.

What makes Wang Kejin doubt is that when the black man came out of the fairy building, he opened the door himself, and no security guard wanted to send it. When he left, no one went to lock the door of the fairy building!

This is impossible to explain the problem. Wang Kejin’s heart is slightly tight. After the black man leaves, Wang Kejin turns off the camera that has been photographed at the entrance of the fairy building and put it into the handbag.

As a killer, Wang Kejin will take surveillance cameras such as cameras and cameras for each mission, and will be placed at the location where the target is often seen, to monitor the living habits of the target.

Therefore, this time at the entrance of the Xianren Building, Wang Kejin also habitually placed the camera in the direction of the entrance of the Xianren Building for videography.

Fortunately, I have this habit. Wang Kejin is somewhat grateful. After going back, I will enlarge the video and let the master’s tombstone see if I know the black man in the video.

At the beginning of the year, Wang Kejin had replaced his camera with a 1080p full HD device, which means that you can see some details more clearly, and I don't think there will be too much distortion after zooming in.

After collecting the camera, Wang Kejin quickly ran to the direction of the Xianren Building. He had to figure out as soon as possible, after the black man went to the Xianren Building, what happened in the building.

When Wang Kejin entered the Xianren Building, a pungent **** smell came. The killer is extremely sensitive to the **** smell, so when Wang Kejin enters the door, he has already noticed that something is wrong.

Looking sideways to the side of the transceiver room, Wang Kejin suddenly frowned! Originally in the eyebrows of the security guards on duty in the mail room, there was a blood hole, and the blood had flowed along his head everywhere...

The security of the transceiver room is dead. No wonder that when the black man came out, no one wanted to send it... It turned out to be killed! So, which side of the black man is it? This made Wang Kejin suddenly confused.

Yang Ming did not kill and leap forward, so it is even more impossible to send people to kill and leap forward after he left. There is no need to do so much. Therefore, Yang Ming’s suspicion was directly ruled out by Wang Kejin. Then, not Yang Ming, who is it? Is it eager to enter your own enemy?

Wang Kejin was confused. Is this too coincidental?

Since the security guard at the door was dead, and there was no reaction at the security room... Then, that is... I thought of it, Wang Kejin hurriedly ran toward the security room.

The door of the security room was open. Before the door of the security room, the smell of blood fluttered again. This made Wang Kejin’s guess become a fact, and the security guard in the security room was also killed.

Stepping into the security room and looking inside, sure enough, the security guards were all in the pool of blood. According to Wang Kejin's visual observation, several people had no signs of life and apparently died.

Wang Kejin shook his head. The black man’s shooting method was really good. Not only was it fast and accurate, but the security of these security guards was all a shot. Although Wang Kejin could do this, Wang Kejin was a butterfly family. Among the third generation of disciples, the most outstanding existence!

After looking at the monitoring device, it is not surprising that the hard disk used for recording has been removed, obviously it was done by the black man before, because Yang Ming had no need to remove the hard disk.

When Yang Ming left the Xianren Building, it was sent by the security guard at the door. That is to say, the security guard had already seen Yang Ming’s appearance. Yang Ming’s removal of the hard disk did not help.

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