So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1238: Means of framed (below)

The means of framed in the first thousand two hundred and thirty-eighth chapters (below)

Wang Kejin shook his head and stepped out of the security room... However, before he left the security room, Wang Kejin’s gaze suddenly stopped at a file cabinet at the door.

Wang Kejin took out the lily key that he carried with him from his backpack and opened the file cabinet.

Seeing the things inside, Wang Kejin smiled slightly. Wang Kejin remembers the words that the instructor once said, that is, as a killer, be careful and be careful!

The killer and the theft group are different. After the theft group is arrested, it will not be convicted of death, but the killer is different. After the killer is caught, it is a crime of death.

So in this way, the killer must be careful and careful. To perform tasks in a monitored area, you must remove the hard disk from the monitoring room computer afterwards. And beware, there is still a data backup device in the monitoring room!

In places like the Xianren Building, in order to prevent accidents, there is usually a data backup computer! Because the computer hard disk that is monitored in real time is in a state of constant reading and recording, the head of the hard disk is working at full capacity all the time, which reduces the service life of the hard disk.

In other words, the hard drive may break at any time. In order to prevent this kind of accident, the company responsible for installing the surveillance video will usually set up a data backup machine. That is to say, at regular intervals, the monitoring machine will transfer the data to the backup machine for backup.

In this way, even if the hard disk in the monitoring machine is broken, and there is still backup data in the backup machine, the monitored data cannot be found after the problem occurs.

The former black man, although savvy, obviously did not think of this. In fact, few companies in the country will adopt this approach, and it is normal for black people to not notice.

However, when Wang Kejin is running the world, he must be premature in any situation. He is used to nature. Every time Wang Kejin removes the monitoring host hard disk from the monitoring room, he will re-examine the other positions of the monitoring room. Used as a host for data backup.

In general, the host used for backup will not be too far away from the monitor, and it may be placed aside. The backup machine of the Xianren Building is indeed on the side, but it is placed in the cabinet next to it.

The former black man apparently ignored this point. He did not expect to have a backup machine in the file cabinet. The reason why Wang Kejin noticed this file cabinet is actually for a reason.

Before, Wang Kejin had seen a similar thing in a foreign company, this is not a file cabinet! It's a computer cabinet, just like the file cabinet.

If it wasn't for Wang Kejin's previous mission, he accidentally discovered the secret, and I am afraid it will suffer. Therefore, this time Wang Kejin saw a similar filing cabinet in the Xianren Building, and he must open it to see what happened.

Sure enough, there is a backup machine! Wang Kejin carefully disconnected the power of the machine, then took the case apart, took the hard disk inside and put it into his own bag.

Wang Kejin left the security room of the Xianren Building. In fact, it is not very important to go upstairs. Since the black man has killed the security of the mail room and the security guards in the security room, then the hope of survival is almost It is zero.

However, in order to be on the safe side, Wang Kejin decided to go upstairs and take a look. On the elevator, I quickly came to the front of the chairman's office on the 36th floor.

The **** smell that can't be concealed also proves Wang Kejin's guess. Looking into the inside, Yue Yuejin is already dead, and there is a young man next to him. It seems that the follow-up is not the secret driver. character……

After Wang Kejin took photos with the camera, he quickly left the Xianren Building. Although he did not know where the characters would be rushed to kill, but since someone had done it, Wang Kejin was relieved.

Whoever kills does not matter, the key is to kill people. After leaping into death, some things will die without a testimony.

Estimated that the police should also come, Wang Kejin quickly left the Xianren Building, and returned to Songjiang to return to the master's tombstone.

Shortly after Yang Ming entered the Jingsong Expressway, a Buick commercial vehicle also drove from the Jingshan toll station to the Jingsong Expressway and headed for Songjiang.

Driving in the car is a young man in his thirties. His face is a bit pale, apparently the result of long-term lack of daylight.

"How? Smooth?" The young man asked... Oh, he should be called a young military division.

"It's very smooth." The thin man who is called the boss is a black man who has just entered the door of the fairy building: "But it is only a piece of chess, and it doesn't matter if you kill him!"

“Is the surveillance video taken?” The young military officer did not answer the question of the black man, just asked.

"Get it." The black man clicked, but the tone was a little unhappy. Although the two are cooperative, the young military must rely on himself if he wants to do something. Although he can make suggestions, he has never succeeded from beginning to end.

"Oh, don't blame me for not telling you, because things are too sudden, I just made a preliminary plan in my mind, and now I have some eyebrows." Young military commander said: "I let you kill It’s natural to have a reason, not just because I’m afraid of Yang Ming’s policy against him!

After Yang Ming went, threatening and threatening him, he can naturally achieve the goal of retaliating, but this has no effect on us! Because even if he was tempted to rebel, he was nothing more than Tian Long. Tian Long is of little use to us.

It seems that Qu Daming and Liu Shui will short-sell the funds of Yang Ming Company, but they have not hurt Yang Ming. Because of the timely discovery of the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu, there is not much to the credibility of the company. influences.

And let Tian Long kidnap Yang Ming, I did not have hope from beginning to end, because it is not realistic. How can Yang Ming’s skill be easily caught?

Therefore, Tian Long is just a piece of chess that we are confusing Yang Ming and distracted from Yang Ming. The real post-attack has not yet come out! However, now there is a golden opportunity to be in front of you!

After I straighten my mind, I feel that this method is still very feasible! ”

“What opportunity?” Hearing that the young military officer explained this, the black man was quite comfortable, but still did not understand what the young military commander pointed out: “What does this have to do with killing Yue Yue?”

“The Immortal Building is the landmark building of Jingshan, and the Xianren Group is also the largest enterprise in Jingshan. You said that their chairman is eager to die, what will the police in Jingshan do?” asked the young military officer.

"Of course, it is to solve the case as soon as possible... but you can rest assured that my modus operandi... oh!" The black man smiled twice at his own weight: "The one that was done, one did not stay, even if someone saw me, it was It’s this human skin mask!”

On the black man's face, he always wears a human skin mask, which is said to be a high-tech product that fits according to the person's original face and automatically generates a new face.

The young military sergeant was still awed by the black man, so he did not dare to ask him about the human skin mask.

"Of course I am not afraid of what you will leave to the police!" The young military officer waved his hand: "I mean, before going to death, Yang Ming went to the fairy building..."

"You mean this surveillance video..." The black man was not stupid. After listening to the young military officer, he immediately thought about what he was going to do...

"Nothing wrong!" The young military officer sneered two times: "With this evidence, Yang Ming is not afraid of death. Even if he is not a murderer, he must be arrested as a suspect. One to two, we will make some means to let him die. It’s not difficult in the detention center... You know, the prisoners in the prison are the buddies I used to...”

"Good means!" The black man listened and said: "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Before, there are a lot of things I have to confirm in person, for example, the location of the surveillance camera, and some details!" The young military officer said: "Monitor video, can not stay in the monitoring machine of the fairy building, you must kill That paragraph is removed, that is, it must be edited by us, so that the authenticity of the video time will be suspected!"

"On the screen of the surveillance video, is there any display of the time? How can it be suspected?" asked the man in black.

"After the video we edited, it is not difficult to put time and date on it. So, the evidence produced by this will definitely be suspected by the police, and it will not be able to frame Yang Ming!" The young military division explained.

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