So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1239: Yang Ming, save me (below)

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-nine chapters Yang Ming, save me (below)

When Yang Ming returned to Songjiang, it was already a little over one o'clock in the morning. At this moment, if he returned to the Chinese business district, it would affect Chen Mengqi and others to rest. I promised Xiao Qing to go to her, and I could not achieve it because of many accidents.

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and decided to go back to the school dormitory and stay for one night. I don't know how Tian Donghua is doing, Yang Ming has made several phone calls afterwards, and the message that is still being turned off is still heard.

Because Yang Ming has passed the school pass, so no matter how many nights, he can drive into the school campus.

At one o'clock in the morning, most of the students have already entered the dreamland. On the campus of Nuoda, in addition to several graduate bedroom buildings, there are a few lights on the floor. The rest are dark, and only the bathroom in each bedroom is bright. .

Under the dim light, Yang Ming slowly drove the car. Although it was still cold in the early spring, who can guarantee that there are not so few passionate men and women in this school, playing field games on campus?

It’s not good to have an accidental pressure on the individual.

On the small road to the dormitory area, suddenly Yang Ming saw a figure not far from the front, and was moving forward quickly, and judging from the back, this is a girl, and she is familiar with her body.

The girl may be afraid of the night, did not dare to walk on the side of the road, but walked in the middle of the road. Although the security in the school is very good, but who can guarantee that no one has stepped in from the wall, or is it lurking in the campus during the day, and the sorcerer who is murdering at night?

Didn't Hou Zhenzhen rush to the school to rob? Therefore, Yang Ming can understand the mood of the girl at the moment. I want to press the car horn and let her let it go, but Yang Ming’s hand just put it on the whistle and loosened it.

At this moment, the night is quiet. On the campus, there is no sound at all. If Yang Ming whistle, it may awaken many students who have already entered their dreams. Yang Ming didn't want to do this kind of ugly thing. He thought that Qi Zhide and Xie Wenjin were mad at the school, and they were all repaired by Yang Ming. Yang Ming naturally could not do similar things.

Thinking of these two scums, Yang Ming remembered the sinking rain, the girl who worked as a waiter in the night, didn't know how to recover at the moment, whether he could stand up and walk.

Although Qi Zhide, Xie Wenjin, and Liu Zhaojun all received the punishment they deserved, the punishment could not make up for the harm caused to the girl.

Yang Ming sighed slightly, and he had heard a lot about Shen Yuxi. This time, Yang Ming did not deliberately deny the words in the night.

Now, including the violent San Li, even think that Shen Yuxi and his Yang Ming have some unclear ambiguous relationships, let alone other people in the night?

Therefore, with this layer of relationship, people who go to the hospital to see the raindrops are endless, and even many of them do not belong to the night. Those who belong to the famous entertainment side are carrying gifts to see the rain.

Yang Ming did not explain and deny the root cause. In fact, he also wanted to get more care from Shen Yuxi. Maybe she would be happy. As for those gossips, Shen Yuxi does not care, Yang Ming refused to deny it?

Although he returned to Songjiang, Yang Ming has not yet visited, but violent San Li has already reported to him the recent situation of Shen Yuxi.

Thinking about these past events, Yang Ming slowly followed the girl behind him. Since there is no way to surpass it, he can't whistle. Yang Ming only followed her, and then she waited after she entered the female bed in front.

Jing Xiaoyu was busy with the work at hand. When she saw the watch, it was already more than 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. She did not expect to be busy for so long.

This afternoon, Jing Xiaoying was in class at the school. She received a call from the department's leader and told her that the company had an accident. The two vice presidents fled and sinned. Chairman Hou Zhenyu and general manager Guo Jianchao would hold a general staff meeting to let Jing Xiaoyu Be sure to participate.

In fact, Jing Xiaoyu can give Hou Zhenhua a phone call, and the department leaders also know the relationship between Jing Xiaoyu. However, the reason why he called Jing Xiaoyu was nothing more than a situation, because Guo Jianchao’s original words were to inform the outside business, or leave, at three o'clock in the afternoon, all in the company meeting room!

Jing Xiaoyu had already been relaxed and free in the company through Yang Ming’s relationship. He only went to the company when there was no course, and he could go back to school at other times. Therefore, the company had something, Jing Xiaoyu was not willing to engage in special, so he hurriedly took time off with the school teacher and stopped a taxi to rush to the company meeting.

The company has such a big thing, the first thing the company's top management has to do is to stabilize the people's minds. Only the employees in the company are not chaotic, and the things will end beautifully.

However, most of the employees know the background of the famous entertainment, so they are not worried about the company's accident. In their view, the two vice presidents who escaped will be caught sooner or later.

After the meeting, all departments checked and filled out the statements. This should have been done at the end of each year, but it was mentioned now. Therefore, all departments are busy with the chickens and dogs, and Jing Xiaoyu naturally Joined in.

Although she has a special relationship, she does not want to be independent. When others work, she is lazy. She will not do this kind of thing. Although others will not say anything, but the heart must be uncomfortable.

But now, she also works with everyone, and others feel that Jing Xiaozhen is really good from the bottom of her heart. Although she has a relationship with the boss, she is approachable.

Jing Xiaoying now gives everyone the impression that she is so often, she often goes back to class, and no one is goingssip about it. Instead, she feels that this little girl is hardworking.

After the completion of the complete work, it was already twelve o'clock after watching the watch. Jing Xiaoyu secretly complained that the dormitory should have locked the door long ago. Going back at this time, can you knock on the door of the bedroom building?

Rejecting the proposal of a colleague to gather together, Jing Xiaoyan stopped a taxi and hurried back to school. Because the taxi is not allowed to enter the school campus, Jing Xiaoyu got off the bus from the school gate and walked in the direction of the dormitory.

Before I had to walk, Jing Xiaoyu felt two rays of light coming from behind. Like the lights, Jing Xiaoyu quickly stepped up and instinctively moved to the side of the road, trying to let the car pass by.

Yang Ming, although he also saw Jing Xiaoyu’s move, but this road is very narrow and belongs to the single lane. Yang Ming’s car is already wide, so Jing Xiaoyu’s side is not balanced, but Yang Ming is not. If you dare to go beyond the chaos, if you scrape Jing Xiaoyu, you will lose more than it. Anyway, Yang Ming is not in a hurry.

Jing Xiaoyan let himself, but he did not see the car behind him, but the car behind, did not whistle, so he did not hesitate to follow Jing Xiaoyu!

Jing Xiaoyu’s heart was suddenly tightened. She had heard of many nights of robbery, and Yang Ming’s current driving speed was more suspicious. Can Jing Xiaozhen not be afraid?

Especially in the evening, Yang Ming drove the lights. Even if Jing Xiaoyu turned back, she couldn’t see the model, license plate and the person sitting in the driver's seat. So, after Yang Ming followed her for a long time, Jing Xiaoyu finally collapsed.

"Ah-!" Jing Xiaoyan screamed.

The fierce voice was particularly harsh on the quiet campus. Yang Ming naturally heard the shouts of Jing Xiaoyu. He subconsciously stopped the car and jumped open the door.

And Jing Xiaoyan, heard the sound of the car opening the door behind him, even more afraid, the head does not go back and run!

Before Jing Xiaoxuan turned back, Yang Ming had already recognized Jing Xiaoyu. He was wondering why Jing Xiaoyu was still wandering around the school. Before he could open the window, Jing Xiaoyu shouted inexplicably and rushed forward. This made Yang Ming feel less confused and didn't know what happened to her.

However, Yang Ming still pursued subconsciously.

Jing Xiaoyu heard the footsteps behind him, and knew that the people in the car jumped and chased her. The heart was even more afraid. The heart jumped out of the throat and ran forward without a fate.

Just helpless Jing Xiaoyu was not good at sprinting and running. Although Yang Ming was running behind, but she was getting closer and closer, Jing Xiaoying was crying, how could she be so unlucky...

I thought of all the things that were caught, were light, insulted, and killed... Jing Xiaoyu was going to collapse, knowing that he could not run behind, and when he was desperate, he shouted involuntarily: "Yang Ming, save me." ————”

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