So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1240: Proud and proud (on)

The first thousand two hundred and forty chapters are proud of it (on)

In the most critical moments, people often think of the people who can best protect themselves. When I was young, I thought of my parents. After I was an adult, I thought of my partner.

Jing Xiaoying of the girlhood, the nature that comes to mind is the object of love in the heart, and Yang Ming does have enough strength to protect her. When he encountered danger several times, Yang Ming helped to resolve it.

Therefore, naturally, Jing Xiaoyu named Yang Ming: "Yang Ming - save me -"

Yang Ming, who was chasing after Jing Xiaoxuan, did not know what kind of trouble Jing Xiaoyu had encountered. She did not know why she suddenly ran and ran. At this time, she heard Jing Xiaoyu calling for help, and shouted Yang Ming’s name. Yang Ming could not help but A little glimpse!

Yang Ming did not know how Jing Xiaoyu recognized himself. He had to know that Jing Xiaoqi had never looked back. Yang Ming was somewhat inexplicable. Could it be said that Jing Xiaoyu also had the ability to see 360 ​​degrees of full-view ability?

Yang Ming didn't know what happened to Jing Xiaoyu. He accelerated his footsteps. He caught up with Jing Xiaoyu in three steps and two steps and took her arm. I thought it would give her enough security, but I didn't expect Jing Jing. The reaction is even more intense!

"Let me go - help! - Yang Ming, come on you--" Jing Xiaoyu desperately wants to open Yang Ming to grab her arm and scream loudly.

Yang Ming listened to the cry of Jing Xiaolu. It was a bit of a dumbfounding, and my heart was coming. I am coming, do you still call me? And I grab your arm, you still told me to let go of you, how is it inconsistent? Isn't Jing Xiaoyu's spirit out of order?

"Jing Xiaoying, what do you do? You told me to save you, and told me to let go of you, what the **** is going on?" Yang Ming couldn't help but ask.

"Hey?" Jing Xiaoyu's screams, after Yang Ming's voice fell, stopped abruptly, turned to God, looked at Yang Ming with an incredulous look: "How is you?"

"What is it like me? You are not calling me?" Yang Ming was confused by Jing Xiaoyu's words.

Jing Xiaoyu looked at Yang Ming and looked at the car that could not be seen in the distance. Suddenly, it seemed that he had made a mistake. He thought that Yang Ming was a trailing robber, and he actually called Yang Ming to save her. Big.

"Just you drive behind me and follow me?" Jing Xiaoyan asked with a look.

"Yeah, I didn't recognize you at first, seeing you go slowly, this road is narrow, I am afraid that I will not overtake if I meet you," Yang Ming said.

"Then why don't you honk?" Jing Xiaoyu did not expect to make such a big oolong, some blush.

"This night is quiet, honking, is not to quarrel the people in the school? So there is no public morality, so I did not press." Yang Ming spread the stallion and said: "Are you misunderstood something?"

"Yeah, it’s too late, you are behind someone, I thought you were a bad person, naturally afraid!" Jing Xiaoyu said with some grievances: "So black, I can't see clearly..."

Yang Ming sweats, no wonder Jing Xiaoying looked at the back and ran away. Yang Ming thought that Jing Xiaoyu had encountered other troubles. He recognized his car and then called for help. But he did not expect that Jing Xiaoyu I am treating myself as a bad person.

And thinking of Jing Xiaoyu actually calling for help, Yang Ming is really a little crying and laughing: "Then you still call for help to me? You think that I am a superman, you can appear when you shout..."

"People are subconscious!" Jing Xiaoying's face was slightly red, and the feeling of blushing heartbeat was never before. I don't know why, when I saw Yang Ming, Jing Xiaoyu's heart was not nervous, but when he couldn't see it, he would miss it again.

The former boyfriend also changed a lot, but Jing Xiaoyu just regarded them as a free worker or a free cash machine that can be driven, and never really liked anyone.

Yang Ming is very clear about Jing Xiaoxuan's thoughts. The last time Jing Xiaoyu asked her to support her, and then she took her to accompany her to go shopping. How could Yang Ming not know that Jing Xiaoyu had his thoughts on him?

However, Yang Ming only believes that Jing Xiaoying’s idea is not love, but a kind of admiration for the strong. Jing Xiaoying, a girl who has been mixed in society for so many years, in order to protect herself from harm, Jing Xiaolu has exhausted her whole body. The strength of her strength has made her all the hard work. She is tired and tired. When a person who can really protect her appears in front of her, Jing Xiaoying will subconsciously want to regard this person as her dependence, even at the expense of her name. Be kept.

However, this is a matter of love and love. It is just a kind of instinct that the weak seeks to rely on. Yang Ming did not think about taking advantage of Jing Xiaoyu. Although Jing Xiaoying, who has unloaded heavy makeup, is very patient, there is still no one in the eyebrows. It’s very attractive to be charming, but Yang Ming doesn’t want to do any kind of stallion. Now the harem has made him feel overwhelmed, so Yang Ming will not think about what happened with Jing Xiaoying.

Today, after listening to Jing Xiaoxuan's words, Yang Mingcai suddenly discovered that Jing Xiaoyu seems to have really thought about himself. Only in this way, Jing Xiaoyu will involuntarily call out Yang Ming's name in a dangerous situation.

With this analysis, Yang Ming can also get an idea of ​​Jing Xiaoyu's thoughts, but what about understanding? Yang Ming can only pretend that he does not know. Women who are with themselves, which have an unusual coincidence, are not simply for greed, but Yang Ming is not the kind of pure desire man.

"Dare to love you really treat me as Superman and Altman." Yang Ming shrugged and changed the subject: "How come back so late?"

"The company has something wrong. There are two vice presidents who have fled with money. All of our departments are in an emergency account and calculate the deficit..." Jing Xiaoyu did not conceal Yang Ming, and she came through Yang Mingjin. Second, she is very clear that Yang Ming should be the actual behind-the-scenes controller of the company: "You should already know it?"

Yang Ming nodded. "I went to the company in the morning. It turned out that you went to check the account."

"Yeah, I have to die for me." Jing Xiaoyu lazily stretched out and said: "How, don't bother me?"

"I? Do you want to work? Where is this? What is the relationship with me?" Yang Ming listened to Jing Xiaoyu's words suddenly inexplicable.

"I work for your company, of course you are doing it for me!" Jing Xiaoyi said proudly.

"..." Yang Ming was speechless. This Jing Xiaoying could really borrow the slopes. This can be linked together. He was about to say something, but he heard a violent drink, and then a few glare shots came over.

"Not allowed! We are the campus security office!"

Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu are at the same time, how is the campus security office coming at this time? Yang Ming is nothing, Jing Xiaoyu can be a little annoyed, this campus security staff have nothing to eat, right? The big night ran to the school and turned around.

It’s not easy, and Yang Ming’s chance of being alone in the campus on a night is so devastating that it’s so disappointing! Although it is an encounter, but girls naturally like fantasy and romance, although the current season has not yet blossomed, but it is also the month!

"What are you doing!" Jing Xiao screamed.

"We just heard someone calling for help, is it you?" asked the person at the campus security office.

"It's me... but now there is nothing..." Jing Xiaoyu heard that these people were attracted by their own cry for help, and the gas disappeared. Anyway, people came to themselves: "My boyfriend and I It’s awkward, quarreling, I’m sorry...”

Yang Ming listened to Jing Xiaoyu's explanation, and was so angry and funny, but at this time, I explained that it would be more troublesome, and I would have to explain it to these security guards. Therefore, Yang Ming did not want to explain it, but just took a look at Jing Xiaoyu.

However, Jing Xiaoyu was proud and did not care about Yang Ming’s eyes.

"Boyfriend? Are you awkward? Are you all from this school?" The people at the campus security office glanced at the BMW car parked by Yang Ming, and asked suspiciously.

Jing Xiaoyu is a student dressed up, Yang Ming is driving a BMW, but some are not like students. In particular, after Yang Ming’s experience in Vietnam and Africa, he became more mature and stable, and indeed did not have the previous book angry.

"Yeah, I am from the art department, and I live in the dormitory building over there." After explaining it, Jing Xiaoyu pointed to Yang Mingdao: "He is a computer department!"

"The student card is taken out and I will see it." The people in the campus security office obviously still have some little belief. After all, this is deep in the middle of the night, and the bedroom door is locked. At this time, it is not sick to run out to fall in love.

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