So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1240: Proud and proud (below)

The first thousand two hundred and forty chapters are proud of it (below)

If it is summer, there is still a feeling of excuses. When the people in the campus security office patrol the summer night, they don’t have seen the students who played the field. Although they feel that something is wrong, they are also blind. . It’s just that the climate in the early spring is still very cold. At this time, the object is being used outside. Isn’t this a crime?

And Yang Ming is still driving a BMW, coming to the school, will not be a social student to come to the school to find a student girl? Although there is no objection to the love school for couples in the students, the school will not allow the social staff to come to the school to help the students.

These are two concepts, one is free love, the other is illegal.

Jing Xiaoyu took out the student ID card from the bag and handed it to the person at the campus security office. The person at the security office turned over and looked at it. After confirming that Jing Xiaoyu was indeed a student of the school art department, he ordered the student card to be returned. Jing Xiaoyu, and Yang Mingdao: "Your student card?"

"" Yang Ming Khan, his student ID card is placed in the villa of the Chinese business community, because I have just gone to Africa before, can not carry the student ID with me? After returning, I did not return to the villa, and naturally did not carry a student ID card.

"You are not a student at the school?" Seeing that Yang Ming does not have a student ID card, the people at the campus security office are more suspicious of Yang Ming’s identity.

"Wait... I have written my identity behind the pass on my car!" Yang Ming suddenly remembered that his pass on the car had his own class information!

"Show it to us." The person at the campus security office nodded to Yang Ming, and the information on the pass was OK. The student’s pass is not as easy as the faculty.

The faculty’s pass may not require the owner and the faculty member to apply for a pass to be a person, and their spouses and relatives may also. However, the student's vehicle pass is very strict. It must be a motor vehicle registered in the name of the student to apply for a vehicle pass. This is to prevent students from using their own identity to handle the pass for the social personnel.

Therefore, Yang Ming is able to present the information on the pass, and the campus security office is also recognized.

Yang Ming took the pass and handed it over to the people at the campus security office.

The person at the campus security office glanced at the registration information behind the pass and saw that it was registered in the name of the student. He looked at the photos of Yang Ming’s driver’s license and verified the identity of Yang Ming. He nodded and would nod. The pass was returned to Yang Ming.

However, when the pass was handed back to Yang Ming’s hands, the pass was split from the middle and became two passes! It turned out that the two passes were stacked together for a long time and stuck together.

"Hey?" The defending person stunned and found the following one, which was also a campus vehicle pass, and the car number above was the same one. It was suddenly a fake, but I thought it was fake, but I saw the above anti-counterfeiting. The logo is there, I can't help but wonder: "Where did this come from? How come you have two?"

Yang Ming just remembered this, one of them was Liu Weishan's help, because last year's pass was Liu Weishan's help to Zhang Bin's car, the purpose is to be able to enter and leave the family area and Lan Ling together, this year, also by the way I have done one for myself.

However, while Liu Weishan gave Yang Ming a job, Yang Ming himself also applied for a student ID card. Yang Ming also put two passports together and then forgot it. Now it is suddenly remembered.

"This one is what I did for me. He is a professor at the school." Yang Ming explained quickly.

The person at the security office looked at the information behind the other pass and found that the sponsor was really a person at the school and was a celebrity! Actually, the vice president Liu Weishan suddenly became shocked and no longer doubted. He returned the two passes to Yang Ming and said, "Sorry, I have delayed your time..."

"Nothing." Yang Ming waved his hand and said: "You are also responsible!"

"However, now the bedroom is locked, you must not enter, or think about how to rest for a while." The person at the security office knows the identity of Yang Ming, and naturally speaks with anger, thinking for Yang Ming. Road: "Or, there are rooms in our security office, will you pack one out?"

He subconsciously determined that Jing Xiaoying was Yang Ming’s girlfriend, and since they went out to school after they went out for a date, they apparently did not open the room outside, otherwise they would definitely not return to school so late.

Without opening the house, it proves that Yang Ming has not succeeded. The security guards are also young people. Naturally, they know the ideas of young students and couples, so he also wants to create a chance to give Yang Ming a defeat.

In fact, the security guard also knows that in the capacity of Yang Ming, it is natural to knock on the bedroom door, and this is also to create an opportunity for Yang Ming.

Yang Ming is not suspicious of it. His bedroom building belongs to the graduate apartment. At night, the door is not locked and the electricity is constantly on, but the dormitory of other undergraduates is not like this. Jing Xiaoyu’s dormitory now seems to have locked the door. There is nothing wrong with the security reminder.

"Ah? I have locked the door..." Although Jing Xiaoyu was somewhat disappointed on the surface, but her heart has already been happy, wouldn't it be possible to have a room with Yang Ming in a while?

"Yeah, it must be locked now." The security firm nodded firmly: "You can only live in the security building or find a hotel..."

Yang Ming can go to the door, but he can't leave himself alone. Let Jing Xiaoyu, a girl, go to the security building herself, and be with a group of big men. How can Jing Xiaojun dare to go?

And let Jing Xiaoyi go out to find a hotel to live, it seems that they can not say it, people are good to work for their company before they come back late! Thinking of this, Yang Ming sighed with helplessness and looked at Jing Xiaowei: "What do you say?"

The security guard’s question to Yang Ming is really speechless! Is this still a man? Seeing that he is very handsome in driving a luxury car, how can he not know how to pick up a girl? At this time, you should take the initiative to lie to the hotel in half a push, and then ask the girl's opinion, how can people say it?

Indeed, although Jing Xiaoyu is very eager to be with Yang Ming, but now in front of so many security guards, she is really not very funny. If you are alone with Yang Ming, Jing Xiaoyu is not afraid of anything, think of what to say, not to chase it, fear what!

"Security room, live is not used to it ..." But Jing Xiaolu is snow and ice smart, in a word, also disguised to express his own ideas, but also retain a reserved, not let others look down.

"Then stay at the hotel." Yang Ming naturally felt that it was not very good to throw Jing Xiaoyu himself into the security room, so Yang Ming decided to help Jing Xiaoyu find a hotel, give her a settled, and then go back to the school dormitory.

Under the gaze of security guards, Yang Ming carried Jing Xiaoyu out of school.

"Hey, what is your big cognac? How do you get a 180-degree turn when you look at the security guard?" Jing Xiaoyu asked on the bus as soon as he got on the bus.

"What big turn, where, you don't always look at other people with colored glasses." Yang Ming gave her a look: "I am Liu Weishan."

Jing Xiaoyu blinked his eyes: "Why didn't you? He also helped you to come to me, I want to help you make a chance to go to bed with me, don't think I can't see it!"

Yang Ming Khan, after listening to Jing Xiaoyu’s words, almost did not pull the steering wheel down and widened his eyes: “When did he help me to soak you? Not to mention uploading...”

"Why didn't you?" Jing Xiaoyi proudly said: "In the school, although every night, the dormitory will lock the door, but it is not absolutely impossible to knock on. You think, in case there is an emergency, how can Don't open the door?"

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