So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1245: Confidante (on)

The first thousand two hundred and forty-five chapters of the confidante (on)

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, Jing Xiao’s heart could not help but jerk. Yang Ming wants to tell his own things? Doesn't that mean that Yang Ming sees her as a very important person?

Although Jing Xiaoxuan also understands very well, most of the time Yang Ming regards her as a friend who can confide... or closer to say that she is a confidante.

From the relationship of that level, there is still a sky that has not crossed.

Yang Ming’s question, let Jing Xiaolu do not know how to answer. She naturally wants to listen to Yang Ming's story, but she is a smart woman. She also understands the truth. The more she knows, the closer she looks to Yang Ming, but it is not the relationship between men and women. The men and women who are too familiar can't do it with men and women. The final result is a good-natured confidant.

Although there is also the possibility that the confidante will be upgraded to the red face, there are similar examples, but there are few and far between. Jing Xiaoyu played drums in his heart and didn't know how to choose. Subconsciously, she wants to go further with Yang Ming, but she is subconscious, but she does not want to lose the passion between men and women because the relationship between the two is more familiar.

Therefore, Jing Xiaoyu hesitated.

At this time, Yang Ming naturally couldn’t think so much like Jing Xiaoying. Looking at Jing Xiaoyu’s stunned, Yang Ming was very strange: “Xiao Xiao, what happened to you?”

Yang Ming rarely called Jing Xiaoyu's name, let alone called her "small scorpion". Jing Xiaoyu was somewhat flattered and his tongue didn't listen. He said directly, "Okay, let me listen to it..."

Then, you'll regret Jing Xiaolu only wanted to hit himself, so how sloppy it? At least to analyze the probability of upgrading from a confidante to a red face?

But the words have already been said, Jing Xiaoyan can not repent, and then repent, Yang Ming will definitely feel that she is inexplicable neuropathy.

"How do you say... Oh, maybe, you can't think of it. When I was in junior high school and high school, I was similar to you. It was also a little punk who didn't learn anything. I thought it was awesome..." Yang Ming decided to start from the beginning. Start. For a long time, I didn’t talk to anyone. Yang Ming also felt awkward in his heart.

However, the woman around me, apart from Sun Jie, really has no more people to say. With Chen Mengzhen’s integrity, how could she accept that she is a killer and murder and arson?

Lin Yuyun's character is relatively weak, and Yang Ming and the impossible to say these things make her worry. As for Zhou Jiajia, although Yang Ming’s relationship with her can’t be said to be respectful, but when she meets, she is also talking about feelings and doing some small tricks. How can I have time to talk about my past? Even if it is serious, it is also a technical thing.

Similarly, for Xiao Qing, although she knows that Yang Ming has the ability to do things, but she does not know that Yang Ming is a killer, Yang Ming can tell her, but Xiao Qing seems to be too busy, this time Every time she looks for her, she is in the lab, and Yang Ming does not want to bother her to do business.

As for Wang Xiaoxuan, the two people are unaware of the fact that Yang Ming has always maintained a strong and wise posture in front of her. Yang Ming has developed a habit of doing everything, and Wang Xiaoyu said this? Yang Ming, a man who is more masculine, will not do it.

And Jing Xiaoyu, naturally there is no conflict of interest, and her life experience is similar to Yang Ming. However, this is also a coincidence. If Yang Ming thought so much in the car, he would not be filled with emotions, and he would not want to find someone to talk about.

Jing Xiaoyu happened to be at his side. Yang Ming had no choice but to speak with Jing Xiaoyu. On the one hand, Yang Ming also determined that Jing Xiaoyu would never sell himself, but she was not afraid of her kindly selling or going to the police for sale. For this, Yang Ming can completely deny it. Today there is no third person present, Yang Ming said It is entirely possible not to accept the account afterwards.

Yang Ming’s betrayal is to ventilate the boss behind the scenes! Tell your speculation to the boss behind the scenes, so that you are in a weak position. However, Jing Xiaoyu cannot be the person sent by the boss, nor can he know the boss.

What's more, Yang Ming understands Jing Xiao's thoughts. Although Yang Ming does not have the kind of thoughts about Jing Xiaoyu, it is also a good choice for two people to be better friends. This is the result that both of them can accept now.

“嗄——!” Hearing that Yang Ming actually had this glorious history, Jing Xiaoyu’s surprised Zhang’s mouth was: “It turns out that you used to be like this! Then you said me!”

"Who is not young and frivolous? But they are all in college, you are still like this, I naturally want to say you." Yang Ming remembered the previous things, but also some memories.

"I am two years younger than you, okay?" Jing Xiao snorted: "You are all twenty, I am only eighteen, you can't let me know things for two years?"

The actual age of Jing Xiaoying, Yang Ming also heard Ge Xinyao said, but at that time, Ge Xinyao just mentioned that Yang Ming did not pay attention. Now, listening to Jing Xiaoyu, he suddenly realized that the actual age of Jing Xiaoying was so small.

"Well, let you know some things in the future." Yang Ming smiled indifferently and continued: "Later, in high school, I met Chen Mengyu... She is an honest, kind-hearted girl, I can test Going to college, she also has credit for her..."

Although Yang Ming knows that he is admitted to the university, it is the merit of the power, but Chen Mengxi and Zhao Ying's tireless counseling has indeed enabled Yang Ming to learn a lot of true knowledge! Not just the knowledge that can be gained by cheating.

Jing Xiaoyan extended his ears and listened carefully to Yang Ming's words. Among them, there were Yang Ming and Chen Mengxi's acquaintances. Jing Xiaoyu was naturally willing to listen. He also wanted to know how Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu knew each other. Body.

"However, I and Chen Mengqi walked very close, but attracted the dissatisfaction of another classmate in Chen Mengyu's admiration..." Yang Ming said here, some self-deprecating sighed: "The young conceited, why not things are not The problem, the result is on his trap..."

Yang Ming will be fooled by Wang Zhitao to his hotel at home, how was he got the medicine, unwittingly made a foolish thing, was arrested by the police station... and how accidentally was sold by Lin Shuyun...

Jing Xiaoyu listened to thrilling. I didn't expect Yang Ming to experience such a twist when he was in high school. Before, Jing Xiao envy Lin Yunyun and Chen Mengyu, but did not know that there was such a moving and tangled story between them.

This is definitely not envied by myself. The feelings established by Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu in the special years before the college entrance examination and the emotional entanglement with Lin Shuyun are absolutely impossible to copy.

This is what I always want to imitate and imitate. Jing Xiaoyu can only bless them silently, wishing Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun.

"It turns out that you have experienced so many things!" Jing Xiaoyu sighed: "I really envy you! This kind of feeling is the strongest. No wonder you like them so much... But the guy named Wang Zhitao is really bad. Through, he did not get any punishment later? Is that all right?"

"Later, naturally, I was punished! But before that, he was condemned..." Yang Ming suddenly thought of a very interesting thing, about the summer camp after the college entrance examination, between Chen Afu and Wang Zhitao. thing……

"What is it!" Jing Xiaoyu is obviously interested in the end of this evil wicked wicked.

"After the college entrance examination, we held a summer camp in our class. There is a guy named Chen Afu in our class... He has some distorted feelings in his heart. He likes to be a ghost to scare people... So..." Yang Ming scared Chen Afu with a ghost. Wang Zhitao, who caused him not to mention, said to Jing Xiaoyu.

Although Jing Xiaoying is still a virgin, she is naturally not so pure in thought. After all, the people I used to contact are all small gangsters. So, listening to Yang Ming’s words, I can understand the meaning of it. I suddenly laughed and died, and my tears came out: No, he was scared by his own minions?"

"So, this person has done more evil, naturally there is a retribution." Yang Ming smiled.

"But, after him? What happened after that?" Jing Xiaoyu shot his head and suddenly said: "Right, I remember, did he also take the test of our Songjiang Engineering University? Then it disappeared for no reason. This is called Wang Zhitao. People?"

"Have you heard of him?" Yang Ming was a little surprised.

"Of course, don't you know? The gossip on campus is very fast!" Jing Xiaoyu nodded. "I started to learn this semester. I have a student named Wang. The home is Songjiang. A very famous big group, but because of smuggling, was completely squandered, the family was arrested, and the student of the surname Wang disappeared, I am afraid it is running away!"

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