So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1245: Confidante (below)

The first thousand two hundred and forty-five chapters of the confidante (below)

Jing Xiaoyu naturally won't know that Wang Zhitao has already hanged up. These hidden things, Yang Ming will not say. What Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu said has already omitted the details of killing people.

"Yes, Wangshi Century Xiongfeng Group, a group that is prominent in Songjiang," Yang Ming said with emotion: "The result is suddenly...hehe..."

"Well? When you said this Wangshi Century Xiongfeng Group, I remembered it. The predecessor of our company seems to be it?" Jing Xiaoyu suddenly asked.

"Oh, you know?" Yang Ming did not conceal this. He let Hou Zhenduo and Violent Sanli get the Wang family's industry from Guo Jianchao's hands. Although the means are somewhat despicable, they are legitimate and let people pick No problem.

"So, the downfall of the Wang family has something to do with you?" Jing Xiaoyan was clever and snowy, and naturally saw something unusual from this clue, and asked with wide eyes.

"This is another story. It's about Zhou Jiajia..." Yang Ming sighed, how could Zhou Jiajia go to the bottom of the Wang family, how to get the key evidence of Wang's smuggling, and how to block these things for himself, say to Jing Xiaoyu.

"Ah!" Jing Xiaoyu heard Zhou Jiajia blocking the gun for Yang Ming, and her heart was a glimpse. Originally, her impression of Zhou Jiajia was completely deliberately made, but she did not have any special views on Zhou Jiajia. However, after listening to Yang Ming’s words, Jing Xiaoyu really wants to look at Zhou Jiajia’s eyes. Such a weak girl actually stopped the gun for Yang Ming at the crucial moment! How much courage and determination it takes!

Moreover, Yang Ming also misunderstood her at the time, and the two people may not be able to be together. Zhou Jiajia was so determined, and Yang Ming blocked the shot.

Fortunately, the fierceness is good, the day is pitiful, Zhou Jiajia finally woke up, and the lover will eventually become a genus!

"However, you are really willing to call Zhou Jiajia to go to the Wang family to take risks. In case she is Wang Zhitao..." = Jing Xiaoyu said half of it, suddenly laughed: "Hey? Wang Zhitao has been scared not a man... hahahaha... ”

Yang Ming said this to Jing Xiaoyu. On the one hand, he also wants to tell Jing Xiaolu that although he has more than one girlfriend, he is not the kind of person who sees one love. There is an unusual difference between himself and these girls. The story is not the simple encounter, coveting their beauty.

These are also paving the way for things to be said in the future. These are already shocking enough, but the things that follow are obviously more thrilling. Yang Ming also wants Jing Xiaoyu to have a mental preparation.

"The next thing I want to say is another clue, which happened to me, but it has nothing to do with Wang Zhitao." Yang Ming and other Jing Xiaoyu laughed and continued.

"Oh?" Jing Xiaoying is just in the body. Yang Ming’s story is like a movie. Even more than a movie and TV drama, Jing Xiaoying is fascinated. He has already become fascinated and even forgot the movie he is watching. Immersed in Yang Ming’s past: "Well, you can tell me."

"My other identity is a killer." Yang Ming said here, paused and said: "Do you believe it?"

"What! Killer?" Jing Xiao stunned, and some incredulously looked at Yang Ming. Intuitively, Jing Xiaoyan felt that Yang Ming would not lie to her, but the killer was a very distant concept. It was too far from real life. .

"I have seen a film of Jet Li, the king of the killer?" Yang Ming gave an example.

"Ah! Of course I have seen it!" Jing Xiaoyu nodded and said with amazement: "Really, there is a killer? This world?"

"Everything in the industry is not created out of thin air. Since there is such a profession, there are naturally real killers." Yang Ming explained: "But in the movie, it is just a description of the killer world."

"Is this just a fur?" Jing Xiaoyi said: "Are you not the same kind of heroes? Punish evil?"

"Each killer does not have the principle of every killer." Yang Ming said: "Not all killers will punish evil, and many of them will also take the money to assassinate some good people. However, there are some killers. However, he has his own choices for the task of execution, that is, only killing people who he thinks are bad or dead.

However, a regular killer group will not pick the task, because it has already formed a scale, so there are often many innocent people in the object of their assassination.

But the independent killer has his own judgment. He can choose his own task... just like me. ”

"Would you kill the bad guys?" Jing Xiaoyu was a little excited. Her heart always thought that Yang Ming was a good person. If Yang Ming is also good and evil, she will be very disappointed.

"I...have not been a disciple." Yang Ming concealed Jing Xiaoyu. He didn't want to tell Jing Xiaoyu to kill himself. This is not good for Jing Xiaoying's heart, so he left some room for his speech.

"It turns out!" Jing Xiaoyan patted the chest and said: "I said, otherwise you should go around the world, I will not see your figure!"

"The reason why I can be a killer is that there is an unusual story." Yang Ming said: "This should also be from high school, when I entered the detention center..."

Said, Yang Ming put himself into the detention center, how to know the process of Fang Tian and Dong Jun, said to Jing Xiaoyu listening, originally only to help the poor old man, but did not expect the old man to have another layer of identity.

Because Yang Ming also wants Jing Xiao to help him with his own reference, so he went out of the detention center and quarreled with Chen Mengxi, and went to Yunnan with Zhang Bin.

Of course, it also includes the process of knowing Blue Ling and going to gambling together. However, Yang Ming counts the credit of gambling on the sixth sense of Lan Ling. After that, Yang Ming detailed the jade disappeared into the bag of Blue Ling, and said it again to the process of disappearance.

In order to let Jing Xiaolu have a clear concept, Yang Ming naturally told the Jingling of the blue Ling family's grievances and intricate relationships, so that she has a general concept.

Killer, sorcerer! These are the things that Jing Xiaoyu has grown so long and have not heard of. Today, she has been exposed to so many unknown things, which makes her both excited and amazed.

However, she did not doubt the authenticity of the words Yang Ming said, because Jing Xiaoyan felt that Yang Ming would definitely not lie to her.

After Yang Ming said this, he later introduced the jade, and Chen Afu’s arrest, and he and the right elders also said to Jing Xiaoyu.

"So, that right elder thinks that you and Lan Ling will bring trouble to him, so he stole the jade and blamed it for Lan Ling. The purpose is to make you mistakenly think that it is Blue Ling. So far away from the blue Ling?" Jing Xiaoyu said that he felt that the possibility was not great. He shot his head and said: "No, at that time, you did not show that you are very powerful. How can the right elder beware of you? What? Does he have a deliberate function that predicts? Can you foresee that you are going to destroy his future plans?"

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