So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1246: The identity of the young military division (on)

The identity of the young military division of the first thousand two hundred and forty-six chapters (on)

Alice knocked on the door of the treasure chest, but her eyes glanced back at her, and saw that no suspicious people followed, and then let go of her heart. At this moment, Victoria is still accepting the cross-examination of the waiter downstairs, and naturally has not kept up.

"Who?" There was a hoarse voice in the box.

"It's me, Alice," Alice replied.

"Please come in." The man with a hoarse voice heard Alice's voice outside the door, and said: "The door is not locked."

"Thank you." Alice smiled at the waiter next to her and said, "You can leave."

"Okay, what do you need to call us at any time." The waiter knew that Alice was squatting. It is not surprising that most of the guests came to the coffee shop to talk about business and not to wait for the waiter to be present. It is also normal, so the waiter did not feel that something was wrong. What's more, the people in this box have already ordered a few expensive drinks.

Alice pushed the door and went in, but she saw her brother sitting with another stranger in his thirties. Although my brother took the mask, Alice recognized him at a glance. This mask Alice has seen, but my brother will not bring it with me alone.

Today, my brother wears a mask. This means that my brother doesn't want to show people in the true face. It must be because he doesn't want the 30-year-old man in front of him to see his true looks.

My brother introduced himself to this person today. This also indirectly explained that this brother is still very trusting, but only because of his care, his brother wore a mask.

"Brother." As soon as Alice entered the door, she fell into the arms of a man in black: "I miss you!"

"Well, how big, how childish?" The black man smiled helplessly: "There are others here, don't make people laugh."

After that, the black man touched Alice's hair lovingly, his eyes filled with care, and he was not as cold as usual. However, in this care, he saw his helplessness. For his own righteousness, he had to let his youngest sister, who was the most loved one, join his own plan and battle.

Although Alice is willing, the black man understands that Alice does not want to live this kind of life. She only wants to live a quiet life, but only helps her brother for the brotherhood.

Alice listened to the man in black and jumped out. Some embarrassed smiled at the 30-year-old man.

"Alice, go and lock the door of the box!" The black man regained his usual cold expression and told Alice.

"Yes." Alice walked quickly to the door of the box, locked the box, and then returned to the table, sitting in the opposite position of the man in black and the man in his thirties.

"Alice, tell you about it." The black man made a gesture to the man around the age of thirty: "This is Mr. Huang, who is working with me recently. He is very good at conspiracy, we have common goals and The enemy, that is to kill Yang Ming."

"Hello, Miss Alice, I am a good person, I am very glad to meet you." The young military officer of about 30 years old stood up and reached out with a decent hand. He shook hands with Alice and introduced himself.

"Hello, Mr. Huang, I am very glad to meet you!" Alice heard that her brother was very respectful of this person, so he was very enthusiastic about his attitude.

Not bad! This young military division is Wang Xifan’s former secretary and dog head military officer Huang Youcai! The reason why Huang Youcai hated Yang Ming is because he wants to avenge Wang Xifan and Wang Zhitao!

At that time, Wang Zhitao and Wang Xue colluded to kill Yang Ming at sea. Huang Youcai knew this thing. However, Huang Youcai tried to block Wang Zhitao. After all, this is a very dangerous thing. Let’s not say Yang. Ming’s skill is very good. This is what Huang Youcai has seen. Just saying Wang Xue’s boyfriend Tian Donghua may not help Wang Xue to deal with Yang Ming, so Huang Youcai persuaded Wang Zhitao not to take risks. Everything has to be considered and left in Qingshan. Not afraid of not burning wood, there are some opportunities for revenge, and they are not in a hurry.

However, Wang Zhitao’s body was flawed, and his heart was also distorted. Although he was persuaded by Huang Youcai on the surface, he actually did not listen to it!

Finally, when Huang Huang was talented to go out and purchase the necessities of life, Huang Youcai was contacted with Wang Xue and conspired for a maritime conspiracy. But unfortunately failed.

When Huang Youcai saw Wang Zhitao’s message to himself, he knew that things were already late, but Wang Zhitao had already acted. Huang Youcai was helpless and could only wait for Wang Zhitao to return.

However, after Wang Zhitao left this time, he never returned. After waiting for a few days, Huang Youcai was completely desperate. Knowing that Wang Zhitao must be a fierce and a little, I am afraid that he has already died.

In desperation, Huang Youcai turned to the black man and decided to avenge Wang Xifan and Wang Zhitao!

Although Huang Youcai is a small punk, but he knows the Entu newspaper! At that time, Huang Youcai was only a small gangster, because he had some small cleverness and gambling, but because of the hidden secrets, no one found that Huang Youcai’s life was very moist.

However, when I was conspired with a friend to hang a Kay in the south, I was caught by the bodyguard of Kay, who came from the south, and caught Huang Youcai and Huang Youcai’s friends on the spot.

At this time, Huang Youcai knew that he really offended the offended man! This boss from the South, what is the ordinary Kay? It’s a smuggling predator, it’s coming here to pick up the goods! How can such a person be guilty of his ability to offend?

So Huang Youcai and his friend were killed by the help of the southern boss. His friend did not hold on and was killed alive!

Although Huang Youcai has been arrested from the moment he has a mortal consciousness, because these smugglers, who is good? There must be someone on the hand, so there is no need to kill one or two people. However, I saw my companion dying in front of myself and was killed alive. Huang Youcai was timid!

Looking at the same head of his companion blood hyacinth, Huang Youcai almost did not spit it out. Fortunately, at this time, the boss who was doing business with the southern boss arrived, and the southern boss waved his hand and stopped his bodyguard from continuing to beat Huang Youcai.

This local boss is naturally Wang Xifan. Wang Xifan saw Huang Youcai, who was beaten very badly, so he asked a few words at random. The southern boss naturally said that Huang had a gambling gambling.

Wang Xifan listened to the boss of the South saying that Huang Youcai’s fraudulent gambling technique was quite fresh. He felt that this Huang was a talented person, so he said to the southern boss: “This person is very interesting. How about handing it to me?”

Originally, Huang Youcai was not an important figure. For the boss of the South, it was worthless. Since Wang Xifan opened this mouth, the boss of the South naturally did not agree, and he promised it.

The cooperation between the two sides was very pleasant. The southern boss was full of rewards. Wang Xifan also sent Huang Youcai to the hospital. This feeling of escape from the dead makes Huang Youcai feel like a rebirth. The gratitude to Wang Xifan is not a little bit.

After Huang Youcai was discharged from the hospital, Wang Xifan talked to him and thought that he was a useful talent, so he left him as a secretary. Huang Youcai was grateful for the zero, but he also knows about the Entu newspaper. In the past few years, he has been planning for Wang Xifan and has done a lot of things for Wang Xifan.

Huang Youcai’s life was saved by Wang Xifan. Huang Youcai’s nature of Wang Xifan’s loyalty is nothing to say.

This is also the reason why Huang Youcai took the initiative to ask for blasphemy before Wang Xifan’s accident. It’s just that Wang Xifan did not agree, because Huang Youcai was only a secretary, and he couldn’t sin, and eventually he rushed in, so he asked Huang Youcai to take care of Wang Zhitao.

Huang Youcai did not bear the heavy burden, shouldered the responsibility of taking care of Wang Zhitao, but he was not careful, but Wang Zhitao was killed by Huang Quan, which made Huang Youcai remorse and angry! How can he be worthy of Wang Xifan who has been sentenced to death?

Therefore, Huang Youcai vowed to kill Yang Ming and revenge for Wang Zhitao and Wang Xifan! It happens that this black man is his own like-minded person, and Huang Youcai colluded with the black man with his ingenuity and wisdom.

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